Ideas to pass a TA with the mechanics.

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This thread is how to PASS a TA, not OH vs LINE, AA has made it clear, both are needed and cost effective. I would vote against taking less then delta so we can keep tulsa open, just like tulsa would vote against a line pay raise and a one time bonus for tulsa.

My biggest worry is the alliance disregarding the membership concerns and or just sign saying the union owns the contract so we can do that.

NO UNION, it's certianly isn't a union when the membership is not consulted especially about closing locals and joining an alliance with another Union for joint representation. Big items like that should be consulted with the MEMBERSHIP not decided by unelected "brothers" making twice what I make.
MetalMover said:
 I forgot the"We don't want to hurt the company because we're going to ASK for everything back" TWU philosophy.
You are right... they do ASK. A real UNION would NEGOTIATE
bigjets said:
I say uniforms should NOT be part of our contract, sense OH doesn't wear uniforms and we are actually leasing uniforms and most cases used polyester pants and shirts. Just becuase the old time goofs got it in the contract doesn't make it smart.

I say this because in the 2003 give backs, we gave back half our uniforms becuase they had monetary value to the company, so instead of paying $22 for a pair of dickies we lose out on actual cash contract after contract becuase the same guys that gave us the b scale decided to RENT clothes from AA.
You have a valid point. I am from TULE so I guess I never really thought about it. What you say makes a lot of sense.
DallasConehead said:
I am sick of taking it in the ass so you OH guys can have day shift and  weekends off, and so AA can employ 6000 of you when every other airline has less then half of that and so you can work in a heated hangar or shop while I'm out on the flight line every holiday, freezing or sweating my balls off. I am sick of that Bull ####. I don't care what you say, I have suffered through 28 years of that crap.
And now, and now, we need to stick together, stick up for the OH guys, where were you all during all that time... my ass....
So it is overhauls fault you have to work weekends and in inclement weather?
No. I don' think so.
TWU has used fear mongering to get the membership to cut it's own throat (concessions for job security) while the leadership enjoys the fruits the membership's labor and probably a few "company perks" as well.
DallasConehead if I did not know any better I would say were are a TWU plant with a directive of keeping the masses divided.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
So it is overhauls fault you have to work weekends and in inclement weather?
No. I don' think so.
TWU has used fear mongering to get the membership to cut it's own throat (concessions for job security) while the leadership enjoys the fruits the membership's labor and probably a few "company perks" as well.
DallasConehead if I did not know any better I would say were are a TWU plant with a directive of keeping the masses divided.
No, its OH and the unions fault every mechanic out on the line gets paid and benefits far less then market. They threw you guys a bone and you bought it. (40k) Now we all get to live with it and whats more, its been that way for decades.
DallasConehead said:
No, its OH and the unions fault every mechanic out on the line gets paid and benefits far less then market. They threw you guys a bone and you bought it. (40k) Now we all get to live with it and whats more, its been that way for decades.
You guys?
That is your problem. To you it is us (line) and them (overhaul).
Instead of us (the workers) and them (the people that have REALLY been screwing you over the years.... the AA/TWU conglomerate).
As a side note the TWU leadership has stated that THEY own the contract and can (and will) accept a contract "in your best interest". Having you vote is really just an illusion to make you think you have some sort of control. You really think with all the under that table dealing that goes on if AA/TWU really wanted a contract pushed it would not go through? Get a clue.
As a side note I am not a mechanic so I am not "them". I was a Fleet Service Clerk at TULE. 
I can understand your frustration at your current situation but I would ask this. Have you ever considered just leaving American Airlines? I mean you obviously don't like it. Since I started my new career I have exceeded my AA pay, get way more holidays, day shift and weekends off, more vacation time. You are someone trained in electronic installation, pneumatics, hydraulics, metal working, diesel technology, and possibly fabrication using exotic materials. I am sure you have many options available. The railroads I know for a fact were sniffing around trying to find A&P trained people.
Just an example
Pay Rate: $29.29 Per Hour
I realize you make more than that but it is possible that is a starting wage for this position. It might be worth exploring and you are most definitely qualified.
Or how about this. 30 an hour in a heated shop (during winter) working day shift only.
COMPENSATION $17.00 - $30.00/hour. A comprehensive benefits package is available after 1 month. Relocation assistance available on a case by case basis. 
SHIFTS Days, 8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday)
You have a lot of opportunities out there with your skill set yet, you remain with an employer where you are obviously unhappy. Why?
I have told you before that I believe the company uses seniority to condition people into a "survival" state. You get so wrapped in in job security and preservation it blinds you to anything else. I think we are seeing a prime example of that here. If not now (I don't know your age) than in the past. I am sure you saw signs it was time to move on years ago but stay put.
Here is a few ideas
- base pay for AMT the same for all line or oh
- Pay for required qualifications. Meaning per fleet type, A114 (ENGINE RUN/TAXI),LMP, etc. This would push up line pay as they have to keep up with multiple fleets.
- Geo pay
- A meaningful shift differential. 10% for second shift, 15% mids and another 5% if you are working the weekends.
- of course we need all of our holidays, vacation, double time and sick time restored.
- Full value for unused sick time at retirement.
- language for automatic 5% increases in pay for every 6 months past the amendable date for the contract.

Just a few things off the top of my head.
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I think if you're a mechanic, you would do better with what the company would give you. In 2001 little was bragging how he could get us $28 an hour then AMFA got that great contract, then the company gave us that 2001 one contract that was taken away in 2003 to avoid bk.

Basically we only get what the company gives us and the TWU takes a slice every payday.
dvlhog212 said:
Here is a few ideas
- base pay for AMT the same for all line or oh
- Pay for required qualifications. Meaning per fleet type, A114 (ENGINE RUN/TAXI),LMP, etc. This would push up line pay as they have to keep up with multiple fleets.
- Geo pay
- A meaningful shift differential. 10% for second shift, 15% mids and another 5% if you are working the weekends.
- of course we need all of our holidays, vacation, double time and sick time restored.
- Full value for unused sick time at retirement.
- language for automatic 5% increases in pay for every 6 months past the amendable date for the contract.

Just a few things off the top of my head.
Sounds good. But the TWU will never go for it...They wouldn't want to hurt the company!
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You guys?
That is your problem. To you it is us (line) and them (overhaul).
At OH it has always been IGM (I GOT MINE) with them, now we are supposed to be one group against the company? Get a clue.
As a side note I am not a mechanic so I am not "them". I was a Fleet Service Clerk at TULE. 
Why you stick your pie hole in maintenance issues. You dont even have a reason to be here except to stir the pot and talk about how great you got it now that you left.  Most of us have 25+ years invested in this company and for most, even more in the career field. I am not going back to 0 seniority and starting over. Additionally, lots of guys bodies and health is sketchy from years out here working the line, thus companies wont take a second look at broke down , pissed off guys. So, don't be an idiot and suggest **** that aint gonna happen.
DallasConehead said:
You guys?
That is your problem. To you it is us (line) and them (overhaul).
At OH it has always been IGM (I GOT MINE) with them, now we are supposed to be one group against the company? Get a clue.
As a side note I am not a mechanic so I am not "them". I was a Fleet Service Clerk at TULE. 
Why you stick your pie hole in maintenance issues. You dont even have a reason to be here except to stir the pot and talk about how great you got it now that you left.  Most of us have 25+ years invested in this company and for most, even more in the career field. I am not going back to 0 seniority and starting over. Additionally, lots of guys bodies and health is sketchy from years out here working the line, thus companies wont take a second look at broke down , pissed off guys. So, don't be an idiot and suggest #### that aint gonna happen.
Let's get a few things straight.
You don't know me and you know very little about me. Did you ever stop to consider that I am directly impacted by American Airlines contracts? Today it is the mechanics getting abused, who is it going to be tomorrow?
I hear all the time that other work groups don't stand with the mechanics, I am here, now, standing with you and all you have to say is "Why you stick your pie hole in maintenance issues.". That puts the question in my mind if you really want support or just something to complain about.
On a broader note this has nothing to do with Mechanics and Fleet; this has to do with having a sellout UNION representing the membership. We both have the same goal and that is to see the TWU sent packing. I suggest you put your energies toward that rather than debating me.
You would lose anyway.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
 We both have the same goal and that is to see the TWU sent packing. 
So you would rather see Fleet with no union?   All things considered Fleet has fared pretty well. maybe not in TULE but in DFW, ORD, NYC, LAX and MIA compared to Fleet at other carriers they aren't at the bottom. Do you think they would have done better without a Union? 
Bob Owens said:
Do you think they would have done better without a Union? 
You asked a direct question I will give you a direct answer. No I do not.
Now for how I really feel about it.
I think they are one of a set of dominoes lined up one by one. After they knock the mechanics down far enough another work group will be next. They may be doing well NOW, but soon they will be treated exactly as you are now.
It is my hope the mechanics leaving the TWU will give TWU a wake up call that they are NOT invincible (unlikely) or that the other work groups will make their own UNIONS or at least shop around.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
It is my hope the mechanics leaving the TWU will give TWU a wake up call that they are NOT invincible (unlikely) or that the other work groups will make their own UNIONS or at least shop around.
Right,, so you can continue to be at top pay for your skill set (scanning bag tags) among the airlines.