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AMFA getting it done

All the articles provided still does not change the fact that the SWA/AT integration nego's were very well conducted by membership mechanics. Why would an outsider post that we went to arbitration is beyond me. Once again, someone that knows nothing about how and what we do here at SWA. The entire integration cmte was compiled of ALL mechanics as well as 3 attorneys, and several AMFA National officers who are all mechanics. The only non-mechanic attendees were the attorneys. Even ALL the observers during the integration nego's were mechanics, of course, as AMFA is the only union that allows observers to watch and participate in any and all nego's. Having mechanics nego at the table has suited us very well, and alot better than having non-mechanic nego's in the past (teamsters appointed officials). Wouldn't change anything here at SWA guys, when givin the chance bring AMFA in, you will not be disappointed...
Yes I was misinformed. The Ramp, gate Agents etc went to arbitration for seniority integration because the TWU and The IAM couldn't resolve it themselves. BTW SWA Management also participated in the Mechanic and Related Seniority Process so technically it wasn't 100% mechanics.
Yes I was misinformed. The Ramp, gate Agents etc went to arbitration for seniority integration because the TWU and The IAM couldn't resolve it themselves. BTW SWA Management also participated in the Mechanic and Related Seniority Process so technically it wasn't 100% mechanics.

Yes SWA management did participate, and guess what, they too are all X-mechs. They were all mechanics prior to being management. So technically the entire group (on the SWA side) was handled by all mechanics except for the attorneys.
Yes SWA management did participate, and guess what, they too are all X-mechs. They were all mechanics prior to being management. So technically the entire group (on the SWA side) was handled by all mechanics except for the attorneys.
How many mechanics on the AT/IBT side? I am guessing none! All appointed business agents.
B) xUT
How many mechanics on the AT/IBT side? I am guessing none! All appointed business agents.
B) xUT

Actually for the first time in the teamsters history, they were forced by the AT membership to allow some observers. The teamsters wanted to try and act like AMFA and so they allowed the observers for the first time ever. However, the nego cmte of the teamsters compiled of a few mechanics as well as the teamsters appointed BA, the appointed chief nego, which was a trucker that the IBT appointed, of course let us not forget to mention the lousy attorney they had, also appointed by the IBT, Josh M. Josh did all the talking, mainly, and also did all the damage. The more he continued to refuse to cooperate, the more and more AMFA and the company took away. Finally at the end the mechanics and observers had to tell Josh to shut up and take the deal, so he did. From what I was told, Josh left the room, after the company reps and AMFA reamed him really good, with his tail between his legs and badly embarrassed. Some of our nego cmte and observers said it was kind of sad to watch, but Josh brought it all on himself. He was badly beaten up not only by AMFA and SWA, but also by the AirTran guys as well.
How many mechanics on the AT/IBT side? I am guessing none! All appointed business agents.
B) xUT
Actually they did form a committee of mechanics who were present at the negotiations and they did have input.
It was surprising, but it did happen.
The Airtran mechanics apparently convinced the teamsters to allow our final offer to go to a vote and avoid arbitration.
If it were not for this committee, I am sure the IBT would have taken us straight to arbitration.
Actually they did form a committee of mechanics who were present at the negotiations and they did have input.
It was surprising, but it did happen.
The Airtran mechanics apparently convinced the teamsters to allow our final offer to go to a vote and avoid arbitration.
If it were not for this committee, I am sure the IBT would have taken us straight to arbitration.

Yes I was misinformed. The Ramp, gate Agents etc went to arbitration for seniority integration because the TWU and The IAM couldn't resolve it themselves. BTW SWA Management also participated in the Mechanic and Related Seniority Process so technically it wasn't 100% mechanics.
just in case you forgot management is on the other side.
Clearly even if they had stapled air tran they were the ones who gained the most out of the deal.
just in case you forgot management is on the other side.
Clearly even if they had stapled air tran they were the ones who gained the most out of the deal.
We had to have the company approval on the deal.
Both sides wanted, and got something out of the deal that only the company could provide.
And by 2025 we probably still wont break $45, what they are getting now,(as written we will only be making $37.61 in 2018, figure four years at that rate as Don stalls negotiations by taking the High Road and remaining "credible", that brings us to 2022, then three 3% increases on the base and that would bring us up to around $40.50/hr by 2025 on our next ten year contract). We still probably wont see up to $6/hr license premiums, $1.30 longevity, $2.23 Lead pay, 15% profit sharing (in 2012 they averaged $3500) , 1% productivity bonus if they work 1750 hours in a year, doubletime, 14% medical with 100% coverage after $25 copay. 9.3% 401K match!, 12 holidays at 2.5 x, 12 sick days per year, company paid LTD, 15 weeks IOD etc, etc. Of course we can hope that we actually get to keep the Mid term wage adjustment and hope our peers do what we couldnt and they negotiate raises for us but all those other things would still leave us at the bottom of the industry.

With the position we, the mechanics at AA, UA and US, put the mechanics in SWA in stalling would make sense. We damaged the profession so badly that if they ended up in a PEB they would likely see cuts. At AA we would have likely seen something in between SWA and UAL out of a PEB but instead our International chose to stall, and stall and stall and keep us at the bottom until the company filed BK. Then they told the members that it did not matter that we were at the bottom, we still had to give as much as everyone else.

Yep I bet those guys over at SWA wish they were at UAL, AA or US!!!

You guys crack me up with this comparison of wages and why this Union is better than that Union etc. How about looking at facts here. In the last 10 years AA has lost $10.07 Billion, yes that's a B for Billion. SWA, conversely, has made $3.63 Billion over the last 10 years. If you had AMFA at AA for the last 10 years your pay would still suck. You know, companies don't negotiate big pay raises when they are losing money. And, before you claim I want a certain Union, I work at another airline and don't care which Union wins. AMFA is blowing smoke up your arses if they are telling you they could have done better. It is easy to make claims, very hard to back them up.

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