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Is It Time?

The UAL LOA allows outsourcing, actually condones outsourcing, adding jobs or not. They are cutting their own throats, or do you also believe outsourcing is a good thing?
well,well "rusty" seems you SCABS can't anything right. that little quote you been speading around about what the 514 president said is what you SCABS refer to as "he was misquoted, it was taken out of context" well seeing how YOU weren't there "rusty" what was said was, had this been a vote for representation we would've lost because 50% of memebership didn't vote.
but, that is ok 'cause we are used to your lies like the ones SCABmaster dAAve is spreading out here right now. it seems he (SCABmaster) is taking great pleasure going around telling everybody that there will be a layoff of 1000+ & while telling this is laughing about it :angry: what is with that???? you call this "integrity" ?
laughing because people are getting laid off O, yeah that will really be a big help on your so called card drive........that kind of "leadership" is what you "rusty" boy are supporting.....but, you like it too don't you?...jerk!!!!
scab scraper said:
but, that is ok 'cause we are used to your lies like the ones SCABmaster dAAve is spreading out here right now. it seems he (SCABmaster) is taking great pleasure going around telling everybody that there will be a layoff of 1000+ & while telling this is laughing about it :angry: what is with that???? you call this "integrity" ?
laughing because people are getting laid off O, yeah that will really be a big help on your so called card drive........that kind of "leadership" is what you "rusty" boy are supporting.....but, you like it too don't you?...jerk!!!!

Do you mean like the way TWU supporters keep saying (hoping)that all their AFL-CIO brothers and sisters at NWA, UAL and USAIR are going to lose their jobs?
scab scraper said:
but, that is ok 'cause we are used to your lies like the ones SCABmaster dAAve is spreading out here right now. it seems he (SCABmaster) is taking great pleasure going around telling everybody that there will be a layoff of 1000+ & while telling this is laughing about it :angry: what is with that???? you call this "integrity" ?

I don't believe he is laughing about people being laid off; he is laughing at you because you can't seem to understand what is happening with our own union.
To Nightwatch and Checking it Out:

If either one of you can prove to me how management has shared in our sacrifice, I will be totally with you. Provide anything that you can. That is all. Believe me. I am happy to have a job, I believe American Airlines is a great place to work, btw I work as a line avionics mechanic in Chicago. This is by far the best job I have ever had. I worked at an overhaul facility, in Marana, Arizona Evergreen, and a now defunct airlline, Midway Airlines. I h
B737NG said:
To Nightwatch and Checking it Out:

If either one of you can prove to me how management has shared in our sacrifice, I will be totally with you. Provide anything that you can. That is all. Believe me. I am happy to have a job, I believe American Airlines is a great place to work, btw I work as a line avionics mechanic in Chicago. This is by far the best job I have ever had. I worked at an overhaul facility, in Marana, Arizona Evergreen, and a now defunct airlline, Midway Airlines. I h


Since you are in ORD, I have a question I hope you can answer. I have heard recently of a 68 year old Ex-Eastern mechanic in ORD that was walked out because he slid his dues check under the door of the union hall. The union officials allegedly handed back his check and refused to accept it. Anything to this?

If its true, the local twu officials better hide, god help them. That is a despicable thing to do to an old man who most likely has to work because his career was crushed under the jackboots of greedy airline executives.

The twu will stoop that low for a dollar.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs. The twu's finest.
