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Lesson's to learn from other unions at AA

Bob Owens said:
Been in this industry over 30 years, I've seen it all before. Its the same nightmare over and over again with workers making the same mistakes over and over again. Nobody learns from the past.  
That's why we should vote in a contract that is industry leading, and not do what the FA's did, there by assuring a average of delta and united. Thats assuming we ever get an answer about our union representation. 
IORFA said:
So IF Laura retires as president, she gets the A something or other passes.
So if LG retires as president she gets far higher than D2R?
Is this benefit afforded by the company or is it written into the constitution?
Sure sounds like a pretty good LIFETIME BENEFIT allowed by the company.
I'll make you a wager that LG retires as president before the next election.
What kind of union allows this?
Is this not a conflict of interest in anyones mind?
On a side note, APFA changes the constitution, June of this year, to make furloughees pay dues while gone but then are forgiven when they return...except for the ones who are past due already.
What kind of union writes obfuscating language like this when clear language would have just said "when you are furloughed you do not pay dues."
Who are you trying to penalize?
Really, is it ok for the company to grant these benefits to a union leader?
Who thinks this stuff up and why do you think it is ok?
Please don't tell me it's always been this way.
It gets curiouser and curiouser.
AA gives out the passes. No problem from me. No conflict to me. I don't think she will retire. Maybe, but doubt it. Constitution change to make furloughees pay dues was years ago. Not this last June. Nice try though. You really need to ask someone smarter for all your misinformation. Clear language, ha, like an AFA contract? Nothing could be farther from clear than that.
IORFA said:
AA gives out the passes. No problem from me. No conflict to me. I don't think she will retire. Maybe, but doubt it. Constitution change to make furloughees pay dues was years ago. Not this last June. Nice try though. You really need to ask someone smarter for all your misinformation. Clear language, ha, like an AFA contract? Nothing could be farther from clear than that.
Wow that was fast. LG's minion working overtime.
So you see NO confict of interest when a union leader is given, let's assume an A5 when they retire, which in LGs case should be tomorrow. No more wedding invites for her...or phone calls.
Win lose or draw you get FIRST CLASS WITH BUMPING RIGHTS TO REVENUE PAX for the rest of your LIFE!
That might be called lifetime benefits.
If you are ok with that then there are big changes coming LG's way and yours.
In reference to the June amendmant you may want to reread it as should every f/a.
The shameful way you have treated your own people continues...but not for long.
Keep trying Baghdad Bob..
"There are no tanks in Baghdad!" except for the ones behind you.
IORFA said:
AA gives out the passes. No problem from me. No conflict to me. I don't think she will retire. Maybe, but doubt it. Constitution change to make furloughees pay dues was years ago. Not this last June. Nice try though. You really need to ask someone smarter for all your misinformation. Clear language, ha, like an AFA contract? Nothing could be farther from clear than that.
Your AArrogance is far exceeded by your ignorance.
Who said anything about AFA? Paranoid much?
So LG gets A++ status upon retirement as APFA president but it's not written anywhere?
That is just wrong and should be illegal.
Do any other AA union presidents have this benefit?
Giving someone benefits like F for life is not an option for a union head.
If a union head accepts this then they will be seen as in collusion with the company.
IORFA said:
AA gives out the passes. No problem from me. No conflict to me. I don't think she will retire. Maybe, but doubt it. Constitution change to make furloughees pay dues was years ago. Not this last June. Nice try though. You really need to ask someone smarter for all your misinformation. Clear language, ha, like an AFA contract? Nothing could be farther from clear than that.
IORFA said:
AA gives out the passes. No problem from me. No conflict to me. I don't think she will retire. Maybe, but doubt it. Constitution change to make furloughees pay dues was years ago. Not this last June. Nice try though. You really need to ask someone smarter for all your misinformation. Clear language, ha, like an AFA contract? Nothing could be farther from clear than that.
This a cautionary tale straight from the Jerry Glass playbook from LUS BK2.
Jerry Glass promises TX lifetime benefits.
When this deal goes public she resigns.
Jerry Glass promises LG lifetime benefits.
"Those who do not remember their past are condemmed to repeat it."
It is not ok for for any union head to accept lifetime benefits above D2.
Jerry Glass just played LG like he played TX 10 years earlier.
Talk about lessons learned.
IORFA said:
AA gives out the passes. No problem from me. No conflict to me. I don't think she will retire. Maybe, but doubt it. Constitution change to make furloughees pay dues was years ago. Not this last June. Nice try though. You really need to ask someone smarter for all your misinformation. Clear language, ha, like an AFA contract? Nothing could be farther from clear than that.You
You do not get F for life!
Just say no to LG getting lifetime F benefits.
Thanks for the "Take it or leave it campaign".
What are the presidents retirement benefits?
You need a hobby! You keep asking the same questions on multiple threads. You get answers, yet keep asking. I can't help you read the information, that is up to you. Since you seem to be off your meds, I'm going to leave you alone after this. Again, the passes are not in the constitution. Asked and answered more than once. EVERY Union president gets the benefit, IF they retire while president and eligible for the pass level. Asked and answered more than once. The has been company policy since wAAy before my time. Not sure why you think some dude named Jerry has the corner on giving out this benefit? Maybe this Jerry dude is all things travel at USAir, but never heard of him here. Thanks for letting me know what I voted on in June. However, I know what was actually voted on. You are confused. I voted roughly 4-5 years ago on if furlougheees should pay dues. Not last June. But thanks for the revisionist theory. We voted in June to waive some of the dues, not start them. You seem very bitter. Good luck on your campaign for change. You'll need it. What you are complaining about ISN'T new or a big deal to anyone who does their homework or asks questions they are willing to hear the answers to. As has been mentioned before when you asked, not all presidents retire while president. IF they don't, they do NOT get the passes. If you don't like it, tell AA your feelings. They are the ones doing it. You are all over the place with your emotions, yet don't seem to want answers to your multiple same questions. What are you really looking for? Do you want us to pat you on the head and tell you everything will be OK? Or is this just the beginning to your revenge manifesto? Just curious how soon/if I should put you on my ignore list. Nonsensical ramblings you post aren't worth the effort to read/respond to on here.

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