Replace AFA joint negotiations committee now

Who the heck is Debra Flores Mike's wife?

You dont even know who is representing the AFA on the west, that would be Deborah Volpe!

A little knowledge and education can take you places, ignorance makes you look foolish.

Deborah Volpe
AMW MEC President

Mark Gentile
USA MEC Acting President

Brian Clark
AMW MEC VP/Secretary-Treasurer

Glenda Tally
USA MEC Secretary-Treasurer

Dianne Britton
DCA Council 41 President

Terry Graf
PHL Council 70 President

Cathy Campbell
CLT Council 89 President

How are those LOA 93 wages doing for you?
Glucose said: Rigs that would never be utilized due to company optimizing trips to eliminate rig.

USA320Pilot comments: Exactly, which is what the Rigs are designed to do. And, if the trips are not optimized then the F/A's get paid more. Of course, that cannot happen now. Now instead of having the highest industry legacy carrier pay and the best work rules the F/As will stay on bankuptcy wages and work rules for the foreseeable future, which I do not like. Furthermore, there are no new negotiations scheduled, the NMB is resting, the TA was the Company's final offer, and the F/A's are continuing to lose the time value of money big time while working more days than required.

Again, I agree with Mike Flores, Deborah Flores, and the JNC that "there is no better (Company) offer, the Company has been consistent on economics, the TA was the Company's final offer, and the Company is willing to reach a deal, but also willing to walk away if not within range of economics."

Therefore, what are the F/A's going to do now to make their lives better while working at US Airways?

It's not my contract and every other eligible employee will earn more in profit sharing because of the F/A vote. I just don't get the fact that so many F/A's apparently voted without reading the TA, attending a road show, or reading the Powerpoint presentation. Wow!

How can you assume that many f/a's did not take the time to read the t/a? Did you hire someone to take a scientific poll for you ? The amount of people that attended the roadshows was also record breaking for this group,,,, I guess you took your poll with just the f/a's that you fly with? Believe me, many have read the f/a cover to cover. I have a printed version right in front of me that I took the time to have done. It also cost me $30 to have it printed. There are also three copies sitting in our crew room as I speak. So your Scientific poll asking f/a's if they have read it, is hogwash. It is also available online too. :p
I think you're wasting your time. It's like watching someone beating their head on a brick wall, the temptation is to tell them it's not a good idea. Then you say something and they respond that they know exactly what they're doing and are offended. All you can do is shake your head and walk away.


Who the heck is Debra Flores Mike's wife?

You dont even know who is representing the AFA on the west, that would be Deborah Volpe!

A little knowledge and education can take you places, ignorance makes you look foolish.

Deborah Volpe
AMW MEC President

Mark Gentile
USA MEC Acting President

Brian Clark
AMW MEC VP/Secretary-Treasurer

Glenda Tally
USA MEC Secretary-Treasurer

Dianne Britton
DCA Council 41 President

Terry Graf
PHL Council 70 President

Cathy Campbell
CLT Council 89 President

How are those LOA 93 wages doing for you?


Whoops. Thanks for catching my typing mistake. I meant to say AFA Council 66 MEC President Deborah Volpe, who recommended the F/As vote "yes."

The LOA 93 wages are not as good as I earned before, which is another whole argument on how USAPA keeps hurting the pilots. :angry:

Then you should take your time and your efforts and use it to help yourself and the pilots and let the FAs do as they please, it is their right, dont you understand that?

Ggiby said: "Work rules were slashed, vacation was slashed, sick leave accrual was slashed."

USA320Pilot comments: I'm not sure where you got that information. According to the AFA JNC there were the following improvements in sick:

• Current West: 45 hours per year at 100% (limitations on use above 75 hours, each day an occurrence, etc.)
• Current East: 60 hours per year at 70% = 42 hours of Sick Pay
• TA: 54 hours at 100% = 54 hours
• Every Hour in the current East Bank = 100%
• All sick calls pay at 100% Pay and Credit.

According to the JNC the East F/A's got 12 more hours of sick time/year and the West F/A's got 9 more hours of sick time per year.

According to the AFA JNC there were the following changes in vacation:

• Company treats as major economic item.
• West shifted to modified East Vacation schedule.
• Modified from East contract to earn 31 days at 18 years and 35 days at year 26.
• East FA gets to top vacation sooner

Ggiby said: "But hey, You question the decisions of the f/a's voting it down, does a 75% no vote solidify your question? That in itself is huge."

USA320Pilot comments: With the lack of F/A's reading the TA, according to my random sampling, I don't believe the percentage split is so huge. It appears a lot of F/A's did not take the time to read the TA, look at the Powerpoint presentation, or listen to their MEC President's/JNC.

According to the AFA JNC, "Left on the table if we don’t reach a new TA in 18 months Assuming we somehow get into negotiations again and it takes 18 months to reach an agreement, East Flight Attendants lose this:"

75 Hour F/A - $6,061.50
85 Hour F/A - $6,869.70
95 Hour F/A - $7,677.90
105 Hour F/A - $8,486.10

USA320Pilot concludes: Gigby, I'm not disputing the F/A's right to vote "no." I'm just trying to understand the logic. I know that many F/A's voted "no" without reading the TA and there are misconceptions. For example, the F/A's received industry leading legacy carrier pay, duty rigs, and crew rest/hours of service with a max 13-hour duty day, and Scope. The TA improves sick time, the West received a huge pay increase, and areas of vacation were improved.

I keep asking a question and not one F/A has answered my question. Again, I agree with Mike Flores, Deborah Flores, and the JNC that "there is no better (Company) offer, the Company has been consistent on economics, the TA was the Company's final offer, and the Company is willing to reach a deal, but also willing to walk away if not within range of economics."

Therefore, what are the F/A's going to do now to make their lives better while working at US Airways?


P.S. How many F/A's can afford to leave $6,061.50 to $8,486.10 on the table, which is actually more when you consider the time value of money?

Sick leave accrual in t/a is 4.5 hours per month. My current contract is 5.0 per month. In the t/a, after you have 1,500 hours in your bank you accrue no more, it is capped off.... So they penalize you for having a lot of sick leave? No thanks, You need 6 months worth of sick leave in your bank if you get sick to carry you over to long term disability. I for one find that offensive......

As far as the amount of money, No biggie, we have been living with it for many years. We just got snap backs that were long due. Sure 8 k is a lot of money.... but I am fine with what I get for now, given the fact that I was giving back much more in other areas.
The LOA 93 wages are not as good as I earned before, which is another whole argument on how USAPA keeps hurting the pilots. :angry:


Which has exactly WHAT to do with the FA's?

As you're so fond of petulantly demanding answers to your "questions"...Why such incredible difficulty fielding an easy one yourself?: "Shall we again address the "Indeed...such as WHO?" ......USA320Pilot:"Moreover, some very bright labor people I know are opining......" Indeed...such as WHO?" As you've such evidenced interest in obtaining messiah status for your mantra of all concessions being somehow good...Well....How about first establishing even the slightest bit of "street cred"?...or, and here's an entirely impossible notion for you: Back off on the busloads of BS.
Then you should take your time and your efforts and use it to help yourself and the pilots and let the FAs do as they please, it is their right, dont you understand that?

So then you should stick to your domain of IAM/mechanics and cleaners, leave the AFA/FAs to those involved...

Take your own advice, go find a banking message board and stay off of here.

I really enjoy using your own words against you.

And maybe you should read the whole thread before you ad homen attacks.
Take your own advice, go find a banking message board and stay off of here.

I really enjoy using your own words against you.

And maybe you should read the whole thread before you ad homen attacks.

Pot, kettle. As I've said before, I'm not going anywhere and enjoy reading and participating in this forums.

Kirk to Enterprise, Over

Enterprise to Kirk, Go

Prepare to beam me up, all of the intelligent lifeforms have left or are in hiding.
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  • #104
I started this thread 14 days ago with the hope of reading the opinions of other f/as on replaceing the negotiating committee. I am really surprised at the number of posts that have been added. Unfortunately, the original subject matter has been lost in the pro vs con arguments about the overwhelming NO vote that was cast by 90% of the f/a membership.To the one or two pilots that continue to question the voting results,What part of NO don't you understand? For the record,I was on a negotiating committee some years ago so I know a little bit about this process. Secondly, i did read the TA and was shocked at the number of "to be determined" and the number of "at the discretion of crew scheduling" insertions that were sprinkled thru out the TA. The fact that you might not be able to alter the last 6 days of your monthly schedule was also a no no. The money was a joke. We would have been making less money than we did under the 2004 contract. The price of everything goes up every year yet the company wanted us to basically take another pay cut (when you factor in the 2004 contract). In 2004 we took a double hit on vacation losing (my seniority) nine days and dropping down from a 5 to 6 hour credit per vacation day to a 4 hour credit per vacation day. Since 2004,every time I take a vacation I lose money because the pairings are worth at least 5 hours but I get credit for only 4 hours. The TA was going to raise the duty rig to 5:15. Sounds good until you realize that you would now be losing even more time when you take a vacation. And anyone with 26 years or more were not getting any vacation days returned to them, NOT ONE. Everything the company was offering came with a price,completely negating the sacrifices f/as made back in 2004 in order to turn this company around. I have a question for those few inquisitive pilots who feel the need to question the f/as ' NO vote,if you have owned a house,when you went to closing ,did you insist on knowing everything in the contract or did you let some issues be left open and up to the seller's discression? Now it appears that Parker is going after American Airlines.I hope for their sake that they can find a way to survive without a merger. Like I tell everyone,Parker's past has proven that he has no judgement and no respect for the law,thus, he has no respect for us. The good news about a possible merger with AA is that there is strength in numbers and any possible job action by the employees would be impossible to ignor. How ironic is it that the name Doug Parker and AA may soon be used in the same sentence on an almost daily basis in the press. God truly does have a sense of humor. Peace
How did your prediction of an overwhelming yes to ratification go?

BUB it was wrong was a prediction. What is your point lol? The outcome however is not in AFA's hands any longer...Now what ? OK enuff with you gotta go drink my grape kool aid! MMM MMM good!