It's shocking how many angles you guys come up with that are 100% meaningless fluff in regards to the real, factual lawsuit. Seham has been admonished time and again for straying into the netherworld of irrelevant, emotionally charged B.S.. and you guys are there on the side lines cheering him on. 🙄 This is about what USAPA did. How USAPA failed in their legally binding obligations. The "members" have zero requirement to be involved, complicit, or supportive of their CBA, in any way other than to toss a few bucks at it. USAPA is clearly, and firmly on the wrong side of the law regardless of how many of you attempt to spin and revise history.
USAPA didn't come to being because ALPA sucked. Even the most casual observer can figure that one out...those spiffy yellow lanyards didn't say, "USAPA, a better choice than ALPA". What did they say again? Oh Yeah,
"Seniority Matters"
A curious first slogan from a fledgling new union that allegedly wasn't formed to evade the nic. award. Think a jury is going to buy that?
Honestly, did you guys under estimate the conviction of the West THAT badly? Did you really think you were going to be allowed to waltz in and "have your way" with anybody you wanted with their full, docile consent? I can't believe a group of adults could have been so myopic and stupid to have believed that. However, shock and disbelief at USAPAs decisions and behavior is nothing new.
I feel compelled to remind you that your side was warned, - in to uncertain terms- in the Youtube videos that they have galvanized the West like nothing ever has and if they wanted a fight on their hands they had best get ready to brawl as this one was going to the mat. However, bad legal advise, arrogance and raw emotion deafened the self appointed and now here we are, just where Seham promised you Wouldn't be. In front of a Judge.
USAPA is nothing but a school yard bully who got punched in the face by the kid whom they tried to intimidate. And just like a bully who gets punched on the playground, USAPA is standing there, frustrated, turning red, eyes welling up with tears, not sure what to do next because at the heart of all bully's lies a simple coward...Cleary, are you Listening?
3.5 weeks and counting. Can't wait.