AAStew said:
I hate to post this, but I am sure most assume this. On the line there is much talk that, and this is all rumor and speculation, but they say the company is firm on not recalling ANY former TWA flight attendants. Again this is all rumor...
Does anyone care to speculate or comment on the truth in this?
(PLease don't crucify me, these are not my thoughts or feelings.)
It has been my experience that when you hear f/as on the line make statements like, "The company does not want to recall any TWA flight attendants" or "The company plans to make no further recalls until 2008/2009/name a year after the recall rights expire," you have to translate that into the English I. E., "
I don't want any of the TWA flight attendants to be recalled." "
I don't want the company to recall until [put your favorite year here]."
I was flying at STL recently with a flight attendant who transferred to St. Louis so she could get off reserve--she is way senior for St. Louis. She started on that very theme of "the company wants this and the company does not want that" regarding the
former TW flight attendants--and let's all try to remember that there are NO TWA flight attendants today. There are retired TWA flight attendants and there are former TWA flight attendants who are NOW furloughed American Airlines flight attendants.
When I let her know that I think the former TW flight attendants got screwed by AA and APFA, and that she didn't know any more than I did about what the "company" wants or does not want, she swelled up like a blowfish. She said, "Well, they're all top of scale and the company does not want to have to pay them." As she has over 15 years on the line, I pointed out that she is also top of scale; so, if she is so concerned about the company payroll maybe she should quit or retire to help out. Lord knows it would help my seniority. She didn't seem to appreciate that idea either. :unsure: Maybe there's something I'm missing here.
BTW, I look forward to the day that I can fly with some of the former TW flight attendants. It will happen. The company has no choice. They cannot go 3 years with no recalls with the current attrition rates--certainly not, if they intend to continue to increase flying.
To Czerny: The April attrition numbers will not be posted until around May 20th. For some reason, it is always late in the following month before the numbers are released. The numbers for March were lower than they had been for almost a year, but a friend in management at DFW expected the numbers to be higher again for April.
What will really be interesting is to find out how many did not return from the mini-leave at the end of April. My DFW friend told me he knew of 7 not coming back just from 2 groups.