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AAA ALPA Thread 9/28 to 10/5

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You mean the process where 10% of the pilots in a base decide who the LEC reps will be and the other 90% b!thc about what "ALPA" did? The process where 50% of the pilots decide major issues like LOA93 and the other 50% b!tch about being screwed by "ALPA"? As long as that process is alive and well, it doesn't matter what name is on the union letterhead......


Point taken sir. Alpo didn't do much to get people interested or involved did it? I was always happy to drop my 1/2 cent's worth in via voting, but: Poor voting turnouts result from many causes. A significant one being a sense of being wholly divorced from the process. How many people were EVER given substantive briefs/info as to EXACTLY WTF LOA-whatever actually meant?...For that matter: WHERE does a given member even find an actually current printed contract..with up to date info on each LOA, and how things are currently interpreted/what prescribed actions to take to avoid company abuse/etc? Why isn't the simple fact that the company's routinely hosing crews out of pay via not representing the duty rig time for trips correctly general membership knowledge? Why does it take individual research, or word of mouth to discover things like this? The list is endless as to what Alpo doesn't do.

Aquagreen: "What's scary is that he and his bud CM fly airplanes for a living. Talk about a low barrier of entry if they can do it." Hey...I've got five seconds to spare. Care to read me every page in your pilot's logbook? :lol:
Oh hell, he is just bitter because a previous merger didn't go the way he thought it should but the guy 1 number senior to him was hired before him or older than him in his class. Real travesty there. it must be hard to accept the guys senior to you on the list were actually hired first.

Sorry, the plan is to do away with LEC's in favor of block representatives.

That's what I understood. I used "LEC's" because that is the current (and past) structure. Personally, I tend to like the theory of the block reps but it has it's pro's and con's like everything in life. Instead of a LEC rep representing several hundred (depending on the base size) all in one base, the block rep will have a fairly small constituency (compared to the LEC reps in bigger bases) but they'll be spread over the system.

Apathy is the key, hopefully the block rep will be able to keep even the most apathetic pilot informed.

Informed is one thing, involved is another. That's where the apathy comes in. At the end of the day, the structure doesn't really matter if 25% or less of the pilots elect reps or ratify agreements because less than 50% take the time to vote.

If nothing else, it'll be an interesting experiment to watch.

Informed is one thing, involved is another. That's where the apathy comes in. At the end of the day, the structure doesn't really matter if 25% or less of the pilots elect reps or ratify agreements because less than 50% take the time to vote.

If nothing else, it'll be an interesting experiment to watch.


Good point. There are 2 lines of thinking so far. To ratify anything affecting issues envolving the pilots Bill of Rights will take a super majority i.e. 2/3 of all eligible pilots voting for, to affect the change. For other issues envolving the items outside the Bill of Rights could be a simple majority of 50%+1 or passed by a majority of reps. As I have said, it's still a work in progress. It's getting closer each day. When the election comes, then the campaign will be quite interesting. For both sides.
I think Jim's writings and point of view suggests he feels wronged by a DOH merger in the past contrary to his assertion his opinions are intellectually arrived at with no bias.

No argument here. His axe head was worn out months ago.
I think Jim's writings and point of view suggests he feels wronged by a DOH merger in the past contrary to his assertion his opinions are intellectually arrived at with no bias.
No argument here. His axe head was worn out months ago.
LOL - you two are just like USA320......differing viewpoints unwelcome. It must be terrible being so insecure in your beliefs that you can't tolerate debate.

LOL - you two are just like USA320......differing viewpoints unwelcome. It must be terrible being so insecure in your beliefs that you can't tolerate debate.


Must be far worse for you to see pilots finally figuring out what a pathetic joke your beloved Alpo was/is/will always be.

I'll be frank = You fully lost me a good long while ago with your "fought the good fight" posting whilst referencing slotting that would have benefitted yourself, and Piedmont folks at the fullest expense of the rest of us. The "It's really ALL about ME" typical Alpo thinking hardly constitutes any decent, honorable, or even rational notion of "the good fight" in my mind.

I'm personally fine with "debate"...what have you got? 😉 All I've seen thus far's piled on BS that offers up feeble attempts to attempt to justify the many manifest failures of Alpo. I could, perhaps, save you any lengthy, or even immediate reply = "It's the fault of the pilot group!!"..."Alpo's great..just ask us how smart we are!!"/etc...ad nauseum.

PS: FYI? = It's "the pilot group's" job to fly the damm planes on the line. It was Alpo's job (given that serious Alpoids don't actually do any actual "work", much less fly) to enhance, rather than obliterate their pensions, benefits, working conditions. Who did the best work of the two?

It's any actual UNION's job to educate and inform the workgroup as to WTF's going on at any time, and what any situation dynamics are as per contracts/greivences/threats/company malfeasance/etc. WTF can't I even find a PRINTED CONTRACT anywhere around campus?..much less have anyone kept in the loop at any level on anything. Alpo's a flat out joke that exists only to serve it's incestuous little inner circles of "politicians"....end of statement.
"Alpo's great..just ask us how smart we are!!"
I should have added "A tendency to put words in other people's mouths" to my list of tricks the USA320 crowd uses to avoid debate......

I should have added "A tendency to put words in other people's mouths" to my list of tricks the USA320 crowd uses to avoid debate......


Now you've sadly proved yourself an utter fool, as I'd not give USA320 the time of day, and it's my full suspicion that you're mentioned posters are of like mind. He's but another "IT's ALL about ME!!" Alpoid buffoon concerned only with personal oportunistic/political pursuit. Methinks you both have a lot in common, and I'd shake hands with neither of you.

Apparently; you don't read anything "inconvenient"...as is typical with Alpoids, or you might have actually caught: "I'm personally fine with "debate"...what have you got?" 😉

Was your smarmy little riposte some attempt to avoid my observation? :

"It's any actual UNION's job to educate and inform the workgroup as to WTF's going on at any time, and what any situation dynamics are as per contracts/greivences/threats/company malfeasance/etc. WTF can't I even find a PRINTED CONTRACT anywhere around campus?..much less have anyone kept in the loop at any level on anything. Alpo's a flat out joke that exists only to serve it's incestuous little inner circles of "politicians"....end of statement."

In case you chose to yet again, quite magically, and in classical Alpo style, have "missed" this: "I'm personally fine with "debate"...what have you got?" 😉

Sigh...I sometimes forget myself = You were, after all, at least an Alpo lesser Imp, if not an actually capable demon, in properly "righteous"/"fight the good fight" search of slotting and personal advancement....as is fully proper and righteous within the Dark Book of Alpo, Chapter One/Introduction: It's ALL about ME!!!.....and I'm naught but common swine/a mere line pilot/a complete peasant/just some shlep that's for far too many years a dues payer to Alpo.......Why wouldn't you naturally, and even by simple reflex, lie/omit/deceive?...Years of Alpo practice must make such second nature in any case.....and I do sometimes forget myself....my heartfelt apologies Your Alpo Excellency 😉

Actually "Jim"?..your input serves the situation very well. Your postings, whether intentionally, or by simple Alpoid wholesale arrogance and essential idiocy, universally favor the west/Alpo positon. You, by prime personal example, fully show that even a retired Alpo guy will cheerfully sell out even his former "comrades" in favor of any/all Alpo BS. If I weren't so disgusted...I could almost thank you for highlighting the Alpo "philosophy" for clear observation for even the dimmest viewers on this forum. I mean come on: Here's a retired guy from the East..who flew with many, presumably made friends, had conversations, dinners,...life/etc..and when it comes to any choices between totally, and irrevocably screwing his former "buddies"/pilot family, versus any threat to Alpo?.....Alpo "wins".......I think that I couldn't have wished for, nor contrived any better display case for any honest consideration of the Alpo "mentality".
EastUS, a question for you. Just because you have spent years working, and probably sharinmg a few beers, with folks, does it mean one should mindlessly agree with them publicly even when you consider their position ill-taken and plain wrong?

(BTW, I am not trying to put words in Jim's mouth, although I admit that I asked the question after reading your recent response to him.)
EastUS, a question for you. Just because you have spent years working, and probably sharinmg a few beers, with folks, does it mean one should mindlessly agree with them publicly even when you consider their position ill-taken and plain wrong?

(BTW, I am not trying to put words in Jim's mouth, although I admit that I asked the question after reading your recent response to him.)

The most suitable response would be to simply ask you = Do YOU honestly think the position to be just "plain wrong"? I'd think that the multi-paragraph rambling posted above covered my notions on the subject fully. If there's some issue of doubt, my notions are that ANY allegiance to some damm "union"..that supercedes that of any allegiance to one's fellows, most specifically; the very people that said "union" is supposed to directly serve via one's representation, past or present, is both cross-threaded and not only hypocritical in nature, but inherently INSANE. You mention "mindlessly"...I submit that such is the Alpo normal mode of ops when dealing with pilot groups.....Such are merely considered as nuisances that pay dues, and must sometimes be slightly appeased at the lowest levels.

I can't speak for what's in any other person's mind. What I can say is that were I to be hovering about boards like this post retirement (which I certainly won't...I do have a life)...I'd be trying to contribute my very best to my younger "Brothers/Sisters" situation..and not haplessly trying to defend any other entity that's basically seeking their ruin, for inane purposes of my own ego. In his case = Alpo.
Please continue the discussion in the new weekly thread.

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