Steve Connell said:
Tony, where I was is in a union since 78, do I need to run my history for you, don't think so. Cunningham has his convictions and I have mine, simple as that. I do not think less of any AMFA supporter, or organizer, for wanting what they think is right. HOWEVER, when I see the history of AMFA and the job losses they have allowed I will do all I can to keep them out of my workplace. The local tactics some have used against Kirk Wells are unforgiveable and should be dealt with one on one. Bring my family into your AMFA drive as you did Wells and you'll see the difference between control and no control, this I assure you.
I would have thought if AMFA would want to draw numbers into their ranks they would have held a debate between the numbers, what are you all afraid of? The facts speak for themselves, and I mean the facts, not some twist or half-truth you wish to put forth. I have been fighting against AMFA since the early 90's and will continue to support all efforts against AMFA. They cannot be a craft union, they are an industrialist union wanting to be a craft union. The organizers they allow to put forth their rhetoric shows the degree of professionalism in their ranks.
Hi Earl steve,
I did not get to meet you yesterday, I should have asked Dan to point you out. There were a few older guys from Kansas, didn't look like anyone much to get worried about. If there is a next time, I hear AMFA National will invite Sunny "the coward" Hall or lITTLE again before we file, I'll try to remember to find the tall old guy with grey hair and a cane. That is if your still around, and MCI is not shut down by then.
We know you sorry history Earl. Your latest BS about Company Man Dan going for management is quite a stretch, ever for you. The difference is you went into management, he did not. He saw the light, you obviously have not. Quite a distinction. He has more integrity than you will ever have. We exspect many in team twu will try and slither into management when AMFA comes in at AA. That is where they belong, the twu is in bed with them anyway. You'll be pushing paper and getting the boss his coffee soon enough.
The job loses AMFA has suffered are being challenged in arbitration, but you twu believers still don't acknowledge it. What are you gonna do if they win? HIDE? Base shutdowns are done by the company and NO union can stop them. At least the ATL mechanics could go to MSP if they wanted to follow their work. Tell us what happened to the UAL/ iam mechanics at Indy? Laid off and abandone? What about US Air? Concessions and still failing? What about your own TWA? Concession after concession and TWA still went down the crapper. AMFA has done so much for the mechanic in the few years since 1998 and the industry changing contract at NWA. Much more than the twu and the iam have done in 50 years. The industrial unions have done nothing but lose, with industry leading concesssions to match the layoffs. Your hailed industrail unions have failed at the "concessions for jobs game" and are being ousted or will be at all carriers for the mechanic and related. AMFA is gaining- the twu/iam/ibt is losing. Truth hurts. No concessions needed.
What are you talking about concerning kirk wells? Did you buy his "I'm a victim" crying game? He has been challenged on his felony record and his thug twu tuff guy tactics to his face by myself and others. Even leaders in his own team twu have told him to chill out, he refuses. He will NEVER be a leader. No one I know of has brought his family into this fight and why would they, he is divorced and they have nothing to do with him is my understanding. He will say and do anything to get attention, he constantly lies. No one I have talked to in team twu likes him. However, he is wonderful for our AMFA card drive. I am glad the twu International selected him, he's burning the twu down fast. I met one of his ex-friends from Tulsa last night after the meeting and he told even more about his sorry past. Very interesting, and further confirms his psyco image. He has threatened many, many of his co-workers, (mostly women and old men). He threatens to take them to HR, kick they're ass, rat them out and so on. He even acts like he's recording you when you try to talk to him. Is he your brand of industrial unionism Earl steve? If it is, you have already lost.
What is a "debate between the numbers?" Twu Liars Football? Do you mean members? We already do that every day. IT IS THE LEADERS THAT SHOULD DEBATE!!!! Like the signs said yesterday, WHERE IS SONNY? If the twu thinks Delle is such a putz (sorry Delle), what the hell are they hiding for? Hall and lITTLE are the ones that are chickens@#$, they're afraid of they're own members and they won't take on AMFA head to head in a public forum. They know they will LOSE, and they have you team twu buffoons to do the twu bidding. It sure is good to be King in the twu international. Sit back, collect your 200K a year, and no worries. Let the brainwashed run blocker. It just sucks when accountability and democracy rears its head, and you have to answer to it.
AMFA is craft union. They represent M@R only. No afl-cio BS needed.
Good luck trying to stop AMFA. Its too late.