Got this from the AMFA Tulsa forum it appears that the TWU was not denied entrance but instead hammack chose to leave for the whole group.
also who gives a danm what someone from another airline has to say, Go back to your own Airline and wine.
This is what the TWU was passing out to the membership today in Tulsa........
On Saturday, at the Brady Theater, over 100 TWU supporters gathered to send a strong message that we are sticking with our union. We were joined by dissatisfied AMFA members from United and Horizon Airlines, who are angry about the poor representation that they have recieved under AMFA. Other TWU supporters included John Gaines, the local labor council president, Teamsters, OPEIU members, and several religious leaders.
Kevin Hammack, from Local 514, and Brian Connors, a laid off mechanic from the United Airlines maintenance base in Indianapoplis, led a delegation into the Brady Theater and challenged AMFA's national director to a debate. The TWU supporters waited at the entrance to the theater for the delegation to return with news of whether AMFA would accept our debate challenge.
Inside the theater, Connors addressed O.V.Delle-Femine who was standing on the stage. Connors said, "You find time to meet with American Airlines workers in Tulsa, but you ignore your members who have been decimated by layoffs in cities like Indianapolis, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Oakland, and Seattle." When Connors and Hammack challenged Dell-Femine to debate them, Delle-Femine rejected their offer. The AMFA leader told Connors, "If you have a problem, talk to your local."
Hammack and Connors came out of the Brady and announce that Delle-Femine had rejected their debate challenge. At that time, AMFA's hired security guards announced that we would only be able to enter the Brady Theater "five at a time." With these restrictions, Hammack announced, "The TWU and AFL-CIO unions are about unity. All of us came here together, and if they won't let us go inside together, let's all leave together." With that, the TWU supporters left the theater's entrance and crossed the street to where we parked our cars in a parking lot.
Outside of the theater, Connors addressed the TWU supporters. "Don't make the mistake we made," Connor's said. "At United, we listened to AMFA and took our chance in bandruptcy. This decision cost us 6,000 jobs, two base closures, deeper wage cuts, and unrestricted outsourcing of heavy maintenance. To this day, we remain vulnerable and exposed to any concession demand presented to the bankruptcy court."
Connors closed by saying, "We're living th AMFA dream, and it's turned into a nightmare."
All I can personally say is that if we are all truely united here in the TWU then why are the mechanics the only ones getting 50% pay reduction on the first two sick days we use.