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AMFA getting it done

A noble sentiment.......

But you still haven't answered my question, which only emphasizes my point in asking it

Again, why have you yet to level an attack against the ibt, when by your own criteria the ibt is just as guilty as AMFA for the "pie-in-the-sky" promises you continue to refer to?

BTW your continued dodge on where you work and under which union is duely noted.

The thread is about AMFA getting it done, not IBT. Does it really matter where I work or which Unions I have belonged to? How about facts about losses and attacks from Corporate America. None of the posters have addressed. It is apparent that FACTS won't be debated here. I am ready for just one of you to dispute anything else I've posted.
The thread is about AMFA getting it done, not IBT. Does it really matter where I work or which Unions I have belonged to? How about facts about losses and attacks from Corporate America. None of the posters have addressed. It is apparent that FACTS won't be debated here. I am ready for just one of you to dispute anything else I've posted.

As you said this thread is about AMFA not corp America. Plus I don't think your intentions are real.
As you said this thread is about AMFA not corp America. Plus I don't think your intentions are real.

Is this your idea of debating? Dispute the losses at AA. Typical blind devotion to a cause without justification. If an undecided AA employee comes on here to see why they should vote AMFA what would you tell them? Trust you, you know what is right and they don't? You need to tell them more than that. I'm not sold on anything that has been said on this thread. Go back to the drawing board and come up with something else. Voting in leaders is not enough and BTW you guys could oust any Union leaders if you learn the by-laws.
Voting in leaders is not enough and BTW you guys could oust any Union leaders if you learn the by-laws.
My guess is that you are pretty familiar with the TWU and their bylaws.

I also don't think you are a mechanic.
Is this your idea of debating? Dispute the losses at AA. Typical blind devotion to a cause without justification. If an undecided AA employee comes on here to see why they should vote AMFA what would you tell them? Trust you, you know what is right and they don't? You need to tell them more than that. I'm not sold on anything that has been said on this thread. Go back to the drawing board and come up with something else. Voting in leaders is not enough and BTW you guys could oust any Union leaders if you learn the by-laws.

I am not here to debate you. I am here to set the record straight while others are here to constantly lie and spread mis-truths about AMFA or SWA and sometimes the teamsters. Only setting the record straight for the mechanics at AA, b/c the teamsters will say anything to get cards signed. I cannot dispute the losses at AA, I know nothing about the finacials at AA. If you really want to know what I would tell someone asking why AMFA, then you need to scroll thru all the postings and read them. It's already been done and said by many. Since you are not an AA mechanic I will not debate AMFA with you. If you were to tell us who you work for, and what position you hold as well as the union that represents you, I MIGHT consider it. From your last sentence, you really need to do your own research and read thru all the threads. I've been on here for years trying to get real information to the AA mechanics as I know exacally how the teamsters work and now know just how the TWU work so hard at lying to them to get them to sign their cards. Again, as WNMECH has told you already, no one out here has promiced or garrenteed that AMFA would have done better than the TWU did while AA went thru BK. Not willing to debate with you at all. You have no reason to be here debating something if you are not an American Airlines mechanic, PERIOD. The reason you are not getting anyone to debate with you is b/c there's nothing to debate, no one out here has claimed to garrentee that they would have done a better job than the TWU OR have they claimed to stop the bloodshed from AA being in BK. As most have contended already, and from your low number of postings, it seems you have been placed here by TWU or teamsters to help them try to continue the deflection from AMFA. Nice try, but, not gonna work. Now if you wish to start spreading lies and mistruths about what AMFA is and stands for then, and only then, I will chime in. Now beat-it-puppet!!!
I am not here to debate you. I am here to set the record straight while others are here to constantly lie and spread mis-truths about AMFA or SWA and sometimes the teamsters. Only setting the record straight for the mechanics at AA, b/c the teamsters will say anything to get cards signed. I cannot dispute the losses at AA, I know nothing about the finacials at AA. If you really want to know what I would tell someone asking why AMFA, then you need to scroll thru all the postings and read them. It's already been done and said by many. Since you are not an AA mechanic I will not debate AMFA with you. If you were to tell us who you work for, and what position you hold as well as the union that represents you, I MIGHT consider it. From your last sentence, you really need to do your own research and read thru all the threads. I've been on here for years trying to get real information to the AA mechanics as I know exacally how the teamsters work and now know just how the TWU work so hard at lying to them to get them to sign their cards. Again, as WNMECH has told you already, no one out here has promiced or garrenteed that AMFA would have done better than the TWU did while AA went thru BK. Not willing to debate with you at all. You have no reason to be here debating something if you are not an American Airlines mechanic, PERIOD. The reason you are not getting anyone to debate with you is b/c there's nothing to debate, no one out here has claimed to garrentee that they would have done a better job than the TWU OR have they claimed to stop the bloodshed from AA being in BK. As most have contended already, and from your low number of postings, it seems you have been placed here by TWU or teamsters to help them try to continue the deflection from AMFA. Nice try, but, not gonna work. Now if you wish to start spreading lies and mistruths about what AMFA is and stands for then, and only then, I will chime in. Now beat-it-puppet!!!

You need to read the thread and get comprehension skills because I see post after post talking about how jobs have been lost and comments on how AMFA would do better. This isn't rocket science buddy. Be a sheep if you choose and I understand why you won't debate, you have nothing to argue. Keep pushing your B.S. and anybody that tries to debate reality, just use your paranoia, it works well. Good luck with your own craft Union, I hope it works. If I were a betting man, I don't think it will be successful, none of you have made an argument worthwhile yet.
Don't incourage this guy he refuses to let anybody know who he works for and what his posiition is because it will tell the complete story about him. He knows our backgrounds it is common courtesy for him to do the same. This guy continues to avoid questions and make excusses. This is not any different than when annaly first started posting and was saying that he didnt back any union.
Anyway, back to the topics: Read this article this morning; Teamsters Try to Raid US Airways Mechanics notice how the IAM ridicules the teamsters for raiding the US guys. Never did the TWU do this until recently. The article states that they are verifying that they have have over the 50% required. I can see it now, the teamsters will file early and not have enough cards. I now see and understand why AMFA is waiting, which is smart. As previously stated AMFA already has well over 50%.
Teamsters said they were ready to file at AA about three different times in the last six months or so. The Teamsters has NO legitimate organizing committee that represents the AA AMT's. Is this how you run a card drive? Promises, promises.
AMFA is the real deal. Organizers from within. We know our issues. We know what we need to do. We are the union. AMFA is the only union for AMT's in this country.

Don't like Unions fighting Unions when the culprit is Corporate America and the right wing. Work at one of the major airlines, almost 30 years and have been represented by several Unions.

Sounds good, but sometimes the members have to fight their Unions to fight the company. Sometimes Union leaders forget where they came from. Any Union that agrees to Concessions for jobs is a company union because Companies will always claim that if they dont get concessions they will cut jobs, what else would they say?
Teamsters said they were ready to file at AA about three different times in the last six months or so.

Clearly if the IBT says they are ready to file its a ploy to get AMFA to file too early. From what I read here the strategy seems to be to wait till names drop off the list. When a name drops off its the same as getting another card, it moves the challenger that much closer to the number the NMB determines the challenger needs for a vote.Why would any union file before the anniversary of when they started the drive unless of course AMFA files and they want to jump in on that vote.
Teamsters said they were ready to file at AA about three different times in the last six months or so. The Teamsters has NO legitimate organizing committee that represents the AA AMT's. Is this how you run a card drive? Promises, promises.
AMFA is the real deal. Organizers from within. We know our issues. We know what we need to do. We are the union. AMFA is the only union for AMT's in this country.


This is exactly how the teamsters run a card drive, Lies, lies and more lies. Promices, promices, and promices. Then they will never follow thru because they knew from the get go that they could not. Just ask the UAL, SWA, Fontier, CAL mechanics.
"I like the twu atd. They provide me with a comfortable living. Besides, having appointed officials frees me up from bothering with that thing called democracy and lets me concentrate on things I love."


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Sounds good, but sometimes the members have to fight their Unions to fight the company. Sometimes Union leaders forget where they came from. Any Union that agrees to Concessions for jobs is a company union because Companies will always claim that if they dont get concessions they will cut jobs, what else would they say?

Bob, are you realy going to entertain this guy?? C'mon we all know why he has just started to come in. The TWU is getting extremely nervous now, the postings will continue to grow very fast. And just wait until AMFA announces the election, it will get crazy busy.

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