Buck, why is it when the AMFA supporters and organizers first meet with a TWAer the first words out of their mouths is the seniority issue. Let me answer this one for you, it's ALL YOU HAVE TO SWAY A VOTE.
I spoke with many rank and file members while in TUL, no one, read my lips, no one I spoke with denied the fact that a vote was taken and the concessus was to put TWA at the bottom of the list. They explained their reasons to me and I understand their stance, 100% of their reasoning was "family first", they voted to save their jobs. Though I do not agree with this, my stance is just that, mine. They showed the backbone to confront me one on one with this, I did not ask them, they approached me in a manner of concern.
Now, to show the pride of the AMFA organizers, first words out of Dave Stewarts mouth when I met him were " This isn't about AMFA or the TWU, this is about how the company is screwing us". Then he immediately hit me with the seniority issue. Some backbone that boy has, I wouldn't follow him across the ramp. And these are your organizers? Surely you have better somewhere. If I was AMFA I would be embarrassed. All four of your major organizers are a disgrace. They speak so big when they type here but confronted one on one they are wooses, and I mean real wooses. Don Rodgers is the only exception that I would consider changing my stance on, he has always presented himself professionally, I just do not agree with his opinions or direction. God help AMFA if they rely on the others, the speakers at the debate that spoke for AMFA showed more conviction and backbone than all the organizers, that is an undisputeable fact.
Point being in all this, we at MCIE are unionists, we are the same TWU that are present @ AA. Solidarity was shown this past week that will continue, AA needs to become aware we are all together as the TWU and represent well.
AMFA reps, find another issue to yell about, our seniority issue is old news, we are more concerned about keeping jobs at MCIE than seniority issues currently. Looking at AMFA's track record I can only thank the TWU for being my union.