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When I posted last night I knew the sharks would swarm. I didn’t expect the utter nonsense I got in response. The point was simple – AMFA and TWU both dealt with a second round of concession demands from a bankrupt company dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars in losses caused by mismanagement. Both companies used the bankruptcy laws to their advantage. Given all the chatter on this board about how militant and tough AMFA is, I would have expected that it would have taken the path all the people on this board fault the TWU for not taking—that is, refused all concession demands, absorbed an abrogation, and waited to be released to strike. But, that is not what they did. Instead, Mr Delle Femine said “It’s a sad situation that we have to bear the brunt of mismanagement. We had to accept it or let the judge do it. It was the lesser of two evils.” And, spin it any way you like, but the contract AMFA signed after those words was far worse than what the TWU just signed off on. To be fair, for all of their tough talk, the IBT also did not avoid concessions in bankruptcy and at Frontier, for example, signed off on a deal far worse than the TWU just negotiated.

As for termination of the pension, I applied the exact same standard to AMFA that they apply to the TWU. The UAL plan was terminated on AMFA’s watch, they made proposals for a new less expensive plan prior to termination, and they signed off on a contract in which the old plan did not snap back or was replaced by a plan of equal value. I don’t doubt that it was inevitable that the government and the court were going to terminate the existing DB plans for all UAL employees, just as it was inevitable that the Bankruptcy Court handling AA was going to authorize it to impose a freeze on all its DB plans.

One other thing. AMFA negotiated a 5% defined pension contribution in its 2005 Agreement. The United pilots negotiated a 15% contribution to replace their terminated plan and within two years upped the contribution to 16%. And another thing --- people can spin anyway they like, but if the TWU dies as the mechanic and related representative at AA Tulsa will die with it. No ifs ands or buts. Anyone who believes otherwise is not reading this board or paying attention to what has gone on in the industry for the last ten years.

In Solidarity,

The TWU did not save our pensions. The head of the PGBC did by filing liens against AA property. Do you have the guts to sign an enforceable contract with me that the TWU will indeed save the Tulsa Base? Because it appears to me TUL is going down under the TWU right now. You think the TWU is going to save Tulsa? Put it in writing and sign it. I personally think you are full of crap.
When I posted last night I knew the sharks would swarm. I didn’t expect the utter nonsense I got in response. The point was simple – AMFA and TWU both dealt with a second round of concession demands from a bankrupt company dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars in losses caused by mismanagement. Both companies used the bankruptcy laws to their advantage. Given all the chatter on this board about how militant and tough AMFA is, I would have expected that it would have taken the path all the people on this board fault the TWU for not taking—that is, refused all concession demands, absorbed an abrogation, and waited to be released to strike. But, that is not what they did. Instead, Mr Delle Femine said “It’s a sad situation that we have to bear the brunt of mismanagement. We had to accept it or let the judge do it. It was the lesser of two evils.” And, spin it any way you like, but the contract AMFA signed after those words was far worse than what the TWU just signed off on. To be fair, for all of their tough talk, the IBT also did not avoid concessions in bankruptcy and at Frontier, for example, signed off on a deal far worse than the TWU just negotiated.

As for termination of the pension, I applied the exact same standard to AMFA that they apply to the TWU. The UAL plan was terminated on AMFA’s watch, they made proposals for a new less expensive plan prior to termination, and they signed off on a contract in which the old plan did not snap back or was replaced by a plan of equal value. I don’t doubt that it was inevitable that the government and the court were going to terminate the existing DB plans for all UAL employees, just as it was inevitable that the Bankruptcy Court handling AA was going to authorize it to impose a freeze on all its DB plans.

One other thing. AMFA negotiated a 5% defined pension contribution in its 2005 Agreement. The United pilots negotiated a 15% contribution to replace their terminated plan and within two years upped the contribution to 16%. And another thing --- people can spin anyway they like, but if the TWU dies as the mechanic and related representative at AA Tulsa will die with it. No ifs ands or buts. Anyone who believes otherwise is not reading this board or paying attention to what has gone on in the industry for the last ten years.

In Solidarity,


I figured you'd make some half hearted attempt to requalify your remarks.

You claimed AMFA "agreed" to the pension termination, you can try to spin it anyway you like....its still a lie.

You claimed AMFA "signed on to unrestricted outsourcing of heavy checks". ....... from your complete lack of defence to this claim, or even mention of it in your latest post, I think its safe to say even you know that was also a lie.

You should be thanking the unions and their members that fought these battles in bankruptcy before you for the defence the TWU is attempting now.

ALPA, AFA, IAM, AMFA, and yes even the IBTand others, all our struggles,trials, and lessons learned before in bankruptcy court, are yours at American to benefit from if you can.
I figured you'd make some half hearted attempt to requalify your remarks.

You claimed AMFA "agreed" to the pension termination, you can try to spin it anyway you like....its still a lie.

You claimed AMFA "signed on to unrestricted outsourcing of heavy checks". ....... from your complete lack of defence to this claim, or even mention of it in your latest post, I think its safe to say even you know that was also a lie.

You should be thanking the unions and their members that fought these battles in bankruptcy before you for the defence the TWU is attempting now.

ALPA, AFA, IAM, AMFA, and yes even the IBTand others, all our struggles,trials, and lessons learned before in bankruptcy court, are yours at American to benefit from if you can.
Simple question, does UA or NW have their airframe overhaul in-house? No. BK or no BK AMFA was on duty and the work is gone. AMFA did such an awesome job that DL wanted nothing to do with the powerful craft union. The IBT made matters worse at UA when they lost the OSV grievance and then made the failure permanent by removing the reference to a cap on outsourcing.

The IBT has added no new language to either the UA or CO agreements to cap outsourcing at any level. So much for Teamster Power.

What did the TWU do? Better than AMFA, IBT, and the IAM by restricting outsourcing to 35% of maintenance expenses excluding overhead. Throw stones but we have over 30 docks in TUL and DWH performing airframe overhaul. How many docks are doing overhaul at UA? CO? WN? DL? US? AA has around 600 aircraft and so does DL and the combined UA/CO but they don't even have half the airframe overhaul docks that employ thousands of union employees making far more than the non-union workers in El Salvador, China, Korea, and U.S. MROs.

Apparently you idolize the AMFA and IBT model on scope clauses. The ones that let thousands of jobs go so that the remaining 50% can get a few dollars more.

And if AMFA is so good why have they not forced the most profitable airline in the U.S. to pay their AMTs more than anyone? AS turned a $339M profit for such a little company off of about $4.5B in revenue. AS can afford it and AMFA has done what? Nothing.

And if all those other unions "fought" the BK battle before us and paved the way then you agree that the best avenue for TWU members at AA was not to repeat their mistakes and risk abrogation. Thank you for pointing out that the TWU hired experts were right.
Bankrupt? With $4.5 billion in cash and 500 new airplanes coming?

The courts "assume " that a company would not file for BK unless they needed to, AA pretty much admitted from the get go that this was purely a strategy, not their only alternative. The court chose to ignore that.

AA self financed their BK, so obviously they were not broke.

At one time the courts made the same assumptions as far as individual BK, then they realized that many people were scamming the system, and they changed the laws to try and crack down on the scamming. So far they have failed to do the same for corporations.

When people filed for BK it was the banks that ended up getting screwed, so they changed the law, howver when corporations scam in BK the workers get screwed, so the law stands. Even though Corporations have been granted the rights of individuals they have not been charged with the same responsibilities as individuals.

And our Union does nothing to correct this.

You say that people should do more careful research, well you are right, they should. Are you aware that labor contracts were supposed to be afforded special protections under BK? That in order for the court to abrogate that the company was supposed to show that the contract was "onerous". One of the early cases involved a printing company, the contract called for them to employ workers who jobs were redundant due to technological changes that the company, and its competitors had put in place. The contract forcing the employer to pay people it did not need was considered onerous, so it met the standard and was abrogated. The 2nd District Court took a much more pro company view on the onerous standard. once again relying on the asumption that the company would not be asking for relief unless there was no other way to stay in business, even if its pretty obvious there are other options. Bankruptcy is there to provide a level playing field for an ailing company to get relief from terms that make it so they can not compete, it is not supposed to be a blank check where companys are given a cost advantage over their peers by court mandates. What has evolved in the airline industry, as the unions sat on their hands is an abomination of Justice, and we are at fault for not challenging it.

You have got to be kidding, you cant be that stupid.

So in other words in BK it was not a six (plus four plus six) year deal like ours. How many years, both pre and post BK did UAL go without any pay increases? Did they go four years with no increases like we did? We gave concessions supposedly to stay out of BK, we took a 17.5% paycut, in addition to vacation, Holidays and other concessions which brought it up to 25% and from 2003 to 2012 only got back 7%. for an aggregate pay cut of $3.97 over a 10 year period without going BK!!,

Per the new agreement our aggregate houly rate will have only gone from $37,24 in 2003 to $37.67 in 2018. You are citing how their pay went up a whopping 51 cents over five years while ours as written will go up a whopping 43 cents over 15 years!!!!

If you want to forget the past fine, forget it, lets look at the present, what does UAL currently get and what do we get? Remember BK is there to relive companies from onerous terms, not create a condition where competitors end up under comparatively onerous tersms with the BK entity.

You even admit that all our raises over the next six years will not bring us up to what they are making now.

Sure you can cite that we have the Mid Term Wage adjustment LOM, and that our wage is so far below industry standard that we would already be slated for a raise if it were to come in effect now, but who knows, Jim already agreed to dump two LOMs already. Whats stopping him from dumping that one as well? Whats stopping USAIR from buying us and going BK in two years and throwing it out in exchange for promising to keep work in Tulsa they cant outsource anyway like we did last August? All it takes is Jim Little signature.

So did the TWU, it was the PBGC and the CC that squashed it because they did not want the PBGC to be the biggest shareholder of the company.

Good thing, if they had one, thanks to US and AA they would take a pay cut.

The Mid Term wage adjustment is basically an admission that they want the IBT and IAM and Non-Union Delta mechanics to fight for a wage and after three years they will bring us up to the average. they obviously feel that going for what AMFA negotiated at WN is way beyond what they feel their members are worth.

Step back and look at the big picture, over a 15 year period and one BK filing AA mechanics will have seen their pay increase by 43 cents, but they will have a week less vacation, lost up to 80 hours of Holiday pay each year, 7 less sick days, they will pay around $4000 a year for medical coverage, lost 70 IOD day, lost their pension, retiree medical, doubletime and scores of other concessions.

But that adjustment will not factor in the vacation, Holidays, sick time, doubletime or any of the other concession that put us at the very bottom of the industry. All in we are even below USAIR and they are in contract talks. So even if Little does not sign it away, even with the adjustment we will still almost certainly still be at the very bottom of the industry for the next six years.
Everything you wrote is a prime example of how little you understand the BK process and law. What AA did is not new and perfectly legal. Did you not understand this when you labeled the discussions of BK as nothing more than a scare tactic. It was no scare tactic. BK is very real and you can argue and point out how unfair it is to workers but that's the world we all live in and yes it sucks.

While we did take more than a 17.5% cut in total value to our paychecks we did gain something pretty big. Our pension plans have continued to be funded from 2003 through 2012. Nine years of continued pension credit is a good thing.

We would be at number two in pay from May 2010 until AA filed BK. You recommended a no vote brother along with your cast of clowns on the negotiating committee. Bad move in retrospect now. The MCT's kept their pay raise they voted in back in 2010. Now you whine about how we are behind. That's partly your fault for underestimating the company's resolve and willingness to file BK. Oops Bob, big miscalculation because Brundage apparently outwitted you.

Everything you cite in what we gave up would have been returned mostly by the May 2010 TA but you were going to keep fighting you tough guy fighter you. You showed AA didn't you?
Everything you cite in what we gave up would have been returned mostly by the May 2010 TA but you were going to keep fighting you tough guy fighter you. You showed AA didn't you?

NO the TWU showed them by FIGHTING LIKE HELL!!
And another thing --- people can spin anyway they like, but if the TWU dies as the mechanic and related representative at AA Tulsa will die with it. No ifs ands or buts. Anyone who believes otherwise is not reading this board or paying attention to what has gone on in the industry for the last ten years.

In Solidarity,


Tulsa IS dying anyway. How many in Tulsa really wants to work either 4/10's during the week or 3/13's on the weekends?
Everything you wrote is a prime example of how little you understand the BK process and law. What AA did is not new and perfectly legal. Did you not understand this when you labeled the discussions of BK as nothing more than a scare tactic. It was no scare tactic. BK is very real and you can argue and point out how unfair it is to workers but that's the world we all live in and yes it sucks.

Dont we pay Unions dues for unions to fight against unfair laws that put us at a disadvantage? What has the TWU done to combat this law other than roll over and make sure that AA gets everything they want?

While we did take more than a 17.5% cut in total value to our paychecks we did gain something pretty big. Our pension plans have continued to be funded from 2003 through 2012. Nine years of continued pension credit is a good thing.
But at what cost?
Before you make such statements you have to remember that for most of us our Final Average salary is not in the six figure range like International employees, its around $68000.

9years x $68,000x.01667=$10,202.04 a year at 65 years of age (the age we will have to work now that retiree medical is gone.

Given that Aircraft Mechanics work with toxic chemicals they have higher rates of cancer thus lower life expectancies than most other people in the US so we can maybe expect that to be worth a total of 10 years collecting a pension, so its worth $102,020.40. So we got a total of $102k added to our pensions.

Every legacy carrier that lost their DB got something in place of that. UAL got $40k plus the 5.5% match. The company figures that 12% of all ours worked are at OT rates, so they figure we work 250 hours of OT a year, since the match is based on gross our Final Average salary for the 401k would be roughly $75k x 5.5%=$4125

So less the 401 K match the Pension is worth $6077 year

$4125 x 9 years=$37125(without interest), But of course there would be some interest over a 20 year period, lets be real conservative and say we got enough interest to bring that up to $52,000 by the time we are 65 (not counting subsequent contributions outside the 9 year window.

So now the added years to the pension are only worth $50,000, but we gave up 80 hours a year of Holiday pay as well’

80 x $33 =$2640x 9 years =$23760 But in reality we are still losing those holidays that others kept through BK till 2018 so we need to add that as well, that’s another $15840 so the lost Holidays will cost us $39,600

So now the added 9 years to the pension is only worth $10,400

We get a week’s less vacation that has already cost us $13,320, and by 2018 it will be up to around $19,920 (based on $33/hr)

So without counting all the other concessions, slashed wages, double time, straight time for training, sick time etc we already more than paid for the extra 9 years by giving concessions that our peers never gave, even through BK (concessions we continue to give as well). If the average worker has to put in 20 years of concessions before he retires the extra $6k a year he will net before taxes at 65 (offset by the 401K contribution) will have cost him around $80,000 just in Holidays and Vacation. In excess of $200k all in.

We would be at number two in pay from May 2010 until AA filed BK.

“Number two in pay”, more spin. Don’t you mean number two in hourly pay rates if we selectively include and exclude premiums?? Holidays, vacation, sick time, Health Benefits etc are all part of pay and we were at the bottom in all those categories. Plus the number two status would have only applied to those line mechanics who started between 9 pm and 4 am. In other words the company could have simply altered the start times (to 2059)and nobody would have been receiving the number two rate you speak of. You claim adds in ALL POSSIBLE premiums under the AA deal but does not do the same with the other agreements. In other words, it’s a lie. Our hourly base chart rate still would have been bottom of the industry.

Just as most guys at UAL do not get the $2/hr COLA most mechanics at AA would not have recieved the $1.50 MRT or the $2.55 Line premium. The company still could have 24 hour coverage without any mechanic at AA being in your words "#2".

You recommended a no vote brother along with your cast of clowns on the negotiating committee. Bad move in retrospect now. The MCT's kept their pay raise they voted in back in 2010. Now you whine about how we are behind. That's partly your fault for underestimating the company's resolve and willingness to file BK. Oops Bob, big miscalculation because Brundage apparently outwitted you.

Well I really wasnt fighting Brundage, because I had to get past Videtich first. Its a tough fight when the people who are supposed to be on your side are collecting perks and fighting for the other side, but at least now everybody knows.

My position on BK is that whatever we did did not matter, there wasnt enough savings available in M&R to warrant going through BK. Don was saying that we could push them in. BK revolved around one contract-the Pilots.

Everything you cite in what we gave up would have been returned mostly by the May 2010 TA but you were going to keep fighting you tough guy fighter you. You showed AA didn't you?
Well as I just pointed out the fight was never brought to the company so we will never know, we had to fight Don and the International, it’s a shame that we have to fight the people we pay to represent us, that fight continues, but it may soon be over. Then maybe we can start fighting the company.
Overspin wrote;

And if AMFA is so good why have they not forced the most profitable airline in the U.S. to pay their AMTs more than anyone? AS turned a $339M profit for such a little company off of about $4.5B in revenue. AS can afford it and AMFA has done what? Nothing.

AMFA representated passenger airliners are the #1 and the #2 in pay, bennies, and overall compensasion. SWA and AS are the 2 airline just in case you did not know...
Simple question, does UA or NW have their airframe overhaul in-house? No. BK or no BK AMFA was on duty and the work is gone. AMFA did such an awesome job that DL wanted nothing to do with the powerful craft union. The IBT made matters worse at UA when they lost the OSV grievance and then made the failure permanent by removing the reference to a cap on outsourcing.

The IBT has added no new language to either the UA or CO agreements to cap outsourcing at any level. So much for Teamster Power.

What did the TWU do? Better than AMFA, IBT, and the IAM by restricting outsourcing to 35% of maintenance expenses excluding overhead. Throw stones but we have over 30 docks in TUL and DWH performing airframe overhaul. How many docks are doing overhaul at UA? CO? WN? DL? US? AA has around 600 aircraft and so does DL and the combined UA/CO but they don't even have half the airframe overhaul docks that employ thousands of union employees making far more than the non-union workers in El Salvador, China, Korea, and U.S. MROs.

Apparently you idolize the AMFA and IBT model on scope clauses. The ones that let thousands of jobs go so that the remaining 50% can get a few dollars more.

And if AMFA is so good why have they not forced the most profitable airline in the U.S. to pay their AMTs more than anyone? AS turned a $339M profit for such a little company off of about $4.5B in revenue. AS can afford it and AMFA has done what? Nothing.

And if all those other unions "fought" the BK battle before us and paved the way then you agree that the best avenue for TWU members at AA was not to repeat their mistakes and risk abrogation. Thank you for pointing out that the TWU hired experts were right.

Here you go again the iam had already agreed to outsource the DC-10 and 747 before the AMFA had gotten on the property. There were no limits on the amount that could be outsourced until the 2001 contract that the twu piggybacked off of. I still remember joe hasen telling everybody at AFW that we would be lucky to get $29 hr at the end of the contract. Can you believe it we recieved over $35 hr at the end along with 12 sick days only because the men and women at NWA fought for it. The AMFA did not allow the o/s of o/h at UAL. It was your fellow afl-cio union the iam as you already know since it has been proven here many times. Nothinng like repeating a lie over and over to make become truth.
As far as o/s for AA. It is 35% of total maintenance spend,along with the little disclaimer that if we don't have the ability to do the work they can o/s it. When jim ream was here at AFW he said that the 767 were going to Tulsa and if they could not produce (set up to fail) AA would outsource that work also and that AA could o/s up to 65%. Oh lets not forget that they already have some of the 767s outsourced. Guess what I was informed last week that management had told the planners to put together a bill of work package for RO of 767 out of Tulsa. As far as DWH goes it might be called an o/h base,but that is far from what it is. Not one dock at DWH has any docking system in it,but you already know that and you were being your usual self and trying to mislead the people here.
Nothinng like repeating a lie over and over to make become truth.
As far as o/s for AA. It is 35% of total maintenance spend,along with the little disclaimer that if we don't have the ability to do the work they can o/s it. When jim ream was here at AFW he said that the 767 were going to Tulsa and if they could not produce (set up to fail) AA would outsource that work also and that AA could o/s up to 65%. Oh lets not forget that they already have some of the 767s outsourced. Guess what I was informed last week that management had told the planners to put together a bill of work package for RO of 767 out of Tulsa.

Repeating lies is OS' specialty.

There were a couple of things that blow holes in the 35% cap that OS claims we have. The contract also says if Taesl goes away they can adjust the limits "accordingly". So lets say they outsource all the 767s, and increase the amount of 3P work they do in Taesl, 3P counts as in sourced in the meantime MD-80s go away and we start getting deliveries of the new Airbus, which the company claims is not AA work because we never worked that type of aircraft in OH. They will comply with the contract in that the line will do line maintenance but they never agreed that we would OH them. Burdette only said that we would work any plane that AA flies, but not that we would do all the work. . So they outsource right up to the 35% cap including the 3P as insourced, not counting work that is not included in the spend. Now Taesl makes up 20% of the Total Maint spend and RR decides they want to terminate the deal, Now the cap gets adjusted "accordingly"-to 55%. Now they can outsource the rest of OH and just do light C cks in DWH.
Simple question, does UA or NW have their airframe overhaul in-house? No. BK or no BK AMFA was on duty and the work is gone. AMFA did such an awesome job that DL wanted nothing to do with the powerful craft union. The IBT made matters worse at UA when they lost the OSV grievance and then made the failure permanent by removing the reference to a cap on outsourcing.

The IBT has added no new language to either the UA or CO agreements to cap outsourcing at any level. So much for Teamster Power.

What did the TWU do? Better than AMFA, IBT, and the IAM by restricting outsourcing to 35% of maintenance expenses excluding overhead. Throw stones but we have over 30 docks in TUL and DWH performing airframe overhaul. How many docks are doing overhaul at UA? CO? WN? DL? US? AA has around 600 aircraft and so does DL and the combined UA/CO but they don't even have half the airframe overhaul docks that employ thousands of union employees making far more than the non-union workers in El Salvador, China, Korea, and U.S. MROs.

Apparently you idolize the AMFA and IBT model on scope clauses. The ones that let thousands of jobs go so that the remaining 50% can get a few dollars more.

And if AMFA is so good why have they not forced the most profitable airline in the U.S. to pay their AMTs more than anyone? AS turned a $339M profit for such a little company off of about $4.5B in revenue. AS can afford it and AMFA has done what? Nothing.

And if all those other unions "fought" the BK battle before us and paved the way then you agree that the best avenue for TWU members at AA was not to repeat their mistakes and risk abrogation. Thank you for pointing out that the TWU hired experts were right.

Spin all you wish, your original post concerning what happened under AMFA at UAL was a lie, and as you can clearly see from the others posting here, it has been duely noted.

You claimed AMFA "agreed" to the pension termination, you can try to spin it anyway you like....its still a lie.

You claimed AMFA "signed on to unrestricted outsourcing of heavy checks"...... that is also a lie, as it occured under the IAM.
Simple question, does UA or NW have their airframe overhaul in-house? No. BK or no BK AMFA was on duty and the work is gone. AMFA did such an awesome job that DL wanted nothing to do with the powerful craft union. The IBT made matters worse at UA when they lost the OSV grievance and then made the failure permanent by removing the reference to a cap on outsourcing.

The IBT has added no new language to either the UA or CO agreements to cap outsourcing at any level. So much for Teamster Power.

What did the TWU do? Better than AMFA, IBT, and the IAM by restricting outsourcing to 35% of maintenance expenses excluding overhead. Throw stones but we have over 30 docks in TUL and DWH performing airframe overhaul. How many docks are doing overhaul at UA? CO? WN? DL? US? AA has around 600 aircraft and so does DL and the combined UA/CO but they don't even have half the airframe overhaul docks that employ thousands of union employees making far more than the non-union workers in El Salvador, China, Korea, and U.S. MROs.

Apparently you idolize the AMFA and IBT model on scope clauses. The ones that let thousands of jobs go so that the remaining 50% can get a few dollars more.

And if AMFA is so good why have they not forced the most profitable airline in the U.S. to pay their AMTs more than anyone? AS turned a $339M profit for such a little company off of about $4.5B in revenue. AS can afford it and AMFA has done what? Nothing.

And if all those other unions "fought" the BK battle before us and paved the way then you agree that the best avenue for TWU members at AA was not to repeat their mistakes and risk abrogation. Thank you for pointing out that the TWU hired experts were right.
You are a proven common liar.

We (AMFA) put a limit on it where there was none.

I worked for NWA during those times and the IAM outsourced the work then scabbed our work when we went on strike.

There is no need for anyone to even read or respond to anything you post here since you have been proven over an over to be a liar.
You are a proven common liar.

We (AMFA) put a limit on it where there was none.

I worked for NWA during those times and the IAM outsourced the work then scabbed our work when we went on strike.

There is no need for anyone to even read or respond to anything you post here since you have been proven over an over to be a liar.

Overspin wrote;

And if AMFA is so good why have they not forced the most profitable airline in the U.S. to pay their AMTs more than anyone? AS turned a $339M profit for such a little company off of about $4.5B in revenue. AS can afford it and AMFA has done what? Nothing.

AMFA representated passenger airliners are the #1 and the #2 in pay, bennies, and overall compensasion. SWA and AS are the 2 airline just in case you did not know...
And number one and two in outsourcing
You are a proven common liar.

We (AMFA) put a limit on it where there was none.

I worked for NWA during those times and the IAM outsourced the work then scabbed our work when we went on strike.

There is no need for anyone to even read or respond to anything you post here since you have been proven over an over to be a liar.
Okay. Say what you will but bottom line, how many AMTs worked at NWA after the strike? Good move AMFA. Good move.

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