I just don't understand this (EAST) pilot group at all.
You have a union that is spending money like crazy. Look at the LM-2 for USAPA. They have spent $1.8M on Seham, mostly on something he could never deliver, and frankly I am not impressed with this guy. He has played USAPA for his own benefit, and will continue to rake it in, until this pilot group decides they have had enough.
USAPA is racking up hotel bills for board meetings that are in the mid tens of thousands of dollars. I expect the union to have expenses, but why do they need to go to Hyatt, Hilton's and such. Can't the work get done at a Holiday Inn Express? Now they want 85 hours plus extra for a stipend? Come on, I thought this was a pilot's union. They are acting just like ALPA. While we are eating Sabarros in the terminal, I am sure they are expensing steak dinners. I have no faith in Cleary and company anymore and I will not support USAPA.
Educate yourself and look at the LM-2 they filed and ask yourself if these guys are really performing a useful service. I don't think so. We have E190 FO's that qualify for food stamps, a union that wants us to donate to a fund to help them, yet we have pilots that want to shoot down a contract for the sake of the Nic. A little contradictory. Give me a break already. Face it. It's time to move on and act as one pilot group and hopefully be in position when the economy turns the corner. Otherwise we have no reason to moan about LOA93 and why we continue to live off it.
The Nic is in place, it will not get overturned because there are so many smoking guns here its not even funny. It will not even get changed in BK (gosh forbid we go there). USAPA will have no leverage what-so-ever in BK proceedings, and the BK judge will not touch the injunction because it has no play in reorganization with creditors, and its an injunction involving RLA rights.
Also, the company is now on record that the Nic is Nic, and they want a single CBA. THEY ARE ON RECORD. It's pointless to keep the crosshairs on the AWA pilots after the company has made such a statement.
So what do I see....another ALPA drive and this time the WEST will probably succeed in getting the 500+
East votes (including me) that they need.
I'm done.
Captain A320