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Twu=nazi Germany

2003 OK 110
Case Number: 99178
Decided: 12/16/2003


Bob Owens quote. . .
Tell me more about your TWU morals as displayed by people like Dennis Burchette (apparent wife beater, adulterer), Bobby Gless (adulterer) and Kurt Wells (apparent thief).

I make my statements and accusations
with my name on them, you on the other hand make yours from behind an alias. If you are going to make accusations be specific and be a man about it, put your name on it you coward.

It never stops does it AMFA wannabe!! You guys can't go a single post without negative, personal attacks. It is highly offensive that this is the way you choose to approach a debate. You have nothing better to say so you resort to attacking someone who isn't even aware that you are attacking them. Yeah, that's the manly thing to do. If you are going to make accusations why don't you be specific and without doubt as well ("apparent") This kind of behavior just proves that you are highly defensive and have no other arguments to make.

I thought you were a better man than that Bob. You have stooped just like many of your counterparts before you. Kudos!
twuer said:
It never stops does it AMFA wannabe!! You guys can't go a single post without negative, personal attacks. It is highly offensive that this is the way you choose to approach a debate. You have nothing better to say so you resort to attacking someone who isn't even aware that you are attacking them. Yeah, that's the manly thing to do. If you are going to make accusations why don't you be specific and without doubt as well ("apparent") This kind of behavior just proves that you are highly defensive and have no other arguments to make.

I thought you were a better man than that Bob. You have stooped just like many of your counterparts before you. Kudos!
Sure we can. If you read the post you would have seen that statement was in response to CIO's accusation about my morals. So I did not approach the debate as a personal attack or breach the subject of moral behavior, CIO did, but you choose to ignore that.

The fact is I have better things to say thats why I confined that point to one short paragraph, you seem to have not noticed that there was more to that post, and those that preceeded it than the issue of morality.

The reason why I used "apparent" on Wells and Burchette is because I was going by second hand information, I never heard their side of the story from them. To tell the truth Id rather stay with the issues but it seems that the few TWU supporters there are like to go this route, but they do so anonomously, other than Steve Connell, no TWU supporter will come on here and identify themselves. We know for a fact that the International monitors this board, they pay someone over $100,000/year to do it. It stands to reason that more than likely the few TWU supporters that come on here, and dont hesitate to make personal attacks, are International personell. So as is typical of the Sonny Hall regime we have accusations with no one to back it up.
twuer said:
It never stops does it AMFA wannabe!! You guys can't go a single post without negative, personal attacks.

twuer, you attack a person in the same paragraph that you whine about attacking others. Don't you think that is a bit hypocritical or do you believe you are incapable of such a thing? Don't take my question personal, I am simply trying to get a measure on how far out of touch you are. I do realize you have monetary motives to be here just like Cio and are dreading loosing your officer’s pay but, I would think you would be above flaming the membership! Maybe it’s one of those “YOUR OUT OF ORDER BROTHERâ€￾ things you people have come so accustom to using or are you banging your gavel of control over the membership? I didn't want to break this to you but I feel it's my duty to tell you; you are not at the hall where you can call the sergeant of arms and have people thrown out if they are not submissive to your liking!
Rusty said:
twuer, you attack a person in the same paragraph that you whine about attacking others. Don't you think that is a bit hypocritical or do you believe you are incapable of such a thing? Don't take my question personal, I am simply trying to get a measure on how far out of touch you are. I do realize you have monetary motives to be here just like Cio and are dreading loosing your officer’s pay but, I would think you would be above flaming the membership! Maybe it’s one of those “YOUR OUT OF ORDER BROTHERâ€￾ things you people have come so accustom to using or are you banging your gavel of control over the membership? I didn't want to break this to you but I feel it's my duty to tell you; you are not at the hall where you can call the sergeant of arms and have people thrown out if they are not submissive to your liking!

What are you talking about Rusty? I made no personal attack. Bob is an AMFA wannabe, just as you are. Aren't you? Don't you want to be an AMFA dues payer instead of a TWU dues payer? I haven't been on these boards as long as Bob or some of the othere here but let me tell you. . .there are more personal attacks that come from the AMFA boys than anyone on here. . .anywhere. I can't quite figure it out. You can look back at my posts and not once have I made any personal attacks, as like the one Bob did that I quoted. He posts things just to get the pot stirred, not even knowing if they are true (by his own admission). What's the purpose of that Rusty???? There isn't one.

As for any monetary motives, you guys don't have a clue as to who I am. And that's the way I like it. Call it hiding behind an alias if you must. I show up here every once and a while just to get you guys riled up. I've tried debating here with you AMFA boys. But I got sick and tired of the attacks on people. Unsuspecting people. Talk about peoples personal lives, their lives outside of work. I'm all for freedom of speech, but sometimes you can take it too far.

I appreciate the fact that you are disgruntled with the TWU. You and some others are. And you are entitled to your opinions. But there is NO reason to make personal attacks, accusations and he-said-she-said crap. Debate the issues!!
Bob Owens said:
The reason why I used "apparent" on Wells and Burchette is because I was going by second hand information, I never heard their side of the story from them. To tell the truth Id rather stay with the issues but it seems that the few TWU supporters there are like to go this route, but they do so anonomously, other than Steve Connell, no TWU supporter will come on here and identify themselves. We know for a fact that the International monitors this board, they pay someone over $100,000/year to do it. It stands to reason that more than likely the few TWU supporters that come on here, and dont hesitate to make personal attacks, are International personell. So as is typical of the Sonny Hall regime we have accusations with no one to back it up.

And you know it all don't ya' Bob??? You stayed in as long as you could. Then you got busted. Dual unionism Bob. It's that simple. I've been down this road with you and don't really feel like strolling down memory lane. It's the same old song and dance. You and some of the other AMFA boys are on the defensive so you resort to personal attacks and name calling. It's been going on for as long as I've been on here and I'm sure it will continue. Hey, by the way, what happened to RV4 (Dave)? I heard he got kicked off. What was it he got kicked off for??? Just curious. . .

Merry Christmas Bob! 😀 😀 😀
twuer said:
Bob Owens quote. . .
Tell me more about your TWU morals as displayed by people like Dennis Burchette (apparent wife beater, adulterer), Bobby Gless (adulterer) and Kurt Wells (apparent thief).

I make my statements and accusations
with my name on them, you on the other hand make yours from behind an alias. If you are going to make accusations be specific and be a man about it, put your name on it you coward.

It never stops does it AMFA wannabe!! You guys can't go a single post without negative, personal attacks. It is highly offensive that this is the way you choose to approach a debate. You have nothing better to say so you resort to attacking someone who isn't even aware that you are attacking them. Yeah, that's the manly thing to do. If you are going to make accusations why don't you be specific and without doubt as well ("apparent") This kind of behavior just proves that you are highly defensive and have no other arguments to make.

I thought you were a better man than that Bob. You have stooped just like many of your counterparts before you. Kudos!
Hey twuer,

Heres some specifics for you on how most AMFA organizers operate. Conversely, how most twu cowards act when cornered.

Last friday your twu spokesmodel from the the 514, kirk wells, was running his fool mouth in the AFW east seat shop (were he clocks out after his daily waste of UB).

I came to the shop to hear the 514 twu point man tell his lies. He was going on how he arbitrated this case, and the twu was doing this and that to another AMFA supporter. When I heard him say he arbitrated a case, I called him a liar to his face and then made a comment to his face about his past felony conviction. I challenged him front and center, with many witnesses.

To which he responded as predicted, being as he's a "twuer", he called me a liar and denied any of it ever happened.

No POS twu felon challenges my integrity, and I asked Mr. wells to stay right there, and I would be gone just a minute.

We just happen to have this certain case file (OSCN Public Records) concerning Mr. wells' past brushes with the law on hand, just for such occasions. When I returned, kirky decided to try to make a hasty exit like the twu coward that he is. I chased after him asking why he didn't want to talk anymore. I thought he might explain to us "AMFA infidels" why he was a criminal and still speaking for us as a twu official.



Most AMFA organizers I know will not run, because we have what the twu does NOT,

Not everyone is prefect, and I am far from it, but do they teach you twu guys this stuff in some "Sunny Hall's how to be a twu liar and a thief 101?"

It sure kills any hope of the twu staying in at AA.
Post by Hackman. . .

Hey twuer,

Heres some specifics for you on how most AMFA organizers operate. Conversely, how most twu cowards act when cornered.

Last friday your twu spokesmodel from the the 514, kirk wells, was running his fool mouth in the AFW east seat shop (were he clocks out after his daily waste of UB).

I came to the shop to hear the 514 twu point man tell his lies. He was going on how he arbitrated this case, and the twu was doing this and that to another AMFA supporter. When I heard him say he arbitrated a case, I called him a liar to his face and then made a comment to his face about his past felony conviction. I challenged him front and center, with many witnesses.

To which he responded as predicted, being as he's a "twuer", he called me a liar and denied any of it ever happened.

No POS twu felon challenges my integrity, and I asked Mr. wells to stay right there, and I would be gone just a minute.

We just happen to have this certain case file (OSCN Public Records) concerning Mr. wells' past brushes with the law on hand, just for such occasions. When I returned, kirky decided to try to make a hasty exit like the twu coward that he is. I chased after him asking why he didn't want to talk anymore. I thought he might explain to us "AMFA infidels" why he was a criminal and still speaking for us as a twu official.



Most AMFA organizers I know will not run, because we have what the twu does NOT,

Not everyone is prefect, and I am far from it, but do they teach you twu guys this stuff in some "Sunny Hall's how to be a twu liar and a thief 101?"

It sure kills any hope of the twu staying in at AA.

And I rest my case. You guys never cease to amaze me. Was that post suppose to impress me? You guys resort to personal attacks at every given oppurtunity. You just proved me right Hackman!

Your quote. . .
We just happen to have this certain case file (OSCN Public Records) concerning Mr. wells' past brushes with the law on hand, just for such occasions.

Why Hackman? Is that an AMFA strategy??

Another quote. . .
No POS twu felon challenges my integrity

Tough guy! (I bet you looked real cool in front of your buddies, huh??)

Those without sin cast the first stone. . .
Judge not lest ye be judged. . .

Ring a bell???????????????????????????????????????

What else ya' got? You just made yourself and AMFA look bad. Good job![/COLOR]
Bob Owens said:
twuer said:
It never stops does it AMFA wannabe!! You guys can't go a single post without negative, personal attacks. It is highly offensive that this is the way you choose to approach a debate. You have nothing better to say so you resort to attacking someone who isn't even aware that you are attacking them. Yeah, that's the manly thing to do. If you are going to make accusations why don't you be specific and without doubt as well ("apparent") This kind of behavior just proves that you are highly defensive and have no other arguments to make.

I thought you were a better man than that Bob. You have stooped just like many of your counterparts before you. Kudos!
Sure we can. If you read the post you would have seen that statement was in response to CIO's accusation about my morals. So I did not approach the debate as a personal attack or breach the subject of moral behavior, CIO did, but you choose to ignore that.

The fact is I have better things to say thats why I confined that point to one short paragraph, you seem to have not noticed that there was more to that post, and those that preceeded it than the issue of morality.

The reason why I used "apparent" on Wells and Burchette is because I was going by second hand information, I never heard their side of the story from them. To tell the truth Id rather stay with the issues but it seems that the few TWU supporters there are like to go this route, but they do so anonomously, other than Steve Connell, no TWU supporter will come on here and identify themselves. We know for a fact that the International monitors this board, they pay someone over $100,000/year to do it. It stands to reason that more than likely the few TWU supporters that come on here, and dont hesitate to make personal attacks, are International personell. So as is typical of the Sonny Hall regime we have accusations with no one to back it up.

Just dropped by to see how things are going.
I see the debate is escalating and sometimes downright nasty.

Just wanted you to know that we at the ‘Lazy-U’ have completed
our officer elections. We have a ‘First Rate’ Team of dedicated
professionals that are involved and focused.

Good luck on your attempts to educate your peers and
enhance your situation.

Take Care,
twuer said:
Post by Hackman. . .

Hey twuer,

Heres some specifics for you on how most AMFA organizers operate. Conversely, how most twu cowards act when cornered.

Last friday your twu spokesmodel from the the 514, kirk wells, was running his fool mouth in the AFW east seat shop (were he clocks out after his daily waste of UB).

I came to the shop to hear the 514 twu point man tell his lies. He was going on how he arbitrated this case, and the twu was doing this and that to another AMFA supporter. When I heard him say he arbitrated a case, I called him a liar to his face and then made a comment to his face about his past felony conviction. I challenged him front and center, with many witnesses.

To which he responded as predicted, being as he's a "twuer", he called me a liar and denied any of it ever happened.

No POS twu felon challenges my integrity, and I asked Mr. wells to stay right there, and I would be gone just a minute.

We just happen to have this certain case file (OSCN Public Records) concerning Mr. wells' past brushes with the law on hand, just for such occasions. When I returned, kirky decided to try to make a hasty exit like the twu coward that he is. I chased after him asking why he didn't want to talk anymore. I thought he might explain to us "AMFA infidels" why he was a criminal and still speaking for us as a twu official.



Most AMFA organizers I know will not run, because we have what the twu does NOT,

Not everyone is prefect, and I am far from it, but do they teach you twu guys this stuff in some "Sunny Hall's how to be a twu liar and a thief 101?"

It sure kills any hope of the twu staying in at AA.

And I rest my case. You guys never cease to amaze me. Was that post suppose to impress me? You guys resort to personal attacks at every given oppurtunity. You just proved me right Hackman!

Your quote. . .
We just happen to have this certain case file (OSCN Public Records) concerning Mr. wells' past brushes with the law on hand, just for such occasions.

Why Hackman? Is that an AMFA strategy??

Another quote. . .
No POS twu felon challenges my integrity

Tough guy! (I bet you looked real cool in front of your buddies, huh??)

Those without sin cast the first stone. . .
Judge not lest ye be judged. . .

Ring a bell???????????????????????????????????????

What else ya' got? You just made yourself and AMFA look bad. Good job![/COLOR]

I not trying to impress anyone, especially the twu. You twu guys seem to have a selective memory when it comes to "personal attacks" as you call them.

I like to call it credibility. Are the twu and the people in it CREDIBLE? No, they are not.

I used Mr. wells as an example, because he tries to speak as a leader and he is not. The twu and kirk wells are not my union, and will not represent me and my intrests as they have demonstated for the past 20 years .

There are many others along the same lines in the twu leadership ranks.

This is not Babtist bible study twuer. When you put yourself in a position to be called a liar, a theif, a murderer, or whatever... let the truth speak for itself. Its not AMFA's fault your twu leadership is morally lacking.

People want to know about corruption and dishonesty in the twu leadership. We the membership are paying dues for this kind of leadership, and we will not say anything when we get the shaft? Sorry, this isn't Communist Russia, Nazi Germany, or the twu Local 514.

You'll have to go to the Kremlin on Pine St. to contol the debate.

I made AMFA look bad? No, we just exsposed another twu MISCREANT and you don't like it. Too bad. 😛

You are right Hackman. Freedom of speech. Some just use it better than others.
UAL_TECH said:
Just dropped by to see how things are going.
I see the debate is escalating and sometimes downright nasty.

Just wanted you to know that we at the ‘Lazy-U’ have completed
our officer elections. We have a ‘First Rate’ Team of dedicated
professionals that are involved and focused.

Good luck on your attempts to educate your peers and
enhance your situation.

Take Care,
Welcome aboard. Congratulations on the election.

By the way doesnt a lot of this sound familiar? Didnt the IAM insist that you would never get AMFA?

In fact you guys filed, then the Company and the union said that management should be able to vote-even though they are not members, so that vote was cancelled only to have you guys file a second time, and finally win?

Perseverance pays off.

We shall persevere and join you guys soon, brother.

All mechanics in One Union. True solidarity. How can any true unionist argue that we are better off being split up than together?
twuer said:

And you know it all don't ya' Bob??? You stayed in as long as you could. Then you got busted. Dual unionism Bob. It's that simple. I've been down this road with you and don't really feel like strolling down memory lane. It's the same old song and dance. You and some of the other AMFA boys are on the defensive so you resort to personal attacks and name calling. It's been going on for as long as I've been on here and I'm sure it will continue. Hey, by the way, what happened to RV4 (Dave)? I heard he got kicked off. What was it he got kicked off for??? Just curious. . .

Merry Christmas Bob! 😀 😀 😀
What do you mean by "stayed in as long as you could"?

Busted? Yea busted for telling the truth about the TWU/ATD.

Like I said earlier, that one brief paragraph was in response to CIO's post. Several other issues were brought up. If you would like to challenge or debate them fine, lets go.

Defensive, offensive which is it? Didnt you say that you find it offensive when it gets personell, now you are saying we are defensive, cant you make up your mind?

RV4 got kicked off? Maybe he is using a new alias? I dont know. Is this leading to personal attacks or a debate on issues?

Did you inform him first before you posted this? Why did you bring him up? Isnt that what you accused me of attacking people without their knowledge? I see, there is one set of rules and standards for acceptable behavior for you and one for everyone else.

Merry Christmas to you too.
Bob Owens said:
And you know it all don't ya' Bob??? You stayed in as long as you could. Then you got busted. Dual unionism Bob. It's that simple. I've been down this road with you and don't really feel like strolling down memory lane. It's the same old song and dance. You and some of the other AMFA boys are on the defensive so you resort to personal attacks and name calling. It's been going on for as long as I've been on here and I'm sure it will continue. Hey, by the way, what happened to RV4 (Dave)? I heard he got kicked off. What was it he got kicked off for??? Just curious. . .

Merry Christmas Bob! 😀 😀 😀
What do you mean by "stayed in as long as you could"?

Busted? Yea busted for telling the truth about the TWU/ATD.

Like I said earlier, that one brief paragraph was in response to CIO's post. Several other issues were brought up. If you would like to challenge or debate them fine, lets go.

Defensive, offensive which is it? Didnt you say that you find it offensive when it gets personell, now you are saying we are defensive, cant you make up your mind?

RV4 got kicked off? Maybe he is using a new alias? I dont know. Is this leading to personal attacks or a debate on issues?

Did you inform him first before you posted this? Why did you bring him up? Isnt that what you accused me of attacking people without their knowledge? I see, there is one set of rules and standards for acceptable behavior for you and one for everyone else.

Merry Christmas to you too.[/QUOTE]

(your quotes in green)

Dang Bob. You can take one paragraph and spin it totally out of context.

Let's try this bit by bit shall we?. . .

What do you mean by "stayed in as long as you could"?You kept your paid postion in the TWU for as long as you could get away with it. (supporting AMFA)

Busted? Yea busted for telling the truth about the TWU/ATD.
Busted for dual-unionism.

Defensive, offensive which is it? Didnt you say that you find it offensive when it gets personell, now you are saying we are defensive, cant you make up your mind?
Both. You and some of the other AMFA boys here, with various comments (personal attacks and accusations), are offensive. You are also on the defensive. TWU is strong and you don't much like that so you resort to the accusations and attacks because you have nothing else better to say.

RV4 got kicked off? Maybe he is using a new alias? I dont know. Is this leading to personal attacks or a debate on issues?
and. . .Did you inform him first before you posted this? Why did you bring him up? Isnt that what you accused me of attacking people without their knowledge? I see, there is one set of rules and standards for acceptable behavior for you and one for everyone else.

my previous quote.. .(Hey, by the way, what happened to RV4 (Dave)? I heard he got kicked off. What was it he got kicked off for??? Just curious. . .) Yeah, you're right. . that sure sounded as if I was attacking him. :huh:

I asked a simple question Bob. I noticed he hasn't posted here in quite some time. He and I often debated things here. He was pretty faithful at posting here. And I did hear that he got kicked off. I was asking if you knew since you guys are on the "same side". I thought you would have some inside on it. That's all that was. Good spin though Bob. You spun that one all to pieces!!

Is that clearer now? Let me know and I'll go over it again if I need to. 🙂

Do you like the green and red thing? Kind of Christmasy huh?? 😉
twuer said:
You kept your paid postion in the TWU for as long as you could get away with it. (supporting AMFA)

Who paid my salary? The International or the Local? The local paid my salary, if I was supporting AMFA I would not have had the support of the stock clerks like I did. I put out the truth and if the facts support leaving the TWU that is not my fault, the TWU needs to change the way they do things. If I am supposed to put the unaccountable International ahead of my members then who is there to represent them?

Busted for dual-unionism

What was the proof? They did not present it in the kangaroo court. Besides I'd rather be accused of dual unionism than company unionism. Isnt it odd that the TWU allows officers to remain in office after they go into management but kicks them out of office on suspicion of dual unionism?

Both. You and some of the other AMFA boys here, with various comments (personal attacks and accusations), are offensive. You are also on the defensive. TWU is strong and you don't much like that so you resort to the accusations and attacks because you have nothing else better to say

On the contrary I have said positive things about the TWU, just not the TWU/ATD. The TWU/ATD is strong? Is that why they gave more concessions than anyone else for the last twenty years? Define what you mean by "strong" and give examples to support that claim.

Your thing with the colors reminds me of Bobby Gless.

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