Ideas to pass a TA with the mechanics.

Day dreaming about things is such a peaceful and calming activity. Here is a listing of the effects:
BTW, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the FAs are getting nowhere just talking, time to go to binding and the pilots got an offer from the company that's DOA, so for those of you that expected that m&r negotiations would be a walk in the park and that Parker is going to give us everything we ask for? Day dreaming....
Goof balls.....
DallasConehead said:
Day dreaming about things is such a peaceful and calming activity. Here is a listing of the effects:
BTW, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the FAs are getting nowhere just talking, time to go to binding and the pilots got an offer from the company that's DOA, so for those of you that expected that m&r negotiations would be a walk in the park and that Parker is going to give us everything we ask for? Day dreaming....
Goof balls.....
I don't think anyone is or has their heads in the clouds thinking that we will get any or all of what was proposed. Nor are they day dreaming either but you must admit that if we as a group don't think about some of these and just say well that's all they could give us and or the Union did its best. We all will be far worse off. Labor has given back to the companies for many yrs and they have profited by it. It is time for the companies to give back to the employees whose hard work keeps the customers coming back.
Each day our rents, car payments and food bills, tolls and every part of lifes cost keep increasing but why should we suffer, and not keep up even with inflation. What we have given back to AA was hard fought for by unions guys yrs ago. STOPPING This trend is what needs to happen don't you agree?
DallasConehead said:
Day dreaming about things is such a peaceful and calming activity. Here is a listing of the effects:
BTW, in case anyone hasn't noticed, the FAs are getting nowhere just talking, time to go to binding and the pilots got an offer from the company that's DOA, so for those of you that expected that m&r negotiations would be a walk in the park and that Parker is going to give us everything we ask for? Day dreaming....
Goof balls.....
The FAs turned down a good contract based on greed or galley gossip, the pilots are holding out until delta pilots get a contract, the pilots at delta are expecting a 22% raise.

We need to remember that the contract is not made for every individual it's made for thousands of people, we need to get the best deal, I say it should be a bit better then what bigjets outlined, as that would be a restore to what we had minus pension and retiree medical not mention all the work outsourced, and the amount of OSMs we use now.
Duke787 said:
The FAs turned down a good contract based on greed or galley gossip, the pilots are holding out until delta pilots get a contract, the pilots at delta are expecting a 22% raise.

We need to remember that the contract is not made for every individual it's made for thousands of people, we need to get the best deal, I say it should be a bit better then what bigjets outlined, as that would be a restore to what we had minus pension and retiree medical not mention all the work outsourced, and the amount of OSMs we use now.
I don't get your interest in the FA's contract being voted down.  Obviously, they didn't like a number of things about it, not the least of which would be agreeing to a binding arbitration that had a built in cap  
Bottom line, if AAs AMTs are stuck with "God forbid"  anybody other than the AMFA negotiating for us - we are screwed.
They already agreed to binding arbitration before the TA. Read the NPA that I posted.
You do realize that rejecting the TA is what triggered the binding arbitration?
Its truly amazing how mis or uninformed people are.
They just lost $82 million in improvements.

Watch this:
700UW said:
They already agreed to binding arbitration before the TA. Read the NPA that I posted.
You do realize that rejecting the TA is what triggered the binding arbitration?
Its truly amazing how mis or uninformed people are.
They just lost $82 million in improvements.
Watch this:
We all can't have all the union leaders on speed dial and have a personal relationship with them LIKE YOU.
Most of the guys are working not just sitting around being paid $11k to use Goggle by the IAM District Lodge, to tell us all how the airlines are doing and what the CEO's are planning and so on.
Can we assume that the F/A Union leader (Laura G.) told you why, what, How,? Or were you part of the bargaining unit there as well?
Can you ever stick to this issues or topic?
I worked the IBT raid for the IAM last year, never hid that fact, I worked from June till September of 2013.
You must be jealous as you always make it about the poster and not the topic.
And I dont use Google to think for me, I have a brain and use it, unlike others on this board.
So please explain how AMFA only represents mechanics as you stated,but the Cleaners at WN and AS are also represented by AMFA yet they arent mechanics?
700UW said:
Can you ever stick to this issues or topic?
I worked the IBT raid for the IAM last year, never hid that fact, I worked from June till September of 2013.
You must be jealous as you always make it about the poster and not the topic.
And I dont use Google to think for me, I have a brain and use it, unlike others on this board.
So please explain how AMFA only represents mechanics as you stated,but the Cleaners at WN and AS are also represented by AMFA yet they arent mechanics?
The topic is a TA for mechanics yet your off talking about the F/A. now don't come back and say well he started it just like a 2 yr old.
TSH and I answered that already for you. AMFA represents mechanics, facilities, auto, aircraft, utility and parts washers, aircraft cleaners, and the rest of what the NMB determines are in our class and craft we all know this, so you can stop being such a chicken sh#t.
Everybody with the exception of you does not have the facts and you tell us what we the employees of AA are talking about. You are not even an airline employee. You make it about you just so you can claim to know it ALL.  Telling us how you got it directly from the source, I don't know too many union leaders that would tell a non airline employee or non union member what is going on. So either you lied about that or you just google it.
I guess you cant read and comprehend
I was not the person to bring up the FAs, it was a couple of fellow mechanics of yours, not I.
So where is your post attacking them?
And once again you try to silence and censor, if you want control of what is posted buy the boards.
You cant debate so you attack the poster, that has been your M.O. for months, tells all about you.
Stop bringing a peashooter to a gun fight.
Learn to read and comprehend:
Duke787 said:
The FAs turned down a good contract based on greed or galley gossip, the pilots are holding out until delta pilots get a contract, the pilots at delta are expecting a 22% raise.

We need to remember that the contract is not made for every individual it's made for thousands of people, we need to get the best deal, I say it should be a bit better then what bigjets outlined, as that would be a restore to what we had minus pension and retiree medical not mention all the work outsourced, and the amount of OSMs we use now.
Vortilon said:
I don't get your interest in the FA's contract being voted down.  Obviously, they didn't like a number of things about it, not the least of which would be agreeing to a binding arbitration that had a built in cap  
Bottom line, if AAs AMTs are stuck with "God forbid"  anybody other than the AMFA negotiating for us - we are screwed.
700UW said:
They already agreed to binding arbitration before the TA. Read the NPA that I posted.
You do realize that rejecting the TA is what triggered the binding arbitration?
Its truly amazing how mis or uninformed people are.
They just lost $82 million in improvements.
Watch this:
Don't assume that I didn't know about the binding arbitration terms.  We all know how the term "they agreed to it" term gets tossed about by union leaders.  For a former stores clerk, with no dog in the fight, you sure like to try to impress everybody with your plethora of knowledge.  What is truly amazing, is what a pompous jackazz you are.
Typical, attack the poster cause you cant debate the topic or issue at hand.
Vortilon said:
I don't get your interest in the FA's contract being voted down.  Obviously, they didn't like a number of things about it, not the least of which would be agreeing to a binding arbitration that had a built in cap  
Bottom line, if AAs AMTs are stuck with "God forbid"  anybody other than the AMFA negotiating for us - we are screwed.
I don't want the mechs to make the same mistake the FAs did. Leave money on the table because of being misinformed or listening to a dreamer trying to make a point other then putting money in our pockets.
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