The courts have ruled while in bankruptcy unions do not have the right to strike under the RLA.
So it would have been a moot point.
Bottom line is the CBAs were abgorated, and the memberships ratified the final offers, everyone has to live with it.
The M&R furlough language for pay is five years.
And all of you blame the IAM for a lackluster TA, ever realize this company doesnt want to give you squat?
And this is from someone who has sat across the table from Glass, McKeen, Hemenway and Harbinson.
The company sees your group as divided and they prey upon your weakness.
Also FS did not go back further than M&R, you have only had a CBA since 1999, M&R has had one since 1949.
M&R gave up 46% of the jobs, they were eliminated, all the shops closed, line utility farmed out, heavy mtc of the A330, 767, 757 and 50% of the 737s all outsourced, something that was never permitted at US since the IAM was organized in 1949.
Shift differential eliminated, penison gone, retiree medical gone, do I need to continue?