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Twu=nazi Germany

TeamTWU said:
They have the numbers, so they say, why do you think there would be any difference in their statements about numbers as with any other self serving statements they have made in the past. All talk, no action=amfa. PROVE ME WRONG , FILE TODAY! Or admit your defeat and allow me to rebuild your destruction.
Here we go again with the industrial comapny unionist cry of just file. Sounds of the same at the past elections with the IBT and IAM. Guess what, we call the shots, not you. You will be notified when we file and yes we will file and win. :shock:

Let's get one thing straight DUMBASS! AMFA supporters are the one's REBUILDING THE EVIL TWU'S DESTRUCTION OF OUR WAGES AND BENEFITS!
There's no "TEAM" in the TWU, only me,myself, and DUES MONEY.
My my Princess, such a mouth you have. The TWU is currently rebuilding the trust that amfa has broken between the members and their elected officials. I realize this bothers you but live with it. Have a nice day and enjoy the holidays, best to you and yours.
Hey teAAm TWU,

What is the status of the ATD restrucuring agenda?

I remember not long ago, this was the saving grace of the union, what happened?

Was this another FAILED experiment by the TWU trying to implement craft unionism philosophies into an industrial union structure?

FAILURE, FAILURE, FAILURE, how many do you have to see before your light bulb comes on?
Hey TeamTWU,

At least when I open my mouth, I speak the truth! How can you claim to be rebuilding anything? Your TWU destroyed our wages and benefits, and brought the whole airline industry down with it. There was a guy named FRANK LORENZO once,who sounded just like you. He claimed he was an AIRLINE BUILDER, and we all know what he(along with the TWU) did to the airline industry.
TeamTWU said:
My my Princess, such a mouth you have. The TWU is currently rebuilding the trust that amfa has broken between the members and their elected officials. I realize this bothers you but live with it. Have a nice day and enjoy the holidays, best to you and yours.
TEAM twu,


There is no "rebuilding the trust" for twu unelected officials, FOR TWENTY YEARS YOUR twu HAS SOLD US OUT!!!!


Have a nice holiday TEAM twu.

Remember, your membership is suffering because of your outright lies, deception, and failures.

I hope you choke on your Christmas goose.

AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
TeamTWU said:
My my Princess, such a mouth you have. The TWU is currently rebuilding the trust that amfa has broken between the members and their elected officials. I realize this bothers you but live with it. Have a nice day and enjoy the holidays, best to you and yours.
What holidays? Under the TWU we dont get holidays! If we do get a holiday the company has the option of making us work 8 hours for 4 hours pay. WAAy to go TWU!

One union for all mechanics!


One Union for all ground workers!


Or we could choose to remain in unions that are not airline unions and continue to decline like we have for 20 years.

One of the "excuses" the TWU,IAM and IBT like to give as to why we are failing so badly, when not blaming the members, is deregulation. However this is a poor excuse. The shipping industry has been around for thousands of years. So it has gone through all the changes that any industry has gone through. However Longshoremen have been smart enough to form unions that are specific and industrywide, not linked to just one particular company.

The pilots have for the most part joined "industry-craft specific unions" and for the most part have done very well, retiring with million dollar pensions and have salaries that max out in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The gap between pilots who have their own unions and mechanics who have traditionally been represented by catch-all company freindly unions like the TWU has grown exponetially over the last twenty years.

The fact is that John Sweeney, Sonny Hall, Jim Little, Art Luby and most other union leaders know that the structure that we have in this industry is the worst possible structure that could be devised from the members perspective. However it offers them a cozy career of six figure salaries and perks with no accountability.

It is a structure that is inherently benificial to the company. Most unions are preoccupied with gaining membership. With the way the labor movement is structured for ground workers in this industry the best way to meet that objective, since "raiding" is prohibited is to give the company where you have members the lowest costs around, thereby allowing its company to expand at the expense of other unions companies.

These unions hide this strategy behind lies and propaganda, just like the NAZIs did. As we look at these threads we see Nazi propaganda style practices here. TWU supporters, most of whom hold a position in some capacity in the union, from a veil of anonominity spew out outlandish lies and distortions. No TWU officials come on these threads and identify themselves or try to defend their actions even though we know for a fact that they do monitor these boards, and more than likely post on them. Instead they rely on spreading lies and distortions, repeatedly, in order to divert the discussion away from their failures to lead and lack of any coherant plan to get us back what they have taken away.

I read your postings and wonder.

The TWU put you on trial for posting on the internet - You still post.

They removed you for posting your opinions that they claimed were favorable to AMFA. Did they put you on trial to stop your postings? Or did they remove you so that your opinions would not be coming from a TWU Officer?

Do they actually believe that being an Officer of the TWU gives one credibility?

Don't they realize that your postings now have more credibility than ever?

I tend to read your postings with the same interest today as I did when you were an Officer. The difference I see, is that more people read your postings now than before, as I see them forwarding through our e-mails.

What do they think they fixed?

I can say this, and believe everyone else agrees. The only thing that actually occurred, is now you personally know we can never have change from within, and therefore, your postings reflect that truth.

Just like the TWU bungles negotiations and contract language, they have also bungled the chance to have a loyal activist within their inner circles. They chased away an intellegent, open minded member. Sounds familiar.

Seems to me, the TWU shot themselves in the foot when they removed you.

I can see many negatives for them as a result of their actions.
I can see zero positives resulting from the same.

Anyone who watches the TWU, has to realize, they are not capable of defending their brand of unionism to any skilled worker in the industry. They simply have to remove all of the truth tellers, and that leaves them with liars and kiss asses. In fact, their Officer Ranks appear more like Executive Management than Union Officers. You know, dumb, stupid, weak, yes men that couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag.

It is not just the propaganda that you spoke of that makes it clear. More importantly is the way they choose to handle anyone that speaks their mind and/or opposes dictator style leadership.

You and Chuck should be thanked again. You did not just get removed from office, you proved to many that did not already know, that change from within is not possible. You proved we will never have real leaders in the TWU, we will only have yes men. Weak and Stupid yes men.

The one part I really dont get, is why the other Local Officers actually signed the letter of true and faithful support of the union, when they have the behind closed doors facts? What are they thinking? For the money? Those that signed that letter will never have an excuse good enough for me. They are "Yes Men", and that's all there is to it.

All we have to do now is find a way to show those that are not looking what has transpired. There are so many that do not read or even want to know what goes on around them. Getting to these members, with the facts is the only thing left to remove the TWU from AA property.

Good Luck Bob,

And may you are your family have a wonderful Christmas Holiday, in spite of what we have endured at the hands of the TWU.

If you have a son, tell him we hope he grows up to have the principles and courage of his father.
I would not say that change from within is impossible, just very dificult under the current regime and structure.

Rojer Toussaint of TWU Local 100, an Industrial unionist, is quite different than the Sonny Hall types of "business unionists" we are used to from the TWU. Forbes magazine listed him as one of the ten most dangerous union leaders in the country. That is what the labor movement needs, leaders who the monied interests fear, not ones they buddy up to and play golf with. (Did I ever tell you about Koziateks retirement party or the parties that Sonny Hall throws for MTA management? DETHHHHHPICABLE!(sic))

However while I still maintain that change is possible the question is to what degree and along what timeline could we get change? Can we afford to wait, and if we did would the result meet our needs as mechanics or airline workers? The answers here are no and no. We cant afford to wait another two years to begin democratic reform and even if we do, it will not address the problem we have of our class and craft being divied up between several different unions.

The fact is that with semi-seperate locals, seperate contracts, and seperate negotiations we negotiate in what appears to be craft union like process without the craft union structure or leadership to support it. Craft union-like bargaining done by business/company unionist trying to hide behind a veil of Industrial unionism. Talk about a recipie for disaster!

What makes it even worse is that while negotiations are carried out under this facade the whole process is under the control of someone who is not accountable to the members he represents who has different objectives and priorities. On top of that he detests the people he represents. He and his followers charectize the members as an unappreiciative, apathetic, uninformed, uncaring mob with fifteen minute attention spans. They say this after collecting six figure salaries and all sorts of other perks including an additional pension that these members dues provide. This mindest is further reinforced by the fact that the International promotes rejected Local officials into higher positions and then claims that these rejects, who naturally have a dim view of those that rejected them, the members, are "representatives" of the membership. One perfect example of this is Bobby Gless.

The fact is that even if the TWU adopted Democratic reforms and restructured it still would not address the problem we have as a profession of being split up between three unions where we are a small minority. Our issues will never become priority items within these institutions that represent us even with democratic reform because we will still be a minority within these unions.They only gain promenience when there is an AMFA drive. They soon are put on the back burner when the threat subsides.

One of the reasons why they were so bent on removing me from office is because they felt that I was doing this on UB time. That was driving them nuts. They figured that by removing me it would cut down on my postings when instead it freed me to say whatever I pleased. By removing the Treasurers workload it leaves me even more time. They miscalculated my motives and believed I was just like them, using union office as a means of escaping from the floor.

Have you recieved a copy of the minutes from Chuck and I's "Trials"?

It's something else! What made it even more of a farce is that the International released a press release saying we were guilty before the trials were conducted!

All through the trial Hubert Snead, another of Sonny's promoted rejects kept saying "He gots to prove his case" yet he did the prosecutions cross examination and built and expanded upon his questions in an attempt to justify his verdict.

When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptable struggle.
Edmund Burke

For our leaders in the TWU/ATD I have this one;

No man ever became very wicked all at once.

Many may have started off with the best of intentions but along the way, many have lost their way. There is no doubt that being a representative of hundreds or thousands of individuals can be challenging. As they turned to those above them in the organization the administration subtley worked to turn them against those who sent them there. Statements like "What a thankless job you have" are significant, it is a subtle way of making the elected local officials feel like victims with the perpetrator being the membership. What makes this happen is the fact that none of us are trained for the job prior to entering it and the International has no real, extensive program to provide such training. What training they do have is built around such statements as "What a thankless job you have taken". The blaming of the membership for not attending meetings or not displaying enough support are other means of turning representatives of the members into representatives of the administration.

With leadership comes a certain amount of lonliness that comes from the burden or responsibility of being a leader. Few are capable of managing it but most that have attained the position that goes with the burden will do anything to keep the perks that go along with the position. So they try to discard the burden of responsibility by deferring blame away from themselves. This drives them further away from the members who just "dont understand" what the International has convinced them of.

The fact is that "Toxic Sludge" or "Toxic Concessions" are not good for us despite what Jim Little and Art Luby tell you, they dont have to consume it. And the fact that some locals are resorting to the practice of hiring union busting PR firms that are normally the opponents of labor and other grassroots, community orientated organizations to use the same tactics of lies and distortions to mislead us should be enough to drive any true union believer away from the TWU/ATD. Its a sad day for unionism when the representatives of union members lack the ability, and have to hire those who are the opponents of labor, to send a message to their members.

Thanks, I have two, and a daughter, and our hope is that they all stand up for the right things. Same to you and yours.
Because Mr. Owens attempted change from within and went about it deceitfully and with no direction please do not think we do not listen to our membership.

Again, the TWU wishes you and yours the best of holidays, God bless the working men and women.
As a spokesperson for the TWU you should know about deceit. As for direction, I believe the membership would prefer to make gains in their wages and benefits, not the direction the TWU has lead them. Again how are we to enjoy the holidays that were conceded, we will be without our families. And yes God bless the working men and women, even those who have not seen their tool boxes for years.
TeamTWU said:
Because Mr. Owens attempted change from within and went about it deceitfully and with no direction please do not think we do not listen to our membership.

Again, the TWU wishes you and yours the best of holidays, God bless the working men and women.
A classic Team twu quote....."Please do not think we do not listen to our membership"

That statement is so assinine its both sad and funny.

We don't THINK you listen to the members Team twu, we KNOW you don't!!!!!!!!

Want proof? Why is there a AMFA drive?

Are you related to the twu retard, cio?

You both must have ridden the short bus in school. :blink:


Research conducted by the AFL-CIO has proven that AMFA causes more CANCERS+HEART DISEASE in mechanics. Tests conducted on sheep proved it. AMFA mechanics(who make much more than TWU mechanics) eat a normal diet of food. TWU mechanics(who work for minimum wage) eat barely enough food to survive. The smaller food intake reduced TWU mechanics exposure to carcinegens and cholesterol, reducing their disease rates. This is further proof that mechanics at AA are rejecting AMFA for the TWU.

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