Couldn't have said it better myself.I am not conceding anything, the TWU has done enough of that over the yrs here at AA. Now AFW is closed, where did all those jobs GO? The twu let AA close AFW forced families lives to be disrupted.
As we replace the fleet here at AA, be honest and tell us all what is going to happen to the work,the heavy checks, as we shed the older aircraft? What about the 757 seats being done outside AA. The work being done in South America. As we shed the MD80's and the 757 and the 767-200.
Where are those jobs going to go? O/s tell us what is the TWU's plan for the rest of us who work the line? Are we going to take another pay cut to make you look good, keep them on payroll but take money and vacation, holidays, medical and what ever else you feel will promote the job saving at aa. I would rather get laid off due to seniority and wait for the recall after a while at least when and if I decide to come back the job would be worth it.
BUT NO YOU and the other TWU Intl Officers and the kiss a$%TWU coolaide drinkers in Tulsa think its better to keep guys on the job cutting $$$$ from the rest of us. That is why we guys who support AMFA and want you Gone.
We don't want the Tulsa guys to loose their job, but we wanted a regional pay to work in the high dollar market cities but NO, NO, it is better for the T-town boys who have a $40k cost of living dictate to the $80K cost of living city mechanics.
"Thats why" , it has NOTHING to do with AMFA, it is all the concessions you guys have given up over all the yrs. The airlines are doing away with O/H bases, and all the unions are now falling to the companies cuts.
So all your spinning that AMFA is at fault, Nothing but a lie. IAM/IBT/TWU and amfa all have failed in this to stop the outsourcing of american jobs.
Why don't you guys get together and use all the power of labor to force the FAA and the DOT to stop the american jobs from going overseas, save the aircraft mechanics.
Don't tell us you are and that you lobbied to make those changes. Show us.. Tell your buddy Hoffa and Little to make that deal instead of selling us short. Oh by the way get the IAM to help and the AFL-CIO. Isn't that why we pay dues, or is it for you and Bobby G. and the others at the TWU Intl to get rich?
None of these cuts effect you,, so you really don't care. That's why we want you GONE.