And by 2025 we probably still wont break $45, what they are getting now,(as written we will only be making $37.61 in 2018, figure four years at that rate as Don stalls negotiations by taking the High Road and remaining "credible", that brings us to 2022, then three 3% increases on the base and that would bring us up to around $40.50/hr by 2025 on our next ten year contract). We still probably wont see up to $6/hr license premiums, $1.30 longevity, $2.23 Lead pay, 15% profit sharing (in 2012 they averaged $3500) , 1% productivity bonus if they work 1750 hours in a year, doubletime, 14% medical with 100% coverage after $25 copay. 9.3% 401K match!, 12 holidays at 2.5 x, 12 sick days per year, company paid LTD, 15 weeks IOD etc, etc. Of course we can hope that we actually get to keep the Mid term wage adjustment and hope our peers do what we couldnt and they negotiate raises for us but all those other things would still leave us at the bottom of the industry.
With the position we, the mechanics at AA, UA and US, put the mechanics in SWA in stalling would make sense. We damaged the profession so badly that if they ended up in a PEB they would likely see cuts. At AA we would have likely seen something in between SWA and UAL out of a PEB but instead our International chose to stall, and stall and stall and keep us at the bottom until the company filed BK. Then they told the members that it did not matter that we were at the bottom, we still had to give as much as everyone else.
Yep I bet those guys over at SWA wish they were at UAL, AA or US!!!