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Hotdogs And Delle

Tony I think you are stilling having a fall out from last week!

Jim, somethings never change! inflating numbers is still the norm for you!

Oh, by the way! How do you know I wasn't present? I do know the numbers were closer to 60 from my perspective! And I do know the cards are dropping off at an increase rate and the organizers are spending more time pursuing resigns at this time! And the actual numbers of valid cards are declining which leaves little time to spread miss-information and Lies!

I did see the 2000 dollars suits and the 50 dollar cigars were still present!!!!

NWA where the members are leaving at an average of 100 per month since Amfa has taken over!!!!!!!

Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!
What ever are you talking about, CIO? Come off your stupor and stop reminiscing about those $2000 suits and $50 stogies at the TWU convention and get a grip! If AMFA is as bad as you bums claim it is, then how's the IAM card count coming along at NWA or UAL? How about the IBT card count at SWA? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

"Jim, somethings never change! inflating numbers is still the norm for you!
Oh, by the way! How do you know I wasn't present? I do know the numbers were closer to 60 from my perspective! And I do know the cards are dropping off at an increase rate and the organizers are spending more time pursuing resigns at this time! And the actual numbers of valid cards are declining which leaves little time to spread miss-information and Lies!"

People walked in and out all day long so it was hard to gauge attendance but from the amount of food consumed I could guess several hundred at least ..

From the beginning I've tried to take the high road here, avoiding the name calling while sticking to the issues regardless of which side TWU or AMFA is right.. I give credit where credit is due and apologize now for those times I've been dragged down and off topic.. I want the truth period..

CIO, the truth is and from what I've observed those cards just keep coming in and if it be the will of the majority to call for an election, who are we to stand in the way??

Re-read your own TWU Express dated Jan 31st, which BTW has an altered photo of your coffin float at the Brady, why is the flag missing from this photo?? thats another subject but please go to page 9 paying particular attention to the article by TWU International Secretary Treasurer John Kerrigan entitled " The Freedom to Join a Union" and the article next to it about AFL-CIO's efforts in this regard..

Now you tell me why just what gives you and Team TWU the right violate Federal law when it comes to the memberships right to choose a union.. When the election happens you and I will vote and then whatever the outcome will respect the wishes of the majority, isn't that how it works??

Or will you be full of hate and ill will, I've already met a few diehard TWU guys that say they will become dues objectors and be non participants should AMFA win..

Consider for a moment the meaning of true unionism and also the fact that crapping in your own nest has negative results.. I respect your opinion although we may differ I wonder if you will respect others, especially if they have charted a different course.. Are you a real unionist?? because if you are you'll do the right thing and uphold the laws of this great country..

What say you CIO ?? 😛

Jim Anderson 4D Tulsa
Here's CIO once again preaching the "TWU truth" to TeAAm TWU in Tulsa recently 😛 😛 😛 😛
Harold, I've been dealing with the likes of CIO and his ilk since '98. I found that the so called high road is merely an unfinished ramp with a steep drop. Your average TWU lackey is brain dead and unreasonable. This is so clearly evident in this forum. You cannot reason with unreasonable people. Besides, it's more fun to mock them and make them look like the clowns that they are :up:
The word is that Delle has a vendetta against local 514 and is willing to spend hundreds of thousand of dollars and sacrafice NWA in order to lash out at the Local for the successful job we have done at educating the membership about the pitfalls of amfa!

CIO...here's the best part...the amfa organizers and supporters have taken a LOAN from amfa national for this...those thousands are currently over three hundred thousand and building...TO BE REPAID BY FUTURE DUES!!!!!!..ya gotta love these boys....democracy without a vote...or did you vote on this issue? accountability....that's it...you're accountable to repay what they spend..HAHAHAHAHAHA
Tony B, Quote;

"Harold, I've been dealing with the likes of CIO and his ilk since '98. I found that the so called high road is merely an unfinished ramp with a steep drop. Your average TWU lackey is brain dead and unreasonable. This is so clearly evident in this forum. You cannot reason with unreasonable people. Besides, it's more fun to mock them and make them look like the clowns that they are "



I've been dealing with them since 1989 and at one time actually endorsed the ideas as well, however..

I would implore you and others to refrain from sinking down to a low level because if we stick to the subject at hand and argue the principals we, thats you and I will come out on top every time..

Take the high road Tony and take my word for it, just like roaches they run when lights come on....... :up:

Jim A.
Jim...sounds like you have a lot of history w/ roaches...try taking the high road in your personal hygiene and housekeeping...and Tony..we'll spread your word mah bruddah..."Your average TWU lackey is brain dead and unreasonable. "
The Debate here is between AMFA advocates and twu international wannabes. They are either paid by the twu or stand to lose their cushy little twu union position. This forum kills time while we're waiting for the election. Once AMFA is in, it will be time to leave this playground and go to work trying to recover from the 50 year setback( twu legacy) that we are left with.
I don't blame the likes of cio,twuer ect.....
It will be 1/2 pay sickdays and going home dirty everyday when AMFA gets certified at AA. Can you imagine what it will be like for the ex twu reps back in the shops. I'm sure it won't be pleasant working with the people they twscrewed!!

Sorry it has to be this way.
twu......OLD and OUTDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep the Faith...VOTE AMFA!!!!!
The Debate here is between AMFA advocates and twu international wannabes.

Your statement is as phony as the organization you represent. I am not a TWU International wannabe, nor am I a paid rep with a cushy job...so bruddah...that makes you incorrect, a common liar if I might be so bold..fact is..I'm an informed TWU member that sees through the smoke and sugar coated presentations that you amfa advocates put forth.

I know of amfa's history, their court prowness, their negotiating abilities, and it makes me find the good in the TWU when this era is hard against it.

Just by your posts shows the ways of amfa and how they represent. You embrace the likes of Black Cat and Tony B as advocates, fine, just reaffirms my stance against the likes of amfa.
NyQuill said:
Your statement is as phony as the organization you represent. I am not a TWU International wannabe, nor am I a paid rep with a cushy job...so bruddah...that makes you incorrect, a common liar if I might be so bold..fact is..I'm an informed TWU member that sees through the smoke and sugar coated presentations that you amfa advocates put forth.

I know of amfa's history, their court prowness, their negotiating abilities, and it makes me find the good in the TWU when this era is hard against it.

Just by your posts shows the ways of amfa and how they represent. You embrace the likes of Black Cat and Tony B as advocates, fine, just reaffirms my stance against the likes of amfa.
Would you like to prove your statement or are you just like cio and twuer?? Lets have your name and where you work. Until then you are just another twu lackey.
twu thrives on the members who believe only what they are told by the twu. Do your homework and become educated. If this were not the case, the AMFA would have died off many moons ago. It's time to sober up and do your homework if you want to post something about AMFA that's not rubbish.

AMFA...........our ONLY alternative to the twu!!
Keep the Faith......VOTE AMFA

Do your homework and become educated.

Ahhh...but I have, thus my drive against allowing amfa to be my BA.

amfa educated me by:
  • Leading the industry in outsourcing
  • Leading the industry in furloughs and job loss
  • Leading the industry into the demise of pensions and the rebirth of 401K's
  • Leading the industry in base closures.
  • Loss of FM1 after stating undeniably they had it won.
I was in a hurry and missed other attributes...but the list grows daily...TY Delle!
I had a most excellent time on a blue sky Saturday. I'm not much on hot dogs but those spicy AMFA dogs rock!!!!! Thanks to the Tulsa organizers , Dell, and Terry from the AMFA National. Tulsa is showing against all odds, it can be done. The transition hall is very nice and should serve you guys well until we build a new one for what will be the largest AMFA local of them all. AMFA Local 12 :up: :up: :up:

I was surprised no twu 514 sour grapes showed. I guess the coffin was in the shop for repairs???? You could of asked any question you wanted (twuer, cio, Nyquill-earl), from the AMFA National Director himself!!!!! Could you do that with Sunny ?????? :unsure: :blink: :unsure:

Its coming to a vote soon guys, see you at the NMB!!!!!! 😉 😀
NyQuill said:
Jim...sounds like you have a lot of history w/ roaches...try taking the high road in your personal hygiene and housekeeping...and Tony..we'll spread your word mah bruddah..."Your average TWU lackey is brain dead and unreasonable. "
You see Harold. You can't take the high road with these pukes. Actually I've been preaching AMFA since 1989. I was the one who turned Dan Cunningham on to AMFA.
Yes Drippy Steve Nyquill Connell, YOU are a prime example of the average TWU LACKEY and as such you are quite brain dead and unreasonable. :lol:

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