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US Pilot Labor Thread 10/19-10/26

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Allegheny-Mohawk Merger LPP
I say use it write it in to law and be done with it

I hope that was sarcasm, since it's already the law. It just doesn't apply to this merger since it occured prior to the law.

It is very interesting that the recent posters, who are on here to toot their horn, because they know this is a popular thread. Some folks that are not involved in this situation and continue to post, do not have much going on in their life. Opinion's are needed, riding the coattails of others to hear themselves talk is sad and unproductive.

Those with social skills, that are not fully developed, would call them losers.
As others have said before - when you pay the bills you can set the rules.

Until then, nobody is forcing anyone to read any posts. There's also the ignore feature for those whom are so easily distracted from discussing "serious business" 🙄

Could I have a lid for my Frosty, please....

There are a few people that pay the bills in this country, they should not be able to make the rules for the rest.

Short sighted, arrogant statement.
Some posters are ignored, although they are not on someones ignore feature of this message board.
Just a little history - ALPA didn't have a merger policy prior to deregulation since the CAB directed how mergers were handled (like the famous Allegheny/Mohawk LPP's). Only with deregulation, when the CAB ceased having a role, did ALPA develop a merger policy, and it was never straight DOH as far as I recall (and I became an ALPA member in 1979, the year after deregulation happened). I'll freely admit that I no longer have the original ALPA C&B/L's that I was given as an apprentice member, though, so can't look it up to see if my memory is correct.

ALPA never had a straight DOH policy. The policy did have language to the effect that the starting point, or basis, for merging lists shall be date-of-hire, but then it added similar language to modify that start point using language similar to what is still there now, i.e. preserve jobs, avoid windfalls, etc.

I don't have the original any more either, but I think the modifications done in the 1990's simply removed the foundation (DOH) and left the modification language as a pseudo-policy. And with the foundation gone, you get results like Nicolau.

ALL OF THE ABOVE have a vested interest is what transpires with Pilot negotiations.
It's called Freedom of Speach so get over yourself


You are a higher up, in the FFOCUS organization, that used your freedom of speech to tell passengers not to book on Us Airways a few months ago. This impotent attempt at extortion and using the audience of employees and passengers on this board, was in my opinion, self serving.

You claim to have a vested interest with this airline, yet you are telling people to refuse to ride on it. Confusing.

FFOCUS articles, click

Another poster on this page is also heavily involved in your organization.

ALL OF THE ABOVE have a vested interest is what transpires with Pilot negotiations. Therefore they have earned the right to comment. Notwithstanding your admonishments to the contrary. You may also take note that despite Obama the Constitution has not been repealed as of yet, so ANYONE for any reason is free to post whether you or I like it or not.

It's called Freedom of Speach so get over yourself

I'm not sure this is the appropriate thread to be discussing the Constitution. But since you brought it up - the only reason it has not been repealed as of yet - is because Cheney/Bush won't have a third term to finish it off.

And I never heard of Freedom of Speach🙂
LOL neither did I!!!! Let's face it, if I got paid for spelling or typing I'd starve to death.

I'm not a Bush basher like many here but I do wholeheartedly agree that the Patriot Act is an afront to every Freedom Loving Citizen.

However an equally dangerous law is the RICO Act and IIRC that one was the Democrats doing.

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing. No matter who we vote for or what we believe we must be allowed to freely express ourselve else Freedom and Liberty will cease to exist.

As for the advice to not fly, it's the same as a stirke. Witholding our high yield revenue is no different than pilots witholding their services to gain negotiating leverage. Not a dificult concept to grasp.

You are obviously alluding to some other, fictional pilot group. Amen to the rest of your post.
I have been happily gone for many months, yet when I stopped by and found BoeingBoy's refreshingly cogent and civilized discourse on such a volatile subject, I thought I had typed in the wrong website. I would hope that those in a position to affect change are taking some of his comments and reasoning to heart. He has deftly separated the tribalism from the core issue and shown us that the high road does, in some cases, lead somewhere.

Thanks for the clarity.
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