I am not here to debate you. I am here to set the record straight while others are here to constantly lie and spread mis-truths about AMFA or SWA and sometimes the teamsters. Only setting the record straight for the mechanics at AA, b/c the teamsters will say anything to get cards signed. I cannot dispute the losses at AA, I know nothing about the finacials at AA. If you really want to know what I would tell someone asking why AMFA, then you need to scroll thru all the postings and read them. It's already been done and said by many. Since you are not an AA mechanic I will not debate AMFA with you. If you were to tell us who you work for, and what position you hold as well as the union that represents you, I MIGHT consider it. From your last sentence, you really need to do your own research and read thru all the threads. I've been on here for years trying to get real information to the AA mechanics as I know exacally how the teamsters work and now know just how the TWU work so hard at lying to them to get them to sign their cards. Again, as WNMECH has told you already, no one out here has promiced or garrenteed that AMFA would have done better than the TWU did while AA went thru BK. Not willing to debate with you at all. You have no reason to be here debating something if you are not an American Airlines mechanic, PERIOD. The reason you are not getting anyone to debate with you is b/c there's nothing to debate, no one out here has claimed to garrentee that they would have done a better job than the TWU OR have they claimed to stop the bloodshed from AA being in BK. As most have contended already, and from your low number of postings, it seems you have been placed here by TWU or teamsters to help them try to continue the deflection from AMFA. Nice try, but, not gonna work. Now if you wish to start spreading lies and mistruths about what AMFA is and stands for then, and only then, I will chime in. Now beat-it-puppet!!!