QUOTE (Barrister @ Aug 5 2009, 11:14 AM)
Swear on your children;s lives that what you wrote is truthful. Cleary being investigated by the DOL.....yea....riiiiiiggggghhhhtttttt
Barrister, the TRUTH wont make Cleardirect smile. Another attempt at smear. Yes, the DOL is conducting an investigation. Yes, they interviewed Cleary in CLT. Here the rest of the story.
Remember David Schoppaul, the "goat guy?" He's the one who wrote the anti-USAPA You-Tube piece with the goats, or were they sheep? Dave wasnt allowed to run for USAPA president the 1st vote last April. He went to the USAPA Appeals Board and they ruled he could run, despite his rhetoric to destroy our union. So he ran against Cleary in the rerun and lost 1800+ to 180. After losing, Schoppaul filed complaint with DOL. This was DOL's investigation.
Schoppaul has no case. DOL investigator just doing her job, filling in the squares. Why no case? DOL rules require 2 elements to substantiate a violation. 1) wrongdoing 2) outcome determinative. The first is a joke. The 2nd? Schoppaul lost by over 10 to 1!
Complaint filed has to be investigated, even if no merit. This is a non-issue. Don't take my word for it or our legal counsel. We went to John Heaney, 25-year OLMS investigator for the DOL. He now advises for Ballot Point to keep unions from making election mistakes.
All pitchers are liars or crybabies. Yogi Berra