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Flight Attendant Recalls In 2005

Good discussion so far.... A few slightly off-topic replies...

flydcoop said:
AA gave 2 "lower hallways" to insurance companies, IIRC

Yes, AA leases space out to the insurance companies. And we get paid fairly well for it, all things considered...

flydcoop said:
The best is a memo we recently received that stated every SABRE entry costs AA money and to use them sparingly.

Sabre entries do cost money -- averages around $0.004 per entry in RES and $0.002 in DECS. Just one additional entry per customer costs us around $200K per year.

There are also several entries which are in the $0.50 range, and a few pricing entries which approach $1.00 (and are heavily controlled by keyword).

flydcoop said:
That's well and good but A) why spin SABRE off and B) why try to outfit every employee with JetNet?

I would assume that when you do any entry through JetNet (flight bookings) that it is translating to a SABRE entry and costing us money.

We were paying a part of that expense regardless of our ownership position, in terms of salaries, electricity and telco lines in/out of the TUL computer bunker, etc...

And Jetnet entries don't go via Sabre. Neither do bookings via AA.com or the Self-Service kiosks at the airport -- they all goes via another access path which cost us a fraction of the same entry being done at a Sabre set.

flydcoop said:
That's how Sabre Plus worked...and it sucked.

Yes, SabrePlus sucked. That's why it was never rolled out on a large scale.
operaations said:

go ahead post any coment of mine that lumps an entire workforce as one and puts them down. You cant because I do not have a distaste for flight attendants. I appreciate all of the people that work for AA. Even you

The fact that you are unable to respond without name-calling completely destroys the point you were trying to make.

You most certainly do have a disdain for flight attendants, one you share with your alter-ego, Garfield. I am sure s/he will be coming along here in a minute to throw some more disdainful comments into the mix.
StraaightTaalk said:
The fact that you are unable to respond without name-calling completely destroys the point you were trying to make.

You most certainly do have a disdain for flight attendants, one you share with your alter-ego, Garfield.  I am sure s/he will be coming along here in a minute to throw some more disdainful comments into the mix.
Just like your distain for pilots?

(since we're calling them like we see them, can I play too?) 🙂
AAviator said:
Just like your distain for pilots?

(since we're calling them like we see them, can I play too?) 🙂

I have no disdain for pilots as a group, at least those who can spell. 😉

Your turn. 🙄

(In case you didn't catch on, this was tongue-in-cheek. I deal with pilots on an individual basis, except when they try to dictate to us, as a labor group, what we SHOULD do.)
StraaightTaalk said:
I have no disdain for pilots as a group, at least those who can spell. 😉

Your turn. 🙄

(In case you didn't catch on, this was tongue-in-cheek. I deal with pilots on an individual basis, except when they try to dictate to us, as a labor group, what we SHOULD do.)
v. t. To tinge with a different color from the natural or proper one; to stain; to discolor; to sully; to tarnish; to defile; -- used chiefly in poetry.

You must be a DFW gate agent 😛
AAviator said:
v. t. To tinge with a different color from the natural or proper one; to stain; to discolor; to sully; to tarnish; to defile; -- used chiefly in poetry.

You must be a DFW gate agent 😛

Ok, so you wanted to go there. Your usage of that word, in that context, is inappropriate. Don't try to cover it up now. You meant what I thought you meant. Admit it.

You must be one of those pilots who they hired without a college degree. :down:
AAviator said:
v. t. To tinge with a different color from the natural or proper one; to stain; to discolor; to sully; to tarnish; to defile; -- used chiefly in poetry.

You must be a DFW gate agent 😛

Sorry, AAviator, but StraaighTaalk has you this time. As the English Major I get final ruling. Yes, distain is a word, and as you pointed out a transitive verb. However, you were using a noun at the time, leading to the presumption that you misspelled disdain.

Now, can we get back to the topic of recalls?
StraaightTaalk said:
The fact that you are unable to respond without name-calling completely destroys the point you were trying to make.

You most certainly do have a disdain for flight attendants, one you share with your alter-ego, Garfield. I am sure s/he will be coming along here in a minute to throw some more disdainful comments into the mix.
once again all you do is flame throw. I have never and never will put down anyones profession. I have never had a disliking for flight attendants at all. I am waiting for you to prove that i do
operaations said:
COOP it is people like you that make some of the people in Crew Schedule have bad attitudes. You just called the entire workforce in crew schedule Screw Schedlue. Have any of us ever called you fly pie. or fluff or glorified sky waitress. I think you should be a little nicer in the words you use to the people that control your schedule.

I in no way was refering to all Flight Attendants. I am just making a point that all it takes is one bad apple like ms COOP.

Coop you seem to be one of the most bitter people i have encountered on this board

No, operaations,

I understand your job and don't envy you for it. I have only ever screamed at crew schedule once, on RSV.

I usually don't argue with you and if you really want to get into it, I kept you from having to cancel a flight in the Summer of 2003 on the TWA certificate.

I got a great letter from the scheduler from that, BTW. It's in my P-file.

It also covered a single mother's A** who was reassigned...which was what was important to me.

I didn't care about my legality, only her child. I take care of my own.

If I was so bitter, you would hear more MIA talk on this BB than I do.

I believe in Garfield...I just call it like I see it. Don't think I'm so lovelorn with the APFA either...

I've also called Garfield out and I think we are on the same page.

I personally call myself a "space-waitress".

"A little bit nice to the people that control my schedule?" Is that a threat?

I can't wait for my schedule this month!


flydcoop said:
COOP it is people like you that make some of the people in Crew Schedule have bad attitudes. You just called the entire workforce in crew schedule Screw Schedlue. Have any of us ever called you fly pie. or fluff or glorified sky waitress. I think you should be a little nicer in the words you use to the people that control your schedule.

I in no way was refering to all Flight Attendants. I am just making a point that all it takes is one bad apple like ms COOP.

Coop you seem to be one of the most bitter people i have encountered on this board
No, operaations,

I understand your job and don't envy you for it. I have only ever screamed at crew schedule once, on RSV.

I usually don't argue with you and if you really want to get into it, I kept you from having to cancel a flight in the Summer of 2003 on the TWA certificate.

I got a great letter from the scheduler from that, BTW. It's in my P-file.

It also covered a single mother's A** who was reassigned...which was what was important to me.

I didn't care about my legality, only her child. I take care of my own.

If I was so bitter, you would hear more MIA talk on this BB than I do.

I believe in Garfield...I just call it like I see it. Don't think I'm so lovelorn with the APFA either...

I've also called Garfield out and I think we are on the same page.

I personally call myself a "space-waitress".

"A little bit nice to the people that control my schedule?" Is that a threat?

I can't wait for my schedule this month!


not a threat at all. Just pointing out why would you call the people in crew schedule screw schedule. Why? any answer to that. Do you know any of them personally. Have they all treated you badly. I guess the person that wrote something nice on your behalf is a screw scheduler as well.

Never a threat.....I do not threaten I only schedul with the bodies that are provided to me under the contract provided to me. Nothing more nothing less.
No, at my base there is a scheduler we would take a bullet for.

I am frustrated because my preferences do not work here like they did in a hub.

That's my problem, not Open Time's.

I am far more pragmatic than you can imagine. I know you primarily deal with "warm bodies"



quote=operaations,Jun 4 2005, 06:36 PM]
No, operaations,

I understand your job and don't envy you for it. I have only ever screamed at crew schedule once, on RSV.

I usually don't argue with you and if you really want to get into it, I kept you from having to cancel a flight in the Summer of 2003 on the TWA certificate.

I got a great letter from the scheduler from that, BTW. It's in my P-file.

It also covered a single mother's A** who was reassigned...which was what was important to me.

I didn't care about my legality, only her child. I take care of my own.

If I was so bitter, you would hear more MIA talk on this BB than I do.

I believe in Garfield...I just call it like I see it. Don't think I'm so lovelorn with the APFA either...

I've also called Garfield out and I think we are on the same page.

I personally call myself a "space-waitress".

"A little bit nice to the people that control my schedule?" Is that a threat?

I can't wait for my schedule this month!


not a threat at all. Just pointing out why would you call the people in crew schedule screw schedule. Why? any answer to that. Do you know any of them personally. Have they all treated you badly. I guess the person that wrote something nice on your behalf is a screw scheduler as well.

Never a threat.....I do not threaten I only schedul with the bodies that are provided to me under the contract provided to me. Nothing more nothing less.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Good discussion so far.... A few slightly off-topic replies...
Yes, AA leases space out to the insurance companies. And we get paid fairly well for it, all things considered...
Sabre entries do cost money -- averages around $0.004 per entry in RES and $0.002 in DECS. Just one additional entry per customer costs us around $200K per year.

There are also several entries which are in the $0.50 range, and a few pricing entries which approach $1.00 (and are heavily controlled by keyword).
We were paying a part of that expense regardless of our ownership position, in terms of salaries, electricity and telco lines in/out of the TUL computer bunker, etc...

And Jetnet entries don't go via Sabre. Neither do bookings via AA.com or the Self-Service kiosks at the airport -- they all goes via another access path which cost us a fraction of the same entry being done at a Sabre set.
Yes, SabrePlus sucked. That's why it was never rolled out on a large scale.

Former MederAAtor,

Having viewed Jetnet recently, it appears that there is no timetable for the Quantum LeAAp project due to front office/back office incompatibilities.

What is the projected date for full implementation of Quantam LeAAp for all departments and what are the barriers to full implementation?
Boomer said:
Having viewed Jetnet recently, it appears that there is no timetable for the Quantum LeAAp project due to front office/back office incompatibilities.

What is the projected date for full implementation of Quantam LeAAp for all departments and what are the barriers to full implementation?

Last I heard, back offices were scheduled to start rolling out at the end of the summer, but nobody will tell me if it is the end of summer 2005 or 2006...

From the cheap seats, there's some progress. It's not as fast as I'd like to see it move, but I do think we should see back-office going at some point during 3Q.

The biggest issue is because we're still using Windows98 (not even 98SE) in the back office, and there are still apps running under DOS emulation if you can believe it....

Those that don't work under WinXP are having to be replaced (which is a good thing -- it should have been done years ago) and it's taking longer to re-write a couple of the bigger apps.
How did we go from recalls to Windows XP? Now, back to the topic at hand, as Jim said. Is there an understaffing issue in any of the bases other than MIA? Could you use the 98 AAers left on the recall list at this time? How's the sick call list?I'd trade a bad day at AA for a great day at Eagle. I'll fly any schedule any scheduler at AA 'd give me. I used to volunteer for short call out all the time just to fly. That's how much I loved flying for AA. Do your higher ups think you guys can get by with the people who came back from the overage leaves through the end of the year? I am serious when I say I'd give up my vacation in October to come back and fly for Coop in STL. Take my vacation sister cos I'd rather be in your shoes!
Byron, we are all guessing based upon logic. Logically, the company can not continue to lose flight attendants and not replace them through recalls. The other option is to reduce mainline flying.

By the way, despite what MIA people might tell you, MIA is OVERstaffed, not understaffed. They have a problem with flight attendants being on the roster who do not fly. That is not understaffed.

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