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Aa To Recall 390 Flight Attendants

kirkpatrick said:
The TWA MD80 aircraft had 16 seats before conversion to AA's 14. We routinely did meals services on it. Usually #4 would come up and lend a hand running drinks while #2 set up the coach bar cart. #2 would then push the cart to the forward part of coach and #4 could join him/her on it. #1 has to be organized, but it isn't really that difficult.

That's the difference between the APFA CBA and the former IAM CBA @ TWA!
L1011Ret said:
My spouse routinely worked #1 on TWA MD80s and never had any problem doing the service as MK describes.
Same here.
wrx said:
That's the difference between the APFA CBA and the former IAM CBA @ TWA!
There were twenty seats in first class on the TWA MD80s before AA converted them to the transitional MRTC configuration of sixteen first class seats, after the buyout but prior to the full conversion to the AA operating certificate specifications. TWA LLC flight attendants worked those planes with 16 first class seats while being represented by the APFA. The union did not seem to have a problem. Neither did the crews, apparently because they were used to being treated as the unwanted step children and having only one flight attendant taking care of 20 passengers.
TWAnr said:
TWA LLC flight attendants worked those planes with 16 first class seats while being represented by the APFA. The union did not seem to have a problem. Neither did the crews, apparently because they were used to being treated as the unwanted step children

We didn't want the TWA deal to go through and I will never know why AA even wasted their money on a Bankrupt airline.
That is an admission that the APFA indeed breached its duty to fairly represent the TWA LLC flight attendants, while it was their bargaining agent, if I ever saw one.
TWAnr said:
That is an admission that the APFA indeed breached its duty to fairly represent the TWA LLC flight attendants, while it was their bargaining agent, if I ever saw one.
Oh, please do tell what part of that the APFA breached its duty? This is my opinion, not APFA's. You sound desperate to find anything to get your job and seniority back. Just think if some of the 390 recalls don't comeback you will be that much closer to being recalled yourself. That is a positive thing for you, be happy. :up:
Don't flatter yourself. Who wants to come back to your "going down the drain airline?" Desperate to get THAT job back? Yeah, right. Keep your sorry job.
joanjet said:
Don't flatter yourself. Who wants to come back to your "going down the drain airline?" Desperate to get THAT job back? Yeah, right. Keep your sorry job.
Wow, someone is a little PO'd at AA! I think we all know who want's their jobs back. Some of the AA nAAtives want to fly again. All of the TWA-LLC folks want their jobs back and will do anything to get them. Desperate people, take desperate measures. 🙄
You said "we" did not want to buy TWA to begin with. Who is "we"? Now I can understand the hostility the TWA F/As encountered from some AA F/As and APFA.
The problem lie's in the 738 f/c galley design. YES,we had a f/a task force to help inthe cabin design of the 738 and 777 for that matter.I even have a close good friend who was on the 738 f/a task force representing LGA but guess what? DING DING DING you got it-AA told them at the VERY END of the task forces really hard work on makeing sure the 738 was as f/a friendly as it tryed to make it passenger "bearable" that the ORIG config. of 16 f/c was going to be 20 f/c (can't recall the orig m/c # since it was just before MRTOC). The f/c galley's on the S80's are better suited for 16-20 then the current 738 f/c gal. Even the "EF" S80's I like a heck of alot better then the 738's in the f/c gal. layout. The ovens on the "EF"s just take getting used too and praying that STL catering puts in the oven racks. The work alot better then our SELL ovens do I feel and they are not so darn loud. NOW,just gotta move the f/c lav back and place "A CLOSET WHERE A CLOSET OUTTS BE!!"(just alittle Joan for you guys-hehe). They rearranged the lav/closet layout on our orig.S80's when they went in for cabin refit/remodel so I am sure they can just move the lav back and put a FWD ENTRY CLOSET as is on the rest of the S80 fleet.Maybe one of our more knowlegable M&E peeps can be more specific then moi. I just know how to break the stuff then #### about it later when it's not fixed-lol (just kidding).
sbfll 😛
silverbirdFLL said:
...and praying that STL catering puts in the oven racks.
Is that still a problem?

Some things never change.
TWAnr said:
Is that still a problem?

Some things never change.
Yeah right, I bet you're an attorney!
FWAAA said:
TWAnr's spouse was a TWA FA; TWAnr is a lawyer.
Yeah Ok! Like Don Carty is going to be coming back to AMR as the CEO. 🙄
Have you been taking your meds wrx? Your hostility quotent is very high...