IORFA said:
So IF Laura retires as president, she gets the A something or other passes.
So if LG retires as president she gets far higher than D2R?
Is this benefit afforded by the company or is it written into the constitution?
Sure sounds like a pretty good LIFETIME BENEFIT allowed by the company.
I'll make you a wager that LG retires as president before the next election.
What kind of union allows this?
Is this not a conflict of interest in anyones mind?
On a side note, APFA changes the constitution, June of this year, to make furloughees pay dues while gone but then are forgiven when they return...except for the ones who are past due already.
What kind of union writes obfuscating language like this when clear language would have just said "when you are furloughed you do not pay dues."
Who are you trying to penalize?
Really, is it ok for the company to grant these benefits to a union leader?
Who thinks this stuff up and why do you think it is ok?
Please don't tell me it's always been this way.
It gets curiouser and curiouser.