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Aa To Recall 390 Flight Attendants


Yes, I took my Tylenol FLU because I don't want the "FLU" over the holidays.

Now run a long and be a good little boy, oops you can't because of this...
wrx said:
Yes, I took my Tylenol FLU because I don't want the "FLU" over the holidays.
I did not know the pflu season is upon us. It may spoil your weekend trip to pfabulous Las Vegas.

Pno pit pwont pspoil pmy pfabulous ptrip pto plas pvegas.

Pnice ptry, pbut pyou're pdead pwrong.
Is 390 flight attendants recalled enough? I have been hearing that those numbers will barely will cover the new flights that were recently added. What about the rumors that AA was short F/A's to begin with? Can anybody elaborate? :blink:

you are the most negative person, well I don/t even know if you could be classified as a person
freshmeat said:

you are the most negative person, well I don/t even know if you could be classified as a person
How did you know I wasn't a person? You're such a smart human.

Can I get a Cheeseburger with some freshmeat, to go please?
Flyboy4u said:
Is 390 flight attendants recalled enough? I have been hearing that those numbers will barely will cover the new flights that were recently added. What about the rumors that AA was short F/A's to begin with? Can anybody elaborate? :blink:

AA has been short flight attendants since they cut 3,150 of them in July. They will not admit that they furloughed to many, but we all know they did. The deal with the 390 is that if not all accept to comeback, they are not going to recall additional flight attendants.
L1011Ret said:
Are you sure you don't want to leave for Las Vegas a bit earlier?
I'm glad you're retired! Can you retire from this BB too? :up:
You know, one thing that really ticks me off is people that get into a career that they know all the bad points about and then complain about it when it gets in the way of what they want. Then, to get what they want they fake being sick and think that no one will bat an eye about it.

No pride, and no ethics. no wonder. :angry:
planemech669 said:
You know, one thing that really ticks me off is people that get into a career that they know all the bad points about and then complain about it when it gets in the way of what they want. Then, to get what they want they fake being sick and think that no one will bat an eye about it.

No pride, and no ethics. no wonder. :angry:
planemech669 said:
You know, one thing that really ticks me off is people that get into a career that they know all the bad points about and then complain about it when it gets in the way of what they want. Then, to get what they want they fake being sick and think that no one will bat an eye about it.

No pride, and no ethics. no wonder. :angry:
It is an entitlement mentality. Most people (not just FA’s) feel that they are entitled to the American dream. We (American Airlines) have had it quite good up until recently. The Late 80’s and 90’s saw record profits. But again like most people, no one ever looks to the future. People look at the here and now and it is all about “meâ€. No one wanted to speak of when things would go to hell in a hand basket (as they always do). Life in general is cyclical. When times were good we should have been looking for ways to save for when times were bad. But know, times were good and everyone wanted to get their share of the pie. Everyone wanted record raises and relaxed work rules….. etc. Now times are bad .. really really bad and no one wants to give back what they never should have received in the first place. So it has to be taken with force and everyone gets all pissy. It makes me laugh.

You know damn well that the butt heads like WRX and RV4 and his ilk were not complaining that when times were good and we had more people than work. Up until the new TA took place we had FA’s sitting reserve at the end of the month with 40 or 50 hours. I never heard anyone complaining about that.

Sad part is that in 5 or 10 years when things start too look up and this episode in AA goes into the history books we will forget about it and people will want their fat raises again. Then somewhere down the line we will start the down hill slide again. And everyone will have forgotten what happened. Read your history books people. No empire has lasted for ever. There is always someone waiting to knock you off the top of the hill. Is proving a point to the “evil†management worth your job? Do you honestly believe that they can be taught a lesson? As far as I am concerned that is like hoping for a lawyer or a politician who is honest and has integrity.

WRX is like the spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum in the isle at a grocery store. I have never been a big fan of corporal punishment but there are times when it is needed I guess. There are some people who need to be seperated from the rest of civilized society so that their bitterness does not spread. It does give me some hope that even though most of us differ on how or if things can be resolved, we pretty much all know that WRX and his rants are just that. Rants of a bitter old man who has no grasp on what is going on.
Well put Garfield...You seem to be the most level headed person on this board. WRX will reply with a childish remark and whine.
Garfield1966 said:
It is an entitlement mentality. Most people (not just FA’s) feel that they are entitled to the American dream. We (American Airlines) have had it quite good up until recently. The Late 80’s and 90’s saw record profits. But again like most people, no one ever looks to the future. People look at the here and now and it is all about “meâ€￾. No one wanted to speak of when things would go to hell in a hand basket (as they always do). Life in general is cyclical. When times were good we should have been looking for ways to save for when times were bad.
And, I'm sure that you refused all of your raises during that period, "for the good of the company in the future." 😛
Garfield1966, Again I agree with all you wrote above except for the one remark, "WRX and his rants are just that. Rants of a bitter old man who has no grasp on what is going on."

I am an 'old man' [I prefer 'Senior'], so I easily can tell wrx is not! Instead he is a smart-ass young male (probably in his 20's). He has been caught in many misrepresentations of himself and his purported flights. If you check the timing of his posts, you might doubt (as do I) whether he could have been flying at all - probably because of low seniority.

I suspect he is a hot-headed NYC based F/A who now fears his posts have 'outed' him. I hope so, because he could never cover his bitterness toward AA in his interface with AA customers. He advocates a sick-out to scr*w the customer in order to 'teach a lesson' to AA. On that basis, I don't want him as an 'Attendant'' to me on my 'Flight' - ether for my safety or anything else.

I am a NYC based AA FF; and thus I know the type. But thankfully on only one flight have I ever run into his type; and he was Bitter - Yes; Old - No.