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Amfa-twu Debate(the Official One)

mojo13 said:
Dan Cunningham said:
Gentlemen, and you too Earl Steve Connell,

I have paid over $7,000 or so in dues monies to the TWU and personally to Sonny Hall. Over 1,000 signatures were documented on a petition to send Sonny to the Brady Theatre on January 17, 2004. Sonny Hall did not show up and did not send an excuse for his absence to the 1,000 petitioners. Some class, the lead punk, drunk, and coward is too cowardly to send a response to the DUES PAYING PETITIONERS!!!

Enough said. Sonny, along with the foolish and most assuredly cowardly cultist believers don't deserve another dues dollar from true unionists that fight the totally corrupt twu. I enjoyed bulling you around at will Earl, both verbally and physically, maybe your fat friend, Fred Bushwacker will present a more formidable challenge than you and your new convict buddy, Kirk.

Remember, Tuff Luv is Better than No Luv at ALL!

Dan, here is a message from Fred;

Anytime, Anywhere!!!
By the way Dan, if you want to be a bad ass you should go to this site and read up on it.

Checking it Out said:
Dan you claim a petition was sent with 1000 signatures! Was this voted on by the local? Actually 100,000 +/- did not sign. I believe the majority have choosen not to sign which they have given you an answer.
Fine, how about giving us the address list for all 100,000 members so we can contact our union brothers and share our opinions?
From, the-mechanic.com

Received: 01/21/04 22:40:25 EST
Name: Jim W.
TM - I sent you an email to upload the 25 dollar dues cap that everyones upset about.

Hope it works for you.
Yes, I received the file, thank you. I will post it tonight.
BTW, the only persons 'upset' are industrial union cult members anxious to create adversity, and divert attention from their Flag desecration stunt, and the fact that they were again caught lying about Brian Connors. This particular rubbish surfaces about every 12 months, or whenever an AMFA filing is imminent. The flyer was written for UAL in 1994, (note that Bill Sturm was then Assistant National Director) and any claim that a $25 dues rate was promoted at NWA, SWA, UAL, Horizon, or ATA is deliberate deceit spewed by desperate scam artists. - TM

TM even admits it was promoted at UAL :blink:

:shock: You decide :shock:


From, the-mechanic.com

Received: 01/21/04 22:40:25 EST
Name: Jim W.
TM - I sent you an email to upload the 25 dollar dues cap that everyones upset about.

Hope it works for you.
Yes, I received the file, thank you. I will post it tonight.
BTW, the only persons 'upset' are industrial union cult members anxious to create adversity, and divert attention from their Flag desecration stunt, and the fact that they were again caught lying about Brian Connors. This particular rubbish surfaces about every 12 months, or whenever an AMFA filing is imminent. The flyer was written for UAL in 1994, (note that Bill Sturm was then Assistant National Director) and any claim that a $25 dues rate was promoted at NWA, SWA, UAL, Horizon, or ATA is deliberate deceit spewed by desperate scam artists. - TM

TM even admits it was promoted at UAL :blink:

:shock: You decide :shock:


Bob Owens said:
Checking it Out said:
Dan you claim a petition was sent with 1000 signatures! Was this voted on by the local? Actually 100,000 +/- did not sign. I believe the majority have choosen not to sign which they have given you an answer.
Fine, how about giving us the address list for all 100,000 members so we can contact our union brothers and share our opinions?
What no reply?
Bob Owens said:
Checking it Out said:
Dan you claim a petition was sent with 1000 signatures! Was this voted on by the local? Actually 100,000 +/- did not sign. I believe the majority have choosen not to sign which they have given you an answer.
Fine, how about giving us the address list for all 100,000 members so we can contact our union brothers and share our opinions?
What no reply?

Long Term AMT;

I realize that it may be difficult for you to follow a conversation but TM was stating that the $25 dues cap was "promoted" at UAL by anti-AMFA people. A pathetic attempt at disinformation.

Another thing that our brothers at UAL shared with us was their observation that as the day of Democratic reckoning drew closer the IAMs desperate attempts to continue to decieve the members grew more and more outrageous. Its amazing how the TWU is falling into the same trap.

Spoke to two more people yesterday about the AGW. Looks like our brothers in other class and crafts will also get their day with the ballott.

As in The Tale of Two Cities the verse may fit for our industry, "It was the worst of times, it was the best of times." Out of all the carnage, the workers of this industry may finally get accountable, competant, focused, democratic unions that will make this industry a desireable place once again to work.

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