TeamTWU said:
My my Princess, such a mouth you have. The TWU is currently rebuilding the trust that amfa has broken between the members and their elected officials. I realize this bothers you but live with it. Have a nice day and enjoy the holidays, best to you and yours.
What holidays? Under the TWU we dont get holidays! If we do get a holiday the company has the option of making us work 8 hours for 4 hours pay. WAAy to go TWU!
One union for all mechanics!
One Union for all ground workers!
Or we could choose to remain in unions that are not airline unions and continue to decline like we have for 20 years.
One of the "excuses" the TWU,IAM and IBT like to give as to why we are failing so badly, when not blaming the members, is deregulation. However this is a poor excuse. The shipping industry has been around for thousands of years. So it has gone through all the changes that any industry has gone through. However Longshoremen have been smart enough to form unions that are specific and industrywide, not linked to just one particular company.
The pilots have for the most part joined "industry-craft specific unions" and for the most part have done very well, retiring with million dollar pensions and have salaries that max out in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The gap between pilots who have their own unions and mechanics who have traditionally been represented by catch-all company freindly unions like the TWU has grown exponetially over the last twenty years.
The fact is that John Sweeney, Sonny Hall, Jim Little, Art Luby and most other union leaders know that the structure that we have in this industry is the worst possible structure that could be devised from the members perspective. However it offers them a cozy career of six figure salaries and perks with no accountability.
It is a structure that is inherently benificial to the company. Most unions are preoccupied with gaining membership. With the way the labor movement is structured for ground workers in this industry the best way to meet that objective, since "raiding" is prohibited is to give the company where you have members the lowest costs around, thereby allowing its company to expand at the expense of other unions companies.
These unions hide this strategy behind lies and propaganda, just like the NAZIs did. As we look at these threads we see Nazi propaganda style practices here. TWU supporters, most of whom hold a position in some capacity in the union, from a veil of anonominity spew out outlandish lies and distortions. No TWU officials come on these threads and identify themselves or try to defend their actions even though we know for a fact that they do monitor these boards, and more than likely post on them. Instead they rely on spreading lies and distortions, repeatedly, in order to divert the discussion away from their failures to lead and lack of any coherant plan to get us back what they have taken away.