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Flight Attendant Recalls In 2005


I am basing my recall by November/December based on the same logic you are using.

The summer of 2005 is looking QUITE UGLY these first few days of June.

Our own base manager is flying an early am two day tomorrow (well, today)!

Apparently, many see me as bitter...I say I'm jaded and realistic.

I've spent almost 10 years with AA in operational postions and have a fairly good understanding of how a hub airport works.

The front-line employees are at a bare minimum without regard for weather-patterns (more common and a given, at our hubs this time of year) or sick calls (probably a result of the former).

Flight crews are insulated from this by the FAA to a degree. I think F/As are more-likely to sick out after a nasty reassignment or delayed sequence, without regard to attendance steps because they are emotionally and physically exhausted.

I don't say I agree with the practice but again, it's reality. Manning appears to be that tight without considering potential delays and weather on some of the more "evil" sequences (13 hour sked duty days, 9-10 hour layovers, 3-4 legs is the norm).

What do you think the end result is if someone has been on duty 15 hours with no food (40 minute ground times, cleaning planes on domestic, and sitting on runways for hours) and had a minimum layover (8 hours block to sign-in)?

They snap, it's real simple.

BTW, look at what sequences keep showing up in Open Time. Also SLT's sick list hit 39 today. YIKES!

Ramp crews are at the bare minimum, they don't care if they clean the plane, they're hot and exhausted. Their next inbound is waiting for the gate...for 45 minutes now. Both A/C are full with paxs and bags and they have to clean. The ramp CSM will not authorize OT...they walk at the end of their shift-change. They can't take it anymore. The inbound ends up waiting 1-1/2 hours for a new ramp crew and gate block.

The F/A's will not clean it. This is the first flight where they can step off the A/C (or send a gopher) to get ANY kind of food. The F/A's are not scheduled to clean on this 3rd of 4th leg...they are exhausted from boardings and short inflight services.

The gate agent is tweaked because they are the only one working a full flight.

This is all well-and-good in normal operations (during these days of "Jetnet Check-In) but not-so-pretty when weather and cancellations hit. There are 50 people standing in line to "stand-by" for this flight on which there is NO ROOM. The agent is about to snap. They will walk at the end of their shift, unless they are part-time and extendable (a more-likely case).

This does not even factor in MNTC issues and Operations making CRAZY gate (terminal) changes in an effort to keep everything close to schedule.

A little relief to the front-lines cannot possibly cost that much.



p.s. Thanks for the Sabre breakdown, Former ModerAAtor.

jimntx said:
Byron, we are all guessing based upon logic. Logically, the company can not continue to lose flight attendants and not replace them through recalls. The other option is to reduce mainline flying.

By the way, despite what MIA people might tell you, MIA is OVERstaffed, not understaffed. They have a problem with flight attendants being on the roster who do not fly. That is not understaffed.
jimntx said:
Byron, we are all guessing based upon logic. Logically, the company can not continue to lose flight attendants and not replace them through recalls. The other option is to reduce mainline flying.

By the way, despite what MIA people might tell you, MIA is OVERstaffed, not understaffed. They have a problem with flight attendants being on the roster who do not fly. That is not understaffed.
<_< Is the stigma of being forced to recall exTWA attendants that great???? Or are we talking economics here people??? :huh: Sorry to show my ignorance, but working in Maintenance at MCI, I don't get to stick my head out into the real world that often!!!
MCI transplant said:
<_< Is the stigma of being forced to recall exTWA attendants that great???? Or are we talking economics here people??? :huh: Sorry to show my ignorance, but working in Maintenance at MCI, I don't get to stick my head out into the real world that often!!!
MCI, I don't think it has anything to do with being former TWA. AA has recalled everyone in MIA for ramp and agents, this includes all ex-TWA people. Also, if the recalling of 600 pilots is true, then there will be many ex-TWA pilots recalled. We are still short in MIA and there are many that want to transfer out to DFW. This will most likely happen as they get closer to opening the new terminal there. Also same for JFK. I have read that some of the laid of people in STL have been awared slots in other cities. So they are running short handed due purely to ecomonics. They have to work with what HDQ gives them in their budgets. With retirements, resignations,etc, I can't see them going for 3 more years without recalling F/As; unless they pull down the flight schedules.
MCI transplant said:
<_< Is the stigma of being forced to recall exTWA attendants that great???? Or are we talking economics here people??? :huh: Sorry to show my ignorance, but working in Maintenance at MCI, I don't get to stick my head out into the real world that often!!!

Has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they are former TW flight attendants. The company just does not want more people on the payroll receiving benefits than they have to have.

All this palaver you hear from people on this board about the company not wanting to recall former TW flight attendants is just that--palaver (English translation: b*llsh*t). The only people who seem to care one way or another are the flight attendants who have 10-20 years seniority. They are scared to death that their seniority will drop 1 or 2 points if the TW flight attendants are recalled.
These are the people who are just now beginning to hold lines on a regular basis that they really want to fly--3-day trips, long layovers, weekends off kind of thing.
The end of the world, of course, would be to go back to holding less desirable lines, don't you know.

Their problem is not the former TW flight attendants. It is the senior AA flight attendants who won't retire. That is not going to change regardless of whether or not there are more recalls and we dip into the "TW" pool.
jimntx said:
Has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they are former TW flight attendants.  The company just does not want more people on the payroll receiving benefits than they have to have.

All this palaver you hear from people on this board about the company not wanting to recall former TW flight attendants is just that--palaver (English translation:  b*llsh*t).  The only people who seem to care one way or another are the flight attendants who have 10-20 years seniority.  They are scared to death that their seniority will drop 1 or 2 points if the TW flight attendants are recalled.
These are the people who are just now beginning to hold lines on a regular basis that they really want to fly--3-day trips, long layovers, weekends off kind of thing.
The end of the world, of course, would be to go back to holding less desirable lines, don't you know.

Their problem is not the former TW flight attendants.  It is the senior AA flight attendants who won't retire.  That is not going to change regardless of whether or not there are more recalls and we dip into the "TW" pool.
<_< O.K.!! Then maybe we're getting to a point where this aa/TWA thing is finnaly becoming a non-issue!!! :huh: Naaaa!!!!!
No, I never said that. I just said it is a non-issue to very junior and very senior flight attendants. :lol:
jimntx said:
The only people who seem to care one way or another are the flight attendants who have 10-20 years seniority. They are scared to death that their seniority will drop 1 or 2 points if the TW flight attendants are recalled.
These are the people who are just now beginning to hold lines on a regular basis that they really want to fly--3-day trips, long layovers, weekends off kind of thing.
And, of course, it's only in STL where that will make a difference. At any other base we'd just take the junior slots, pushing people up off reserve. But I don't think there will be many openings in STL for us. A handful at a time, maybe.

I would guess that the only base that would have f/a's not excited about recalls would be STL. Since the TW'ers would gain their seniority at the STL base, those f/as based there are the only ones actually affected by any TW recalls. I would think that all other bases would gladly welcome any recalls. Any recalls at all eventually trickle down to all bases and benefit everyone that is border-line reserve, holding weekends off, etc etc. Believe me I think most people are eager to have everyone recalled.
I must chime in here. The issue of recalls is not a TWA issue. It is purely and soley economic. One has to take into consideration that TWA flight attendants are going to require additional training to switch them over to the AA certificate.

Personally I can't wait until everyone is back, but I am a realist and we must get our economic house in order.
crew4aa said:
I must chime in here. The issue of recalls is not a TWA issue. It is purely and soley economic. One has to take into consideration that TWA flight attendants are going to require additional training to switch them over to the AA certificate.

Personally I can't wait until everyone is back, but I am a realist and we must get our economic house in order.

The 98 aaers left only require 3 days of "refresher" and we are junior in pay scale so we'd be cheaper. Why not call us back in the meantime? Surely you can do with a few extra fas in LGA which I understand is understaffed again.
I've been wondering would this reduction in speakers would affect future recall???? I know some of us will not be able to hold certain trips<thanks to the company and the union>starting July 2nd. Another way to look at it is, I still have a job!!!!
okoge1027 said:
I've been wondering would this reduction in speakers would affect future recall???? I know some of us will not be able to hold certain trips<thanks to the company and the union>starting July 2nd. Another way to look at it is, I still have a job!!!!
I still don't understand the explanation came from Lauri Curtis and THB that "there are too many SENIOR F/A'S are put back on reserve due to the furlough of f/a's???? and as a result f/a's are being bid-denied". Ok, well, if you hate flying trips in which language(s)you're qualified, then drop the language(s) or go back to domestic!!!! As for seniors put back on reserve, oh well, isn't it called way of life???? That's because you're senior doesn't mean you're exempt from being on reserve depending on your seniority at your base. They have options to either get another jobs or go to the bases where they won't be on reserve i.e. JFK or LGA!!!!! I swear APFA only caters to just a few senior non-speakers!!!!! In that case, we should get our dues slashed in half since we don't get the same treatment!!
jimntx said:
No, I never said that. I just said it is a non-issue to very junior and very senior flight attendants. :lol:

You are right on, Jim, I don't care who is senior to me, AA/TW, it doesn't matter.

I either hold a line or I don't...big deal.

At every other base I would be on AVBL. LGA would be a 3 base transportation problem.


okoge1027 said:
I've been wondering would this reduction in speakers would affect future recall???? I know some of us will not be able to hold certain trips<thanks to the company and the union>starting July 2nd. Another way to look at it is, I still have a job!!!!

If you are below TWA you are SOL.

Your speaker quals do not matter.

They cannot hire out of seniority order.

Perhaps if you are recalled and you have certain "speaker" quals, you can hold certain "bases" but do not expect it.



[Coop, read page 179, sec.B of the current CBA and tell me what you think..Because of the surprisingly poor wording of this contract, I think this could possibly give the Company an opening to recall needed speakers out of seniority order. You could even take it a little more extreme play with the "qualification" wording...aricraft? service? certificate?

quote=flydcoop,Jun 8 2005, 04:33 AM]
If you are below TWA you are SOL.

Your speaker quals do not matter.

They cannot hire out of seniority order.

Perhaps if you are recalled and you have certain "speaker" quals, you can hold certain "bases" but do not expect it.




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