When any company presents the final offer that's what it is final. I chief negotiator is obligated under the RLA to bring it back for a vote (publicly). What if he told the company to shove it, and that is what the majority of the voting members wanted. We were not allowed to strike under RLA because these were not traditional negotiations, we were in negotiations to merge the east with the west. We did not go on strike for both of the bankruptcy agreements because they were voted in. Let's say a contract during "Traditional" negotiations there would have been the 30 day cooling off period, then we had to ask the President of the United States and ask his permission to go on strike, then he turns it over to a committee call the Presidental Emergency Board the (PEB) which he personally appoints, and then PEB holds hearings to listen to both sides then makes their decision. Otherwise walking off the job is considered an illegal wild cat strike.
I read this and get an image in my head of a short
circuited robot banging in to walls, back and fourth.
When the Company presents a "final offer", it is voted
down, and the Company gives an invitation back into
negotiations, it was not a "final" offer. Final offer is used
as a spin to give someone who does not know better
an illusion that there is an end to bargaining. This creates
an urgency to take what is offered by the huddled masses.
We are no longer huddled masses. We have the ability to
make informed decisions. We will no longer allow the powers
that be to separate us and pit us against each other.
Did you notice the manipulation of the vote during the last
T/A. Sorry I forgot you dont work for US Airways. Canale
went for the weakest places first. By weak I mean mis-informed.
People who are desperate for a meaningful wage are more
likely to not see beyond the big figure only to see that in the
end it was not so big. "Smoke and mirrors"
Solidarity prevailed and it was shot down. That was then and
this is now. Behind the scenes the fleet workers have been
meeting sharing information and all getting on the same page.
We are more solid than ever. Its our turn now.
The only thing we better hear out of Randy's mouth is "This is
what the membership that I represent expects!" If he can not
learn that his job is to represent "us", he needs to go.