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Amfa Challenging Twu On The Internet?

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Steve Connell said:
Oh Earl the tough guy at a computer. This spineless jellyfish, management wannabe didn't have the balls to talk this trash when he met them both.

Now the tough guy 6 pack a day Earl who has no credibility or license,(this is why he can't afford to get bumped out to the line unlike most of the rest of us) is a tough guy behind the keyboard. This guy is such a farce now, he lies so much he doesn't even know what the truth is.

Wow Earl you truly are a punk, drunk and a coward. Can't wait to see you talk trash to their face at the next meeting or will you be to hungover to show


At the next meeting? Why not now and let's see who cowers to whom. Also since it seems as only the spineless guys use their own names...what's yours tough guy?...that's what I thought...no guts. I'm open to meeting any and all amfa boys, just ask.
Hey Earl Steve,

I hear tell that Company Man Dan called you a "scab" to your face and you laughed it off like a school girl. What, no guts?

I been talking to your alter-ego Drippy Quill on another BB, and he says you got balls that clank Earl.

He must be yapping about the wrong guy. He is very dazed and confused you know.

BTW, you don't have a A@P Earl? I figured with all your manly-man qualities you surely had one up on the AMFA supporters in that regard, I guess not. 😉
I don't recall Dan calling me a name, but you may know better than I. The only laughing I remember doing was listening to amfa reps explain how they would have honored my seniority.

I am done with the insults and threats here, so please don't feel like I'm ignoring you, just tired of all the same ole stuff being thrown around here. You all state you have the numbers to file, so file and go on. It would seem to me that with the card being valid for 1 year you must be losing, and gaining, daily.

Look back on the postings here, if amfa does not agree or wish to read from TWU loyalists then the mud starts to fly, a shame. I use my name and do not hide from you, so who has the backbone here? I used to understand your grief somewhat with the TWU and our industry, and had not decided 100% if amfa was good or bad, but through your representation of amfa I'll remain loyal to the TWU and my local brothers, go save someone else.
Look back on the postings here, if amfa does not agree or wish to read from TWU loyalists then the mud starts to fly

Does this surprise you Steve? I have been reading here for quite a while and have had the same thoughts.
Let us pray...

Let us pray that Rat Boy Steve Connell sees the error of his rodent ways...that he put down the TWU Kool Ade chalis so his vision is no longer blurred and hazy...that he cease his self indugence and idol worship at the Shrine of the TWU Bus located at 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019...that he may see the truth of AMFA and put his self serving interests aside...forgive him for his many lies, disinformation, deceit and other transgretions...and for being a rat...all this we humbly ask...amen

And Dan, you look better in your Father outfit. A priest fits you nicely, no pun intended.
TeamTWU said:
Look back on the postings here, if amfa does not agree or wish to read from TWU loyalists then the mud starts to fly

Does this surprise you Steve? I have been reading here for quite a while and have had the same thoughts.
Yeah right. Team twu comes into the second AMFA meeting in Tulsa with the "goon squad on UB" and tries to take over the meeting. It sure showed the AMFA supporters.

If the AMFA supports refute the twu lies, we are: troublemakers, scabs, company agents, kool-aid drinkers, and the like.

The twu is nothing but a group of punks, drunks, and cowards. Don't forget one felon.

Team twu, you can take your twu lies and pack sand.

Unlicensed earl steve can go with you, since he can't go anywhere else.
Steve Connell said:
I don't recall Dan calling me a name, but you may know better than I. The only laughing I remember doing was listening to amfa reps explain how they would have honored my seniority.

I am done with the insults and threats here, so please don't feel like I'm ignoring you, just tired of all the same ole stuff being thrown around here. You all state you have the numbers to file, so file and go on. It would seem to me that with the card being valid for 1 year you must be losing, and gaining, daily.

Look back on the postings here, if amfa does not agree or wish to read from TWU loyalists then the mud starts to fly, a shame. I use my name and do not hide from you, so who has the backbone here? I used to understand your grief somewhat with the TWU and our industry, and had not decided 100% if amfa was good or bad, but through your representation of amfa I'll remain loyal to the TWU and my local brothers, go save someone else.
Well I've heard the story, that you thought Dan was drunk because he fell asleep from being tired. Dan does not drink.

I guess he's refering to your time as a scab in management- when you put on the tie for a year. You fit right in earl steve as a twu loyalist/company man. I forgot, also a rat.

Hackman is my name, its what my friends call me. Hopefully, you will never know me by that name. With a friend like you earl steve, I would never turn my back as to feel the knife.

I believe earl steve, YOU were the only one that threatened people on this BB. Yes, we are tired of it. The twu knows only what I call "Gestapo Tactics" when they deal with criticism of the failed union in place. Instead of listening to what the membership wants,the twu faithful would rather do the "Sunny Hall coward dance" and continue on the with disregard to the members that pay them. Yes earl steve, you were a part of this. If you would rather align yourself with corruption and criminals, thats your choice. Don't exspect us to give you any respect for your poor decisions.

This is why we have an AMFA drive and why the twu will be replaced.

This drive started in the spring of 2003, and the cards are good for one year. We have a cushion of a few months yet. Its fun to see team twu sqirm wondering when the hammer is going to fall. I guess they should have paid a little more of our dues monies for a better PR firm. Maybe one from New York? I'm sure Sunny has one.

I have read plenty of the twu lies and deceit for far too long. It is a shame the mud starts to fly. I guess that happens when your trying to oust a failed dictatorship that is buried in deep for 50 plus years. Those at the MCI station have not yet seen the full stench of the twu, you are still newbies to the twu. If you would have gone AMFA before, you might have had a chance at somewhat better of a deal. Your iam were liars just like the twu, just a little more militant.

Please remain loyal to the twu earl steve, we wouldn't want it any other way.
Let us pray...

Let us pray for GLEAAM....I mean..TEAM TWU...that they do not end up crashed in a ditch on the side of the road after an all night bender (no doubt at a supervisor's house) and harming some innocent by stander or defenceless animal...that they see the TRUTH of AMFA...that they cast assunder their sheeplike ways and stop following some bald headed felon poster child...Let us pray that for ONCE they can back up their silly claims and lies with facts...that for once they can name ONE thing that the Totally Worthless Union has done for the AMT in the past 20 years...all these things we humbly ask...Amen
Since our beloved Drippy Quill claimed on another forum that he supports same sex marriages, maybe it is...

😛 😛 😛 😛
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