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AMFA getting it done

Hey Overspeed;
Here is some more evidence for you. Below is a quote from the IAM's local president. Notice where he states that they new this was coming, as well as, and I quote; "United now has the flexibility to outsource "ALL" of its heavy maintenance work, which involves taking apart and rebuilding giant engines and airframes." Cap letters and quotations added by me. Keep posting OS, you really are helping the AMFA drive.

"But the bankrupt carrier also is changing the way it does business. As part of a new six-year contract with its 12,000 mechanics, United now has the flexibility to outsource all of its heavy maintenance work, which involves taking apart and rebuilding giant engines and airframes.

The Indianapolis closing seemed likely after United in March said it was temporarily closing the facility because of a falloff in traffic related to the Iraq war, union officials said.

"We've been anticipating it," said Ben Nunnally, president of Local Lodge 2294 of the International Association of Machinists, which represents the 1,200 Indianapolis workers affected by the closing. "They were unable to say it straight out. But they've been shipping United tools and parts since March, when they announced the temporary closing. The most we can do is keep our chins up and go forward and be successful in whatever we do.""
You that's right but the IAM never negotiated it in. It was in the term sheet, it was voted down, AMFA came in, and then signed off the same deal but added in outsourcing to foreign MROs. I understand the deal perfectly. AMFA rolled over. OV stated after the vote at UA on the 2005-2009 CBA that the AMFA membership decided it was better to take the deal then keep fighting. Why? Because that another NWA style beat down was coming. The craft union tried and failed.
Nah. Slamming AMFA is too much fun and its so easy!

Yea but nobody cares anymore what you have to say. The end of this love fest chapter is coming to an end very soon. Slam away in desperation.
No I did not, the UA agreement was started being negotiated in 2003 so the amendable was 2009. The TWU agreement was 5 years from DOS to amendable date. I pointed out that the UA CBA was 6 years and 8 months from the time the IAM started and you guys finished was 7.5% raise. The TWU negotiated on the concession deal in 2003 for a few months and it was amendable by 2008 or five years with a 6%.

I'm working on the puppets for you brother.

Another pathetic attempt at a dodge.

Where in your post do you mention the IAM?

You claimed the "AMFA CBA" was a 6 year 8 month agreement. Thats a LIE!

The AMFA CBA at UA was a 6 year, 8 month agreement. It had two, TWO wage concessions in it from BK of 13% and another 3.9%, outsourcing of all airframe overhaul except three lines, and a raise of 7.5% over the nearly 7 year agreement. Is that the snap back you were hoping for? Yeah AMFA, they are awesome. All the AMFA satin jackets in the world can't make up for 50% job loss due to outsourcing, close to 16% wage cut on top, loss of retiree medical, termination of the pension, and a 6% pay raise for a five year contract.

Only after having your ignorance exposed you now try to requalify your remarks.

You lied, you got caught. No amount of spin is going to change that.
If it hadn't been for AMFA the NWA guys would still have a job.

Guess I can't argue with you there although I have a non-union 6 figure job now and I credit that to AMFA at NWA.. Sometimes you have to fight for whats right even if you lose it all. There is no way in hell FX mechanics would be making any where near this pay if it wasn't for us at NWA.. It most certainly was not for the fighting machinists or the Twu. If we wanted to keep sucking hind teet we would have accepted the Iam contract in the best of times that was abysmal and yes we would have been Delta mechanics and who knows what that wage would be. It would never be what is is now don't forget AMFA raised the bar no one else did.. Even with the Twu and Iam dragging it back down it still is better than it was. Industrial unions have screwed the AMT time and time again and yet there are still idiot mechanics who still support this. I swear we are our own worst enemy.
allright AMFA quit the talking and get it done for Christ sake
As I read that statement, I wonder if you realize, this is your card drive, and AMFA is only what YOU make it to be.

It is only in the industrial union that the union is seperate from the member. With AMFA, it is all you and your coworkers, not some dues collection institution that removes your power and controls the direction.
Another pathetic attempt at a dodge.

Where in your post do you mention the IAM?

You claimed the "AMFA CBA" was a 6 year 8 month agreement. Thats a LIE!

Only after having your ignorance exposed you now try to requalify your remarks.

You lied, you got caught. No amount of spin is going to change that.
You're funny. Fact is the difference between the DOS and the time AMFA signed an agreement doesn't change the fact they all worked under the 1113e terms formalized in the AMFA CBA. Two wage cuts and conceding to outsourcing plus expanding that to include foreign outsourcing means AMFA rolled. They did not get a better deal than the IAM.

The TWU 2003 deal was 5 years and provided continued pension accrual for another ten years. AMFA got how many more years of pension credit in their CBA? None.

The fact remains regardless of your claims that AMFA did not better but actually worse than the IAM at UA. That is why they got booted.
Guess I can't argue with you there although I have a non-union 6 figure job now and I credit that to AMFA at NWA.. Sometimes you have to fight for whats right even if you lose it all. There is no way in hell FX mechanics would be making any where near this pay if it wasn't for us at NWA.. It most certainly was not for the fighting machinists or the Twu. If we wanted to keep sucking hind teet we would have accepted the Iam contract in the best of times that was abysmal and yes we would have been Delta mechanics and who knows what that wage would be. It would never be what is is now don't forget AMFA raised the bar no one else did.. Even with the Twu and Iam dragging it back down it still is better than it was. Industrial unions have screwed the AMT time and time again and yet there are still idiot mechanics who still support this. I swear we are our own worst enemy.
So all the out of work NWA AMTs have jobs like you? All 5,000 NWA M&R got the same job opportunity you did? No they didn't.
You that's right but the IAM never negotiated it in. It was in the term sheet, it was voted down, AMFA came in, and then signed off the same deal but added in outsourcing to foreign MROs. I understand the deal perfectly. AMFA rolled over. OV stated after the vote at UA on the 2005-2009 CBA that the AMFA membership decided it was better to take the deal then keep fighting. Why? Because that another NWA style beat down was coming. The craft union tried and failed.

Wow man. repeat and repeat and someone might believe you. Read the language folks, look at all dates, then see when AMFA was certified at UAL. Very simple it's a few months after the language was nego by the IAM that AMFA took over and was forced with current contract that the IAM nego.
Yea but nobody cares anymore what you have to say. The end of this love fest chapter is coming to an end very soon. Slam away in desperation.

We all agree. The slamming will get worse once the announcement is made as well as some newbies will all of a sudden show up...
So all the out of work NWA AMTs have jobs like you? All 5,000 NWA M&R got the same job opportunity you did? No they didn't.

Wow! the man gave you a little credit and you still find a way to try and make him look bad. Your pathetic man. Lineguy is one of the X-NWA/AMFA mechanics, ask him if he were in your shoes who would he vote for? You posted awhile back that you wanted to ask this very question to any X-NWA/AMFA mechanic and now you have your chance OS ask him all the questions you want.
And yes Lineguy, Thx to all the brothers and sisters at NW that stood for our craft, and raised the bar to where we are today...

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