You need to stop pontificating about the time you spend with corporate people and then coming on here talking down to the members as the mouthpiece of those corporate people. Do you think anyone is the slightest impressed? Your red highlighted idea is wrong so spew it out of your head. You don't think those you represent have heard that enough about "Well if we just had the B scale then...." ? You don't think those you represent have heard the word "Cost effective" about 1,000 times already from their manager? Save it Prez, nobody needs to hear management's song. It plays like a broken record.
The truth is that it is a lie and while I understand it being carried around by management, it is certainly a sad time when a union man [I know you are one] brings the management message with him on a website.
It's a lie because you make 'significantly' less on your A scale than persons at every major airline except Northwest. You make 'signiificantly' less on your A scale than even non-union Continental. You make 'significantly' less on your A scale than those on the small Alaska Airlines. The fact is that your "A" scale is the B scale of 1999. These people didn't get laid off because of some alleged B scale. They got laid off because management doesn't know what it's doing. Why put that burden on your members by even hinting that that burden is on them? They got laid off because your manager doesn't give a rip about them and would rather contract their butts out to someone making more money. You don't believe me? Look around and see how many other airlines are doing YOUR work with higher wages. Prez, it doesn't have a thing to do with what you make. You could be working for $9 bucks an hour and this management would still be running people out of town because of their hate for their employees. Fleet service gave and gave to management and then for me to read "Well if we had the B scale....." is just too much. Fleet service isn't responsible for these layoffs, management is.
Next time a manger tells you that, tell him that's BS and tell him the facts, better to do it right in front of the workers so they can finally see someone from PHX that has a set, understands the issues, and is quick witted enough to be ready with an answer.
Just keep all that talk about 'cost effective' to yourself. Better terms are COLA, industry standards...think and say those things. Those words cut management because those words represent fairness, which is what this should all be about. Members should never be reduced down to such derogatory terms as 'cost effective''s cousin to servanthood. It's a management term, smash it down otherwise you may be at risk of the next term that will creep up in negotiations.....'cost neutral'.