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TWUer you seem like a reasonable person unlike CIO who I think is a real whacko as well as a pathalogical Liar, I really do think that he has some serious problems and needs to get some help.

I have been at AA for about 18 years so I have seen my share of contracts, I didn't really have any serious problems with the TWU until they gave our contract away, the truth is I like many others had my head buried in the sand, I knew nothing about the TWU or AMFA until the TWU gave all my pay and benefits away, after that I started doing some serious research on both the TWU and AMFA, I read everything I could get my hands on about both organizations and I still do read everything from both organizations, I now think everyone should do this, after doing all this research, I found more and more things everyday that I did not like about the TWU and I found that there were alot of things that I did like about AMFA, I firmly believe that AMFA is a much better organization than the TWU, not because of the people who run it or the people who support it but because of the philosophy, AMFA is what I believe a Union should be and the TWU is not, I have many friends that believe in the TWU and I hate to be at odds with them, but I have to go with what I feel is right, I will be glad when this battle is over as it really has become to ugly.

I do realize that AMFA is not perfect as nothing is and AMFA supporters have played games also but I believe that the TWU lies alot as I have seen many lies this past year first hand, I have not seen any lies coming from AMFA and that is the truth, I am not allways happy with some of the tactical manuevers that have happened on the AMFA side but I believe that the TWU tactical manuevers are more disturbing especially when they are coupled with unbelieveable lies.

In my opinion it is really to bad that we have to play these games, many of the membership do not trust either organization at this point so no matter who wins the membership as a whole will be less involved in the Union.

I probably will not go to anymore debates, it just turns into a game and I have better things to do than play that game, don't know if I will go to anymore meeting for either side as I have allready made up my mind and don't need to be sold anymore, I think that most people have either made up their minds or just don't care and that is why both sides have a poor showings at any kind of a meeting, look at the showing at the Union meetings, it is very poor as well. also I probably will give up the bulletin boards soon as I am tired of it as well. I do believe that there will be an election soon, I do not know who will win but I am ready for all of this to be over as soon as possible.

That looks like a group of professionals showing up to debate somebody to me. 🙁

I think you missed your calling, you should run for political office.
Kevin Hammack came into the building and did not take the opportunity to approach the microphone.
I arrived shortly before 1100 AM to find about a hundred very noisy people trying to bring their brand of bullshit inside the building, just in time to see one E-board member shout out directions to the mob '' That's it boys they are kicking us out lets go'' I won't post your name but you know who you are, in fact I made it a point to attend your morning meeting last Thursday while you thanked me for attending, needless to say I was not carrying a sign nor was I acting like a screaming child trying to pander to the news cameras...

You make me sick, the only reason you were denied entry is because you acted like a bunch of assholes and even when asked to put down the signs stop yelling and come in you instead cranked it up turned to the camera and made all of us look like cave men.. Isn't it funny I arrived unmarked wearing a black windbreaker with no union affiliations and walked right in got a cup of coffee and listened to the many many questions.. no problems no confrontations..

You on the other hand stayed outside gripped with hatred and fear staring at a coffin shouting mindless slogans.. You and your ignorant mob are pissin up a rope
brother.. I'll not forget this and you've only inspired me to work tirelessly to get rid of your sorry asses ASAP.. You can start by charging me with dual unionism.. Get busy with your monkey trials boys..

Signed, Jim Anderson AMT Dock 4D
Raptor said:
TWUer you seem like a reasonable person unlike CIO who I think is a real whacko as well as a pathalogical Liar, I really do think that he has some serious problems and needs to get some help.

I have been at AA for about 18 years so I have seen my share of contracts, I didn't really have any serious problems with the TWU until they gave our contract away, the truth is I like many others had my head buried in the sand, I knew nothing about the TWU or AMFA until the TWU gave all my pay and benefits away, after that I started doing some serious research on both the TWU and AMFA, I read everything I could get my hands on about both organizations and I still do read everything from both organizations, I now think everyone should do this, after doing all this research, I found more and more things everyday that I did not like about the TWU and I found that there were alot of things that I did like about AMFA, I firmly believe that AMFA is a much better organization than the TWU, not because of the people who run it or the people who support it but because of the philosophy, AMFA is what I believe a Union should be and the TWU is not, I have many friends that believe in the TWU and I hate to be at odds with them, but I have to go with what I feel is right, I will be glad when this battle is over as it really has become to ugly.

I do realize that AMFA is not perfect as nothing is and AMFA supporters have played games also but I believe that the TWU lies alot as I have seen many lies this past year first hand, I have not seen any lies coming from AMFA and that is the truth, I am not allways happy with some of the tactical manuevers that have happened on the AMFA side but I believe that the TWU tactical manuevers are more disturbing especially when they are coupled with unbelieveable lies.

In my opinion it is really to bad that we have to play these games, many of the membership do not trust either organization at this point so no matter who wins the membership as a whole will be less involved in the Union.

I probably will not go to anymore debates, it just turns into a game and I have better things to do than play that game, don't know if I will go to anymore meeting for either side as I have allready made up my mind and don't need to be sold anymore. also I probably will give up the bulletin boards soon as I am tired of it as well. I do believe that there will be an election soon, I do not know who will win but I am ready for all of this to be over as soon as possible.
I appreciate your candor Raptor. The reason I asked about your seniority is becasue it seems that where AMFA has taken over representation the guys with the most seniority don't have to worry about much as far a job protection goes. I don't have 18 yrs. I dont have 10 yrs. What is it that AMFA gripes about, concessions for jobs? They don't trust the company, they don't trust TWU leaders, international or local. I guess AMFA is squeaky clean?? I have a family to support. My wages are lower because of the conrtact but I still have my job. I couldn't make what I make now anywhere else Raptor. Could you?? Noone is happy with the contract but it was necessary in my opinion. They didn't give all your pay and benefits away Raptor. None expected 9-11 or war or SARS or a poor economy all back to back. There was more to it than just fly by the seat of your pants vote.

By the way, I know CIO. Really a good person! Really.
mojo13 said:
Is that the professionalism they boasted about?

You believe everything these guys post? Or were you out there with that coffin?

I cannot believe you use that logo as an avatar.

Do you guys at MCI wear shirts with snakes, skull-n-crossbones, and "aviation inmate", while claiming to be the "best workers in the world"?

Do you guys defend your positions with coffins and flatbed trailers in public, while claiming to be the good guy, just wanting a fair shake?
TWUer I was close by when kevin hammock asked Delle if he would debate the guy from United Airlines Delle politely said NO that the debate was to be against the TWU not United Kevin was very angry and starting storming out, I heard someone ask him why he was leaving and he replied in a rather loud tone that your Leader refused to debate us, well as I said I did hear part of the conversation between Delle and Kevin Hammock and as I said he refused to debate a guy from United, he was not offered any other choices for canidates, had he been offered the choice of a TWU local officer maybe he would have accepted I don't know, but he was not, kevin could have stayed and asked questions but he did not as he really did not want to hear what AMFA had to say the same goes for the group outside, they could have come in peacefully without the signs and asked questions and I really wished they would have, but your group chose not to come in, and me and you both know that is because your group did not really want to hear what Delle had to say.
I don't believe at this point that the strong supporters of either side are willing to listen to the other side so there is no point in scheduling and more debates.
AMFA supporters will continue to solicit cards and the TWU supporters will continue to try and stop people from signing cards either way we will have an election soon, of course that is when things are really going to get ugly between the two sides. 🙁

by the way TWUer Delle did not say I have no interest in talking to the membership, Kevin is lieing about that, how do I know I overheard most of the conversation, I did not hear all of it but I heard enough to know that he didn't say what kevin says he said, he was in fact there to talk to the memberhsip and that is what he did, Kevin and Delles conversation was very short.


TWUer I have noticed that most of the TWU supporters at the banner on Friday and at the Brady Theater today are Stock Clerks, I do not understand why they care whether Mechanics go to another Union or not as the Stock Clerks will still be in the TWU, I have not met any Mechanics that care if the Stock Clerks join the AGW or if Fleet Service people join the AGW so why would Stock Clerks care about Mechanics leaving the TWU, can you explain this to me ?

I really want to know your thoughts on this, why are the Stock Clerks more passionate about the Mechanics leaving than anyone else ? :huh:

This question is for TWUer not CIO so please CIO shutup and don't answer, I really am not interested in what you have to say Rick.

I appreciate your candor Raptor. The reason I asked about your seniority is becasue it seems that where AMFA has taken over representation the guys with the most seniority don't have to worry about much as far a job protection goes. I don't have 18 yrs. I dont have 10 yrs. What is it that AMFA gripes about, concessions for jobs? They don't trust the company, they don't trust TWU leaders, international or local. I guess AMFA is squeaky clean?? I have a family to support. My wages are lower because of the conrtact but I still have my job. I couldn't make what I make now anywhere else Raptor. Could you?? Noone is happy with the contract but it was necessary in my opinion. They didn't give all your pay and benefits away Raptor. None expected 9-11 or war or SARS or a poor economy all back to back. There was more to it than just fly by the seat of your pants vote.

By the way, I know CIO. Really a good person! Really.

DaeJa Vu!!!

I was once a young pup myself, but I never sacrificed my integrity and/or beliefs. When you speak of the ‘ME’ generation, you had better take a look in the mirror and realize how selfish you are. The ‘ONLY’!!! reason that you make the salary that you earn today is by the sacrifices that our Union Brothers/Sisters have made for us in their undying pursuit to make a living wage for their children. Even when I walked the picket line for my IAM EAL Brothers/Sisters in 89, I knew that they were sacrificing themselves for ‘US’!!!

From that time forward, I was a die hard IAM Unionist until the UAL ESOP ’Union Lead/International perpetuated’ scam.

From therein, I vowed to never again be a ‘SUCKER’!!!

For your edification, the majority of AMFA supporters were from IND.
Also, for your edification, the majority were ‘Junior’ employees (less than 10 years).
But they had the tenacity to appreciate that they had to make a sacrifice for their children and future generations.

You do not have the tenacity.!!!
You are all out for yourselves!!!

TWU informer said:

You believe everything these guys post?

What guys? Your guys or our guys?

Or were you out there with that coffin?

If you look at the time on my posts you can see that I was home in front of my computer.

I cannot believe you use that logo as an avatar.

If you get your nose real close to the screen you will see Local 530 on that avatar. That is why I use that avatar with pride.

Do you guys at MCI wear shirts with snakes, skull-n-crossbones, and "aviation inmate", while claiming to be the "best workers in the world"?

Although we at MCI are the best workers in the world, we don't need to where any kinda shirt to prove it.

Do you guys defend your positions with coffins and flatbed trailers in public, while claiming to be the good guy, just wanting a fair shake?

Call it what you want, but from here in Kansas City I'm glad to see them take a stand. Maybe someday you will hear the story about "May 10th" that happened here at MCI, it brought Carl Icahn to his knees. What they did there is nothing compared to what we use to do to get our point across.

I'm glad to see the TWU defend their turf, let the best union win.

Nothing personal Informer, but isn't this the same thing your guys were whining about on the 15th???

You believe everything these guys post?

What guys? Your guys or our guys?

Or were you out there with that coffin?

If you look at the time on my posts you can see that I was home in front of my computer.

I cannot believe you use that logo as an avatar.

If you get your nose real close to the screen you will see Local 530 on that avatar. That is why I use that avatar with pride.

Do you guys at MCI wear shirts with snakes, skull-n-crossbones, and "aviation inmate", while claiming to be the "best workers in the world"?

Although we at MCI are the best workers in the world, we don't need to where any kinda shirt to prove it.

Do you guys defend your positions with coffins and flatbed trailers in public, while claiming to be the good guy, just wanting a fair shake?

Call it what you want, but from here in Kansas City, I'm glad to see them take a stand. Maybe someday you will hear the story about "May 10th" that happened here at MCI, it brought Carl Icahn to his knees. What they did there is nothing compared to what we use to do to get our point across.

I'm glad to see the TWU defend their turf, let the best union win.

Nothing personal Informer, but isn't this the same thing your guys were whining about on the 15th???
mojo13 said:
I'm glad to see the TWU defend their turf, let the best union win.

Nothing personal Informer, but isn't this the same thing your guys were whining about on the 15th???
I am not clear as to what you are asking.

Did you see a coffin on a flatbed truck outside the Hotel on the 15th? Or a protest of any kind for that matter?

Maybe you could explain the meaning of the coffin, and then I will understand your defense of, what I perceive to be very unprofessional activity.

We did not lie about why we were NOT there to debate. We communicated clearly why we refused the unsigned offer.
TWU informer said:
mojo13 said:
I'm glad to see the TWU defend their turf, let the best union win.

Nothing personal Informer, but isn't this the same thing your guys were whining about on the 15th???
I am not clear as to what you are asking.

Did you see a coffin on a flatbed truck outside the Hotel on the 15th? Or a protest of any kind for that matter?

Maybe you could explain the meaning of the coffin, and then I will understand your defense of, what I perceive to be very unprofessional activity.

We did not lie about why we were NOT there to debate. We communicated clearly why we refused the unsigned offer.
I was not to impressed with your supporters attitude out in the lobby on the 15th, you know what I mean. I'm not going to mention names here.

Your reason for not showing up at our debate was purely political. You were not prepared to have a debate in an environment that you did not control. So was your "official internet document" really the truth?
Maybe you could explain the meaning of the coffin, and then I will understand your defense of, what I perceive to be very unprofessional activity.

That coffin was representative of the jobs lost under AMFA's watch!
mojo13 said:
Maybe you could explain the meaning of the coffin, and then I will understand your defense of, what I perceive to be very unprofessional activity.

That coffin was representative of the jobs lost under AMFA's watch!
What jobs have been lost under AMFA's watch?

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