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IAM Thread for the week of 2/19-2/26

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Do you people ever blame the company, cause in reality they are the ones who dont want to give you a cost increase CBA?
Please refer to my comment above and get over this line of lack of
reasoning. Also perhaps you need to reevalute your thinking about
the company. They are far worse that your best nightmare.
Bagfather it just goes to show that some of the Canale supporters cannot debate intelligently. We welcome the debates but that is another example of how low they will stoop.
Everybdy that works the ramp should have a thick skin. Your post was in very poor taste though. You should know better! :down: :angry: :down:
Might have been in poor taste, but sometimes the truth hurts!
That would be the problem with the current leadership of the I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT. Talk down to us not to us! Thank you for pointing out just what the I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT thinks of Fleet Service East and West. Very insightfull and intelligent on your part. It figures that would be the best you could do. :lol: All you do is add fuel to our fire to oust canoli and his band of thieves.
That would be the problem with the current leadership of the I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT. Talk down to us not to us! Thank you for pointing out just what the I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT thinks of Fleet Service East and West. Very insightfull and intelligent on your part. It figures that would be the best you could do. :lol: All you do is add fuel to our fire to oust canoli and his band of thieves.

The name is Cornhole!
The name is Cornhole!
Are you refering to yourself? Because my post was aimed at the current leadership of the I'LL ASK MANAGEMENT. Seems to me you take things a bit to personal. Maybee you need a thicker skin.
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