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TWU informer said:
mojo13 said:
Maybe you could explain the meaning of the coffin, and then I will understand your defense of, what I perceive to be very unprofessional activity.

That coffin was representative of the jobs lost under AMFA's watch!
What jobs have been lost under AMFA's watch?
NW= 4250 +/- positions lost, more work outsourced than work performed in-house, maintenance bases closed.

UA= 6200 +/- positions lost, more work outsourced than work performed in-house, maintenance bases closing.
The Northwest Jobs have NOT been lost until the Arbitration Ruling is Awarded.

The United Airlines Jobs were lost on the IAM Watch and AMFA inherited the concession contract.

Can any of you say the same about TWU Pan-Am, Eastern, Zebco, AA meteorlogist, and soon to be USAirways, jobs lost on the TWU's watch?

What about the 3000 plus TWU lost via the lifting of job security? Are we awaiting arbitrators ruling to bring them back?

Why do you people fail to see the TWU Job Protection Failures, and then hold AMFA to a different standard?

Are you going to display the TWU coffin, in mourning for the 700+ currently laid off in Tulsa?
And will all the people waiting for the Arbitration Ruling get the wages back that they have lost while on furlough or will they just have to live with the fact that they can just start over?
And will all of those that were hit by the B-scale, C-scale and the SRP/OSM classification get their money back?

Mojo, I have respected what you have said here and your experience and apparent skill as a member of our profession, but you reall have no idea what is going on outside of Local 530. Thanks for your professionalism, but as the former TWA employees like to say, "You have no idea until you know what we have been though".
mojo13 said:
And will all the people waiting for the Arbitration Ruling get the wages back that they have lost while on furlough or will they just have to live with the fact that they can just start over?
Full back pay has been requested.

How about those TWU lost jobs are they getting back wages, or starting over?
Dave, I'm sure all of your brothers in TULE are extremely thankful for bringing to light their abundance in numbers at TULE. Have you picked a good number Dave that you would like to see cut? I believe the AMFA ability of furlough has entered your blood by osmosis.

And your B-scale, do you have the numbers in your archives Dave as to the percentage of this passing with respect to your local? I believe the TWU asked the membership to turn it down but it overwhelmingly passed. Does that jar your memory any Dave?
Seen the picture of the 200 TWU pallbearers, it's more like 20. I hope you clowns keep the casket for you'll needing it toBURY THE TWU! :down:

You bums can put out all the spin and lies but the truth is plain for all to see. THE TWU IS OUTTA HERE, THIS YEAR!

By the way Rat Boy Steve, I heard you almost flew out a window....pest control! HA! :up:
Flew out a window? What are you referring to? I didn't fly anywhere Tony. If you are referring to Dan "The PillsbaryBoy" Cunningham placing his newly definded midsection against me then you might be right. I felt that belly 5 minutes before his melon appeared. I also shook his hand, made me homesick for my daughter.
And for those of you that have never done any camera action, here's a quick clue...when the media is 5 feet from you, represent your union well by refraining to initiate harm to others.You want pest control? Should have asked me while I was there. Believe this to be true, Cunningham only initimidates those that allow it, he's a wannabe, but I'm not sure what. He said some statement to me about my management stay, DID YOU KNOW HE APPLIED FOR MANAGENENT TWICE AND WAS LAUGHED AT.

Do you find it funny that Dave Stewart has often attempted to make a big deal out of Kirk's A&P license and HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE. Kirk has his BTW. Kirk and I stood shoulder to shoulder at most events, NO ONE ASKED FOR THEIR MOMENT TO SHINE, wonder why.

It's time to keep the personal attacks here to a minimum. You ALL had the opportunity to face me and do your bidding, I didn't get one invite I felt necessary to respond to. You enjoy making comments to women like Linda to get that testosterone level up. She's more of a union person than any of you here repping AMFA.

Once again the AMFA followers have shown their jellyfish spine. Man, you guys need to find another cause...one you can win.


Steve, when AMFA comes in you can always slither back into management :down: :down:
Steve Connell said:
...And for those of you that have never done any camera action, here's a quick clue...
Rat Boy Steve is now a movie star ! 😛 😛 😛 😛
You know something Steve I don't think the scamfa boys like you. I found you to be a very likeable guy.
mojo13 said:
TWU informer said:
mojo13 said:
Maybe you could explain the meaning of the coffin, and then I will understand your defense of, what I perceive to be very unprofessional activity.

That coffin was representative of the jobs lost under AMFA's watch!
What jobs have been lost under AMFA's watch?
Hey Informer,
Did Dave really say that?? :shock: I know what good buddies you guys are!! Maybe he could explain that a bit further.

I guess if he doesn't want to open his mouth and remove all doubt that will certainly be understandable! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tony...where were you small man? You see a pic of 20 union members and believe that captures all brothers that came to represent the word union. No wonder Tony that you post as you do...an open invitation stands to those that wish to vent their frustrations upon me, all I can say my brothers is bring it. What I saw of the AMFA organizers I'm not at all impressed. They like to shine Alf's shoes.

BTW..not to ruin your hero's image but here's a fact you can chew on for a bit. Cunningham went on several interviews to fill a management job and was denied each time. I do not need to "slither" as you state, if I wanted to go back to management I would. I would not check to see or worry about what you think of me, believe it or not, and I know this a real big one for you swallow...What you think don't mean a hill of beans to me boy.

You had a chance to speak with AMFA members from two different airlines, wher were you Tony? Practicing your cut/paste or enlarging type?
TWU informer said:
Here is the scoop.

The TWU "professionals" with the flatbed trailer carrying a coffin and tombstones pulled up, and they stood outside shouting some chant.

With picket signs in hand, they attempted to bring their "protest" inside the building. The Security was blocking the access NOT AMFA. They were attempting to bring a protest and pickets into the building, not a debate, or questions.

Security was informed that everyone would be allowed in, but without pickets, and they had to remain peaceful. Kevin Hammack at that point announced that "nobody is going in the building". And now here we are watching them claim they are the victims.

All I can say is what an embarrasment it is to have grown men, claiming to be professional aircraft mechanics out in the street with a flatbed trailer, carrying around a coffin in public, screaming and yelling, while wearing the logo of our current union. This confirms that what we talked about inside is correct and it is important that we succeed to remove such atrocious childhood behavior. TWU had no intention of peacefully particpating today.

I will get you some pictures uploaded shortly, and I will publicy show your so-called professionalism. As shameful as the pictures are, I will post them to dispute your lies.

There was a TWU Shop Steward wearing a "United Stated Marine Corp" jacket that went to the microphone and nearly broke into tears while apologizing to the crowd for the conduct of his TWU brothers outside the Brady.

I will get you some audio/video clips of this event as soon as possible. Just give me a little time.

Hey Informer,

These are your quotes. . .

All I can say is what an embarrasment it is to have grown men, claiming to be professional aircraft mechanics out in the street with a flatbed trailer, carrying around a coffin in public, AND

This confirms that what we talked about inside is correct and it is important that we succeed to remove such atrocious childhood behavior.

Well, it seems that I recall not so long ago that a giant rat was erected outside the international offices in NY City by none other than AMFA supporters with picket signs no less. We all saw the pictures. Wasn't it you that put them up?? My question to you is this. . . would you define that as "unprofessional", "childhood behavior" or just being AMFA?? :huh:

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