Exactly. TWA is gone but you are still alive and well. The sky did not come crashing down. Imagine how we would all be doing now if we were all in one union from the get go where one was not willing to undercut the other just to keep the company's failed business plan going? Sure we may have faced more layoffs but we would be making a lot more when we were working. Thats how this industry was when I first got into it. Every year guys were laid off, but they almost always came back. At the end of the year, despite the layoffs, they still made more than most other people.mojo13 said:"I dont know what everyone is so afraid of? If AA should go out of business somebody else will buy or lease those airplanes, paint them a different color and need workers to provide the service."
Gee, that's what I said about TWA and now here we go again...
We missed that opportunity but its never too late to start. Lets build a union to stay with us our entire career, not one that comes as part of a package deal with our latest employer. This way if our children decide to follow us into this industry we will have made it a career worth passing on.