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Iam Fleet Service topic 5/21- merged topic

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Here's one for ya CL. The District asked for your support (of which is one of your own RR)
in the Upcoming elections. The LEADERSHIP informs said District "we got your back" . Low and Behold Nominations
come around and a lowly 4 people show up out what 1,000 members.IF thats having my back I would rather have you against me.
I do believe the ND AGC was able to secure you guys with a time clock outside of security which should help cut down
on the "lates" also I believe the ND AGC got you an office to work out of . Gee doesn't look like they're

against you as much as you think .

Sorry guys I haven't been monitoring the site so I didn't know about any of this until today. First off I never told anyone in the district that "we got your back," JK, the other committeeman might have, I told them I would try. I was asked by NH to help get out the vote for the nominations and I have on many occasions told him that there is little interest. I asked the District to provide information on the candidates, which they did, hoping that this would help, it did not.

PHX is very apathetic for a variety of reasons. One, Arizona is a right-wing state and most of the membership leans that way. Unions have such a bad image in this state that many of the workers here do not want anything to do with the union. Case in point, the Pension people came to phx, and I had many people tell me that they wanted nothing to do with the pension because of the union. Two, we have only been a unionized for 10 years, our average seniority right before the merger was 5 years. Three, PHX never had to suffer under RC or the two bankrupt contracts, they don't know anything about the previous leadership. Four, many of the ND08 candidates were against the contract, which PHX voted strong for. And before anyone claims it was because it was at the airport, I guarantee it would have been the same if it was held at the holiday inn. PHX cared at that point because the people were making so little that they had no choice but to vote yes and given the economic meltdown shortly thereafter, it probably was the right decision. Add all these together and it is very hard to get people motivated to come to the meetings and vote. I recently asked my LL president if she experiences the same thing at SWA and she said that it is similar.

I personally have a hard time giving a person a slate card and telling them to vote for all the candidates, when I can only vouch for some of them. The other candidates I know nothing about. When I asked an AGC, he couldn't tell me much about them either. The District bylaws need to be changed so that US Air votes for our own AGC and United votes for theirs.

I have never said the AGC's are against us, where did that come from?
I personally have a hard time giving a person a slate card and telling them to vote for all the candidates, when I can only vouch for some of them.

CL, that's a great point. The ND08 fliers showed up in the break room for me the other day. Most of the names I don't' recognize, I've heard of a few, and I think MH is the only one on there that I've actually met. I don't' even have the option to NOT vote for those I don't know (or even know about) because I MUST vote for all opening. The fact that I don't know a thing about 90% is irrelevant, I'm supposed to "guess".
To everyone in phx:
Let me start out by saying, that I agree that the election system may not be the best. I dont really know one that is. But what are you guys going to do is my question? You plan on sitting in phx and never backing any of the I A M officers because you dont like the way they are elected? Well see how that works out for ya ! I mean I dont really care what you guys out there do, but it would seem to me if you want to be included in the mix of things some day, then you would want to support the guys that are going to be calling the shots. Not supporting the people and yet complaining that the west dosent have anyone on board dosent seem to me, to be the best way to go about it. I dont think any of the ND08 or ND10 team members are going to be rushing to try and get west people on board, if they never get support from the west. I guess Im just wondering now thats its been two years under the ND08 team, and you have decided that you dont really support them, how is that working out for you guys out there? From what Im reading on here, I dont think its working to good. You might want to try and give a little support, and see where that gets ya for awhile. After all, if its so bad now, why not try another way? Just a suggestion.
"You plan on sitting in phx and never backing any of the I A M officers..."

I am curious where this perception that we don't support the IAM officers has come from?

" I dont think any of the ND08 or ND10 team members are going to be rushing to try and get west people on board, if they never get support from the west. I guess Im just wondering now thats its been two years under the ND08 team, and you have decided that you dont really support them, how is that working out for you guys out there?"

In my opinion the District should try to get all the west people on board, regardless of what slate they voted for, that is politics 101. You imply that the District doesn't seem to care about the west because they didn't vote for the ND. That is unethical and exactly what many of you complained that RC was doing for years. They should represent everyone equally.

When : June 10

Where: The Local (off Piper Lane) .

Time : 6am- 6pm

Vans will be running .

the Business Meeting will be at 4p at the American Legion Hall

Hope to see everyone exercise their RIGHT to VOTE...
District 141 elections here in PHX

Tuesday, June 8th

Best Western Airport Inn

2425 S. 24th St.


Take 5 minutes before or after work to vote
Hey Freedom there's your answer.. NO excuses

🙄 🙄 🙄

Just a friendly reminder to all stations voting.. Dues Objectors need not waste their gas they are INELIGIBLE to VOTE
More mandatory overtime for Clt Fleet Service last night in violation of our contract & to top it off part timers were released BEFORE full time.

Now I thought I'd heard a lot of stupid stuff in my years, but this takes the cream of the crop. Some body needs to WAKE UP. Who is making these decisions ? Where are we getting these idiot managers from ? They are wasting money right & left.

Election Today June 3

Where : Postal Hall @ sunset and Eastern behind Nikki Lees Restaurant

When : 7 am - 7pm
More mandatory overtime for Clt Fleet Service last night in violation of our contract & to top it off part timers were released BEFORE full time.

Now I thought I'd heard a lot of stupid stuff in my years, but this takes the cream of the crop. Some body needs to WAKE UP. Who is making these decisions ? Where are we getting these idiot managers from ? They are wasting money right & left.

I thought your grievance committee fixed this problem after the last blanket, you all chastised me for commenting on the situation, seems to me your ND team is ineffective.,

Carr, Rusk and Coors had it fixed, guess the company feels with the ND team they can ramrod Fleet Service and fear no repercussions.
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