I think the biggest issue with TW recalls right now is training pay. That's just my gut feeling.
Opening up "FU" probably has such a cost associated with it, it is easier to fly understaffed and reassign.
AA gave 2 "lower hallways" to insurance companies, IIRC (at the appropriately named "FU"...love the white and blue flag "on campus", BTW).
We haven't had "Industry leading pay" for some time now.
I don't know why TWA would need 2-3 weeks of training when we only needed 8 days to qualify on the TW certificate (only 2 A/C maybe?).
I do know the FAA sat in on our training to make sure it was "on the up and up".
The best is a memo we recently received that stated every SABRE entry costs AA money and to use them sparingly. That's well and good but A) why spin SABRE off and B) why try to outfit every employee with JetNet?
I would assume that when you do any entry through JetNet (flight bookings) that it is translating to a SABRE entry and costing us money.
That's how Sabre Plus worked...and it sucked.
N. Our entire contract is a joke but I eke out of it what I can.
The best was at the beginning of this month, my entire sequence cancelled while I was at the airport. I contacted sCrew Schedule to see if there was a make-up trip.
I then asked about "call-out" pay. The scheduler said (I swear) "do you want call-out pay?"
My response was "Uh yeah, you're joking, right?" "YES! I want call-out pay!".
Per the contract, you have to ASK for call-out pay...it's not automatic.
I think it is is safe to say, since I have predominately flown with TW cockpits that they despise the AA corporate mission.
All I have ever known is the AA corporate mission.
I also have difficulty flying with non-TWA cockpits...they are a different breed.
We are not "buddy-buddy" with TWA cockpits but I geniunely like many of them.
Our layovers and utilization are very different. My layover this month is actually longer than the cockpit's...that's rare.
We (F/As) have a crappier day the first day.
I have always loved the "they don't want to pay you" reason for not recalling. The f/a salary is an insignificant part of the budget pie. Much as you would like to think the "industry leading" pay is that great, it isn't a factor anymore. Reality check, AA would like to se ALL f/as at newhire rates. Your $10 over-staffing cost is a joke. It should be 1 hour of flight pay for each hour or fraction for all affected f/as. Tes, that is what we had and there was VERY little understaffing. I expect July will cut the numbers and give AA a pretty clear picture of what they will have left of our group. No passes, no Cobra, time to go for many.. On another note, I just got a letter from Laurie Curtis "thanking" me for my many years of excellent service. Do you all want to help me compose a reply...lol Everyone have a safe Memorial Day Weekend.