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Iam Fleet Service topic 5/21- merged topic

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Maybe that is the "New Direction" to let the company do whatever they want after there is an "agreement" with the New Direction AGC's.
Oh Dear! CLT needs Clenzi's help down there! Where are those ND guys when you boys need them? Oh wait, I heard they are in United's break rooms campaigning.
700... the last time I checked you were not a member, officer, or representative of the IAM. You have never even been employed within the Fleet Service Group. Do you enjoy reading your own posts while reminiscing?

Ms. Shocker... I’m so glad to see you back here in this forum... the ND08 Cheerleader’s outfit you are currently donning is way out of vogue. Perhaps, instead of resisting change, you should embrace it.

We have been through this conversation over and over again in these forums... infighting is detrimental to solidarity. Unless of course... your objective is to create an environment that is detrimental to solidarity!

I think we all know where this road leads... so... I won’t go there... at least for now.

Mr. PREZ... I hear you on the experience issue... can you please define experience? Are we seeking those with experience in “back room deals”... or are we seeking those with resolve, and testicular fortitude? Incidentally... the CLT ND Grievance Committee now has more experience and education than any other Fleet Committee, past or present.

I think the question here is who is friend... and who is foe. These forums present the perfect illustration to this confounding observation! ; )

Ohhh.... Jester... please pass the slaw...
We have been through this conversation over and over again in these forums... infighting is detrimental to solidarity. Unless of course... your objective is to create an environment that is detrimental to solidarity!

Ohhh.... Jester... please pass the slaw...

be carefull what you wish for , if there was no infighting few people would come to this message board ...
We have been through this conversation over and over again in these forums... infighting is detrimental to solidarity. Unless of course... your objective is to create an environment that is detrimental to solidarity!

Sweetie, I think you are confussing expressing opinions with fighting. I'm not fighting with anyone! I love you big lugs! You're my brothers after all! Hugs!
Reading through the last several pages of posts, it is CLEAR how politically motivated this union is. Nevermind the lowly guy tossing bags for $10.00 an hour, but paying $50.00 a month in union dues. It is also CLEAR that solidarity has a very ambiguous meaning depending upon what geographical area of the U.S. you work in. Sad but true. Alas, this may be the REAL reason the membership suffers the high amount of apathy when it comes to getting out there to cast that "vote". Not bashing anyone here, but from a viewpoint from outside the fishbowl, it is CLEAR that we still stand divided on goals and leadership, something that IS detrimental to true solidarity. Everyone who has been hyping this ND ticket has some more persuading to do if you ask me, and those that have bashed MW here, must not have had him go to bat for them. I have witnessed his presence, seen him go to bat for some members, and even suceed in gaining at least one person his/her job back. Not too bad for someone who is "pro-Canoli" (as labeled by others on this board). Aside from him, I have not seen ANY other union presence or persuasion in my area other than the host of United people that only work or care about THEIR issues. Perhaps that would be a good reason to vote in a straight US Airways ticket ...hmmm... I don't care if they are "pro-Canoli" or ND 08 or ND 10... they represent US Airways! That means more than someone who represents United Airlines. Food for thought....
We have been through this conversation over and over again in these forums... infighting is detrimental to solidarity. Unless of course... your objective is to create an environment that is detrimental to solidarity!

So we should all just tow the ND line and not ask questions, and believe everything they say. Sounds like a great idea... and very democratic at its core. OK Boys and Girls say it with me slowly -- "ND Good.... Members First Bad"... Just keep saying it til your done voting.

For those of you on here constantly bashing MW....
I have worked with him on many occasions, and he has helped bring many guys back on to the property who were terminated. He is very aware of whats going on at my station (and others... I can tell when I speak with him). Oh and BTW, these aren't all former East stations that he is taking care of, there are some former west stations he is very active in. As a matter of fact, he is the only AGC who has given a husky F*** about our station from the IAM or TWU. So before you guys go bash him, get your facts right. And to say that MW has never brought a case to arbitration is laughable.
So we should all just tow the ND line and not ask questions, and believe everything they say. Sounds like a great idea... and very democratic at its core. OK Boys and Girls say it with me slowly -- "ND Good.... Members First Bad"... Just keep saying it til your done voting.

For those of you on here constantly bashing MW....
I have worked with him on many occasions, and he has helped bring many guys back on to the property who were terminated. He is very aware of whats going on at my station (and others... I can tell when I speak with him). Oh and BTW, these aren't all former East stations that he is taking care of, there are some former west stations he is very active in. As a matter of fact, he is the only AGC who has given a husky F*** about our station from the IAM or TWU. So before you guys go bash him, get your facts right. And to say that MW has never brought a case to arbitration is laughable.

If we are talking about MW i will say, ask him the simple fact why doesnt he show up in PHX??? only show up to a LL meeting to make sure he get his name on the ticket.
Reading through the last several pages of posts, it is CLEAR how politically motivated this union is. Nevermind the lowly guy tossing bags for $10.00 an hour, but paying $50.00 a month in union dues. It is also CLEAR that solidarity has a very ambiguous meaning depending upon what geographical area of the U.S. you work in. Sad but true. Alas, this may be the REAL reason the membership suffers the high amount of apathy when it comes to getting out there to cast that "vote". Not bashing anyone here, but from a viewpoint from outside the fishbowl, it is CLEAR that we still stand divided on goals and leadership, something that IS detrimental to true solidarity. Everyone who has been hyping this ND ticket has some more persuading to do if you ask me, and those that have bashed MW here, must not have had him go to bat for them. I have witnessed his presence, seen him go to bat for some members, and even suceed in gaining at least one person his/her job back. Not too bad for someone who is "pro-Canoli" (as labeled by others on this board). Aside from him, I have not seen ANY other union presence or persuasion in my area other than the host of United people that only work or care about THEIR issues. Perhaps that would be a good reason to vote in a straight US Airways ticket ...hmmm... I don't care if they are "pro-Canoli" or ND 08 or ND 10... they represent US Airways! That means more than someone who represents United Airlines. Food for thought....

I am feelin' some solidarity here boys! I don't care if your "east" or "west" ND or Members First. Fella's I just want people who care, and show us some love. MW is a good guy. Maybe he's doing his job at corp and not trying to shake hands and kiss babies. He is a hard worker and I personally know two people who he fought for, and got their jobs back. "Canoli" is old news. I am tired of his name being throw out to create some emotion. Baby, that is SO last election! We need to look at the real issues and not dwell on the past. We are coming together. Makes you all warm and fuzzy doesn't it? I don't like voting straight ND or Members First either. Let's put our interest first. Who spends their time, on our dime, fighting for us, and who wastes time, on our dime, kissing babies and slaming "the other guy" ? Darlin' s we just need to really look at what's happening, and then take the time to vote. We are paying enough in dues to care about who we are paying to help and look out for us. We only have a year until negociations start on our contract. Let's get guys who know what they are doing in there!
I think we should change the dues. I understand, and have read, about how the District needs money. We all do. Bagchucker brings up a good point about the $10 an hour guy paying $50 a month in dues.
Nevermind the lowly guy tossing bags for $10.00 an hour, but paying $50.00 a month in union dues.

Huh, I'm almost topped out at $19.13 and I only pay $24.39/check. I thought the new dues structure was supposed to be based on pay.
Huh, I'm almost topped out at $19.13 and I only pay $24.39/check. I thought the new dues structure was supposed to be based on pay.
Take that $24.39 and multiply it by 2 (the number of checks we usually get each month). That should equal about $50, the amount I was referring to in my previous post. Not sure what the "newhire/junior employee" pays in dues, so my apologies if they do not pay $50 in union dues like the 10year or higher group of fleet service employees.
So we should all just tow the ND line and not ask questions, and believe everything they say. Sounds like a great idea... and very democratic at its core. OK Boys and Girls say it with me slowly -- "ND Good.... Members First Bad"... Just keep saying it til your done voting.

For those of you on here constantly bashing MW....
I have worked with him on many occasions, and he has helped bring many guys back on to the property who were terminated. He is very aware of whats going on at my station (and others... I can tell when I speak with him). Oh and BTW, these aren't all former East stations that he is taking care of, there are some former west stations he is very active in. As a matter of fact, he is the only AGC who has given a husky F*** about our station from the IAM or TWU. So before you guys go bash him, get your facts right. And to say that MW has never brought a case to arbitration is laughable.

Sumthing dont miss being furlough with union bickering and infighting. Eagle craps on sunday online unemployment and just back in Las Vegas long enough to sit at the friend's pool and came to see if much has changed.

Heard a few at LAS retired, one had heart attack, some transferred going to be rough summer for some and i hope i dont get called back before the south American trip. what else is shakin?

Urbff.... glad to hear you didnt vote for P. Rez the first time. Yea 8-track was funny, but also not the right person for the job, P. Rez got lucky Malone screwed up way too much. To all those out there who complain about no west representation your wrong.. dont forget our boy in PHX C. Lenzi who backed out last time, probably because Canali promised him an AGC position instead of A VP. You complain about no representation but what about Ron Roth, what has he done?? Now MW.... this guy Ive never heard of before but he supposedly is an AGC for PHX and has never been to a PHX breakroom. P. Rez complains about experience.. ask him how many arbitration's he did as President of Local 580..... it was 0, I think 580 did 1 and the international presented it and it was lost. so what experience does P, Rez have, ask him about his chair in the office, it wasnt used much because he was never in there!!!! I used to swing by the office and no one was there. I saw a letter posted near the breakrooms, about who "PHX" supports for this election.... well who is "PHX", cmon people put a name on it. P. Rez 3 years as President not one arbitration, LMAO, hows that for experience. As far as how I see it here in PHX the leadership here intimidates people, and some do want a change but they need to show to union meetings to become eligible to run for a position not sure what that is all about....... well good luck to all
As far as union dues go, Bagchucker, I have friends who have left USAirways for 1 reason or another and they work for continental, and other non union airlines. Some make similar hourly wage most make way less but their healthcare is 3 times more than ours. I dont mind paying 54 dollars to save 150 in healthcare. Ask around all non-union airlines dont have what we have for healthcare no to mention hourly wage, ill gladly pay union dues for that not to mention the fact the right to file a greivance and get a situation resolved, no greivance procedure the company will just say hey you dont like it quit. Im serious ask around when at the airport to see what non union employees have and youd be surprised. Whats the old saying you dont realize what you have til its gone!!!
As far as union dues go, Bagchucker, I have friends who have left USAirways for 1 reason or another and they work for continental, and other non union airlines. Some make similar hourly wage most make way less but their healthcare is 3 times more than ours. I dont mind paying 54 dollars to save 150 in healthcare. Ask around all non-union airlines dont have what we have for healthcare no to mention hourly wage, ill gladly pay union dues for that not to mention the fact the right to file a greivance and get a situation resolved, no greivance procedure the company will just say hey you dont like it quit. Im serious ask around when at the airport to see what non union employees have and youd be surprised. Whats the old saying you dont realize what you have til its gone!!!
I don't have a problem paying my union dues. My previous posts were made in reference to new FSA's/junior employees. And you may not see MW in your breakrooms in PHX, but he has made it into the breakroom I frequent more times than a fingers on a hand in the past 18 months (Not bad for someone who lives in Pennsylvania). Not sure what the problem is on his absence from PHX, is he the only AGC that has PHX in his area, or is another AGC there, too?
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