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US Fleet Service topic 1/11-

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Let's see If my old broken down memory serves me correct . But Jester and Chock didn't the TWU negotiate your sub servant wages

and did your membership not agree to that. The IAM didn't negotiate your TWU contract the TWU did. OH and what about that little early christmas

bonus you got from the IAM called Profit Sharing.. Don't believe that was currently in the contract (TWU) that you were working under now was it.
Let's see If my old broken down memory serves me correct . But Jester and Chock didn't the TWU negotiate your sub servant wages and did your membership not agree to that. The IAM didn't negotiate your TWU contract the TWU did. OH and what about that little early christmas bonus you got from the IAM called Profit Sharing.. Don't believe that was currently in the contract (TWU) that you were working under now was it.

Hey, I wasn't around when the TWU contract was voted upon so don't hold me to that flaming pile of crap, as for the "bonus" I was treated as the red-headed step child on that one barely getting half and something that was marginally more than the cost of a new pair of steel-toed shoes... my cup was hardly running over, so spare me your typical sanctimoniousness. What additional wages I receive now is just compensation for having to deal with the IAM nonsense presently.

As for the TWU not being on property now, just remember the PHL incident and "Seasons Beatings," O-man! :down:

So Corrects Jester.
What contract companies do our cargo & mail in PHL, CLT, PIT, & BOS?


In PHL its' a company called NAAS.

Also heard that the company(usairways) is
looking to terminate a guy in PHL with 25yrs. sen.
Don't know the whole story but do know that he has a spotless
record and has worked in PHL for the past 25yrs.
No priors and this (whatever it is) is his 1st offense.....sad
Like Bob Seger sang " I Feel Like a Number''.

Hey, I wasn't around when the TWU contract was voted upon so don't hold me to that flaming pile of crap, as for the "bonus" I was treated as the red-headed step child on that one barely getting half and something that was marginally more than the cost of a new pair of steel-toed shoes... my cup was hardly running over, so spare me your typical sanctimoniousness. What additional wages I receive now is just compensation for having to deal with the IAM nonsense presently.

As for the TWU not being on property now, just remember the PHL incident and "Seasons Beatings," O-man! :down:

So Corrects Jester.

A large percentage of the people who voted for that contract didn't even stick around long enough to gather their paltry pay raise. Part-timers voted for it overwhelmingly as they wanted a little extra money for beer and cigarettes. Others were convinced that the contract was the best and only thing they could get. The ones who stuck around found out that 5 years means much longer than 5 years. I was there and I voted NO as I have for every contract or TA pushed my way.

With this present TA, only 2 people at my east/west station voted NO. Those 2 people were west fleet. The east folks were beating everyone over the head with a stick to vote in favor of the TA. Last time I stated that here, I was called a liar. So as Forrest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that."
I used to work for US Airways in ORD for about a year and a half and I used to hate the shift trade policies. I left them to go work for AA and our CS policy is far superior to US's. Plus part timers have the same benefits as full timers. Half of the part timers that work out here have another job and only work two days a week. However, you must work 50% of you scheduled hours within a six month period or your CS priviliges are suspended.
Let's see If my old broken down memory serves me correct . But Jester and Chock didn't the TWU negotiate your sub servant wages

and did your membership not agree to that. The IAM didn't negotiate your TWU contract the TWU did.

I can kind of see the "you made your bed now you lie in it" angle with the TWU contract (which was negotiated and voted on before my time), but the dynamics changed when it became "you made your bed now you lie in it...oh and pay dues to the IAM now, brother". Maybe the reason so many people out west aren't that enthusiastic about the union is that this is the same acronym we were paying money to to sneer at us and completely overlook our concerns.

I don't have a problem with anybody that voted against the TA; people are going to serve their own interests first and I'm not going to chastise or dismiss somebody just because they have different needs and priorities than I do. What I do have a problem with is any person that won't extend that same understanding to me and pig-headedly decides I'm misled or disloyal because of how I voted and because I don't share the same black-and-white view of the world that they do.

OH and what about that little early christmas

bonus you got from the IAM called Profit Sharing.. Don't believe that was currently in the contract (TWU) that you were working under now was it.

Is actual profit necessary for profit sharing? I assume there's a reason they don't call it "revenue sharing". I'm sorry but with my wage increase I'm going to be making several times more than my profit sharing check would have been this year, or last...
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