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AMFA getting it done

AMFA getting it done............very very slowly.

At this pace, SWA will have a new contract by 2025.

AMFA/Southwest Airlines Contract Negotiations Update #6

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.
On January 24th and 25th we met with the Company in the newly erected Women in Aviation Conference Room at the Hangar in Dallas. We were scheduled for a full day of negotiations on Thursday and a half day on Friday. We began discussions on the Maintenance Control classification work definition for Article 4. The main point of contention centered on the Company’s ability make changes to the group’s work. After several hours of working together and explaining each side’s concerns, we decided to separate and caucus amongst our own groups. We met with the Company after lunch and were able to tentatively agree (TA) on this item with provisions that any changes to the Maintenance Controller’s work that was not typical to the industry must be mutually agreed upon by the Company and designated MOC shop representative. We would like to thank Steve Day and Rob Cush for their involvement on this issue, and look forward to their invaluable input in the future as well.
We continued Thursday afternoon working on the Technical Support Mechanic classification’s work description. We proposed adopting the second paragraph of Letter of Agreement (LOA) #8 to be used in Article 4 for their job description, but the Company thought more discussion was needed as they had concerns with staffing, qualifying, and backfilling issues.
Prior to ending the day on Thursday, the Company wanted to present their proposed changes to Article 8. We proceeded to discuss these changes to ensure the Company’s intents were understood. We will present a counter proposal to their Article 8 changes when we meet at our next session.
Friday began with a Fuel Conservation Program presentation. Following the presentation, we spent the rest of the morning working on the Technical Support Mechanics’ job description. More discussions took place on paragraph two of LOA #8. The Company said they would work with the LOA #8 language and present it to us during our next session.
We also took some time with the Company to evaluate where we are in negotiations to this point. Articles 22, 23, 25, 26, and 27 have only minor housekeeping or clarification issues which the Company will present at our next session. At this time, Articles 1, 12, and 28 are TA’d and Articles 4, 8, and 17 are in work.
Our side continues to be committed and is making a concerted effort to reach an agreement that addresses the concerns of our Members and the Company. Our Committee would like to thank the observers that took the time to attend.
Your Negotiating Committee
Upcoming Negotiation Dates – Dallas
February: 12-13 and 27-28
March: 7-8 and 26-27
Do you still claim the Teamsters will obtain section 6 negotiations and reverse the concessions? Or will we end up like the Teamsters represented Hostess worker?
FYI WN 401k match vs AA

WN 9.3% = $8489.91 based on 2080 hours with 12 holidays off
AA 5.5%= $3840.33 based on 2080 hours with 5 hoildays off

So we work seven more days and get $4649 less in our pension.

Yep, I bet them guys at SWA are signing them TWU cards so they can get some of what we got alright!

By the way the wage difference alone is $21,465.12/ year.

So just the hourly wage and the 401K puts them $26,114 ahead of us. Add in all the other stuff and its probably closer to $36,000.

So for what WN pays one AMT the TWU AA contract gives AA one topped out A&P plus one 4th year OSM for free.

For WN pays two mechanics the TWU AA contract gives AA two topped out AMTs and a 4th step AMT.
FYI WN 401k match vs AA

WN 9.3% = $8489.91 based on 2080 hours with 12 holidays off
AA 5.5%= $3840.33 based on 2080 hours with 5 hoildays off

So we work seven more days and get $4649 less in our pension.

Yep, I bet them guys at SWA are signing them TWU cards so they can get some of what we got alright!

By the way the wage difference alone is $21,465.12/ year.

So just the hourly wage and the 401K puts them $26,114 ahead of us. Add in all the other stuff and its probably closer to $36,000.

So for what WN pays one AMT the TWU AA contract gives AA one topped out A&P plus one 4th year OSM for free.

For WN pays two mechanics the TWU AA contract gives AA two topped out AMTs and a 4th step AMT.
I am sure that SWA will use these same numbers against us in negotiations when we start talking money.
And anomaly thinks our negotiations should be a breeze.
What is the rush?
We just got a contact raise Aug 16 2012.
We are negotiating what our rates we be starting Aug 16 2013 and will not be due retro pay until then.

We are not in a hurry and don't expect a quick TA.
You and the TWU are the only ones that I have heard that are concerned with the pace of our negotiations.
Around here it is a non-issue.

When the teamsters were here they didn't get any quick deals.
They stayed behind closed doors, gave us no information and when they finally brought something out, they said "you better vote for it, its all your gonna get".

Good riddance.

Take your time, better than ending up in a PEB and having WN pull up our contract and tell the PEB they cant compete with that, even if they sent everything to El Salvador, and having the PEB "recommend" cuts.

As fellow mechanic I apologize for what we at AA did to the profession.

Maybe if we are lucky AA/US will liquidate, then SWA wont be able to use what we did against you.

If not at least with this post you can show SWA what type of attitude that pay gets AA.
When you look at whats going on with the ATD it really boggles the mind.

Don has UBB taken away from the Maintenance Locals, then takes the savings and secretly negotiates UBI, where the savings from the UBB are spent paying people who Dons selects, instead of people who the members elect,and I guess there was some money left over so some of Dons pets get an extra 10 hours per week added to their pay. At straight time rates the ten hours brings their pay above what UAL and Delta pay, it effectively comes out to an $8.50./hr raise in pay, at OT rates it brings these guys above Southwest rates of pay(a $12.50 increase). Dont forget the 5.5% 401K match as well. No wonder these guys are ok with concessions, they arent giving them!!

Don apparently arranged all this without even bothering to notify the Local Presidents, even though he was authorizing members of their local to be put on a form of Union Leave. Just goes to show how much respect the ATD has for the elected representatives of the members. The fact they dont respect the elected representives shows that they do not respect the members either, the members that pay their six figure salaries.

The ATD has been removing any pretense of being Democratic, they are forming committees of workers by International appointment that are not answerable to any elected representatives. The Benefits committee is another example, when discussion came up about replacing a member of the committee the International pretty much told the Presidents Council they had no say in the matter, when the negotiating committee asked if negotiations would be delayed due to a lack of a Quorum the ATD said no, the ATD would go on without them and when the issue of 591 came up the ATD ruled all motions against 591 "out of order".

It boggles the mind that they would do all this, locking out the members and their elected members out of the decision making process, then ask each local to provide 5 volunteers to prevent a vote that would make them accountable for what they have done!!!

Both the benefits and ASAP committees have served the interests of the members but the only way to insure they remain that way is to make them both answerable to the elected representatives of the members and not let it get stacked with Dons buddies like Vanderlou and Oryiano.
We are.
We know that with our pay, time is on our side.
We are in no rush here.

Correctamendo. Yes pls take your time AMFA. Get it done right. We are not in any hurry. Keep status quo untill whenever. For you folks wisshing this would hurry, thatis not going to happen. If I were a guessing man, I would say 2-4 years.

Hey Anomaly; Our nego cmte here at SWA is alot more thorough when it comes to nego's. Not like the teamsters doing "behind closed door deals" and the TWU just agreeing with the company for all concessions.
AMFA has 4 new groups coming into unionization this time. That's 4 new groups that need all language worked into the contract. You see Anomaly there is alot more than just economics in a contract. And as most of us know, the language, rules, and other job description articles are more important, to me, than just the economics. Don't you worry your little self about our contract nego's over here at SWA. Your quick to do "behind closed doors" deals teamsters, will be done with the UPS mechanics contract before we are, so buckle up and hold on for the ride boys, it's gonna be awhile.
No matter what Union represents the combined carrier do AMR Mechanics really believe one of these Unions is better than the other? What is the driving factor of your need for AMFA? Seniority? Since the merger of US and AWA there has been little if any movement of USAirways Mechanics crossing over to America West Stations even though they were the junior group. Those on layoff from USAirways BK were not allowed to bump a junior employee from the combined system. All system openings are filled through the bid system and those on layoff either bidding a position or changing their recall station and waiting for an opening. Most of USAirways Mechanics who have been on furlough have moved on to other jobs, careers etc. Those who have been on furlough for more than 10 years are removed from the list, first BK 2012. Those who have been on furlough for more than 5 years have had their seniority frozen, last BK 2005. Could some of those Mechanics decide to return to work? Yes but they would all have to return through the bid system or backfill unbid openings. I just wanted to clarify this since the TWU made such a big deal of how they would PROTECT their members seniority rights. The system AMFA used at SWA is rediculous and unneccesary. Mechanics should be able to exercise their seniority by date of hire in all cases of furlough, base closures etc once lists are combined IMO. Whether you choose the TWU, IAM, AMFA or IBT we all will have to wait for (1) An Approved Merger, 6-8 Months (2) A Transition Agreement which didn't take place until 2008 (Almost 2 Years) in the AWA/U Case and (3) Or A New Combined Contract (Timeframe Unknown). Even if the choice is not different Union representation (TWU and IAM) this process will take years to resolve and throwing in New representation could take even longer. Beware what you wish for people. We do not have rotating shifts here. We have a Defined Benefit Retirement Plan. We have more holidays. The Transition Agreement will take care of differences between contracts that will benefit all its members. As the Number 1 Carrier we will all be paid accordingly per Doug Parker himself.
No matter what Union represents the combined carrier do AMR Mechanics really believe one of these Unions is better than the other? What is the driving factor of your need for AMFA? Seniority? Since the merger of US and AWA there has been little if any movement of USAirways Mechanics crossing over to America West Stations even though they were the junior group. Those on layoff from USAirways BK were not allowed to bump a junior employee from the combined system. All system openings are filled through the bid system and those on layoff either bidding a position or changing their recall station and waiting for an opening. Most of USAirways Mechanics who have been on furlough have moved on to other jobs, careers etc. Those who have been on furlough for more than 10 years are removed from the list, first BK 2012. Those who have been on furlough for more than 5 years have had their seniority frozen, last BK 2005. Could some of those Mechanics decide to return to work? Yes but they would all have to return through the bid system or backfill unbid openings. I just wanted to clarify this since the TWU made such a big deal of how they would PROTECT their members seniority rights. The system AMFA used at SWA is rediculous and unneccesary. Mechanics should be able to exercise their seniority by date of hire in all cases of furlough, base closures etc once lists are combined IMO. Whether you choose the TWU, IAM, AMFA or IBT we all will have to wait for (1) An Approved Merger, 6-8 Months (2) A Transition Agreement which didn't take place until 2008 (Almost 2 Years) in the AWA/U Case and (3) Or A New Combined Contract (Timeframe Unknown). Even if the choice is not different Union representation (TWU and IAM) this process will take years to resolve and throwing in New representation could take even longer. Beware what you wish for people. We do not have rotating shifts here. We have a Defined Benefit Retirement Plan. We have more holidays. The Transition Agreement will take care of differences between contracts that will benefit all its members. As the Number 1 Carrier we will all be paid accordingly per Doug Parker himself.

Beware the NEWB. If you have to ask "why AMFA" then you probably are not an AMT, or you are paid by either the IAM or TWU to be a troll on this BB. The seniority integration process will be fair - just a matter of resolving the differences in company time and occupational time. Pay and benefits will be merged and improved for both groups. Transfers, well after the Air Cal merge - there was a 2 year fence put up - then the stampede east began.
No matter what Union represents the combined carrier do AMR Mechanics really believe one of these Unions is better than the other? What is the driving factor of your need for AMFA? Seniority? Since the merger of US and AWA there has been little if any movement of USAirways Mechanics crossing over to America West Stations even though they were the junior group. Those on layoff from USAirways BK were not allowed to bump a junior employee from the combined system. All system openings are filled through the bid system and those on layoff either bidding a position or changing their recall station and waiting for an opening. Most of USAirways Mechanics who have been on furlough have moved on to other jobs, careers etc. Those who have been on furlough for more than 10 years are removed from the list, first BK 2012. Those who have been on furlough for more than 5 years have had their seniority frozen, last BK 2005. Could some of those Mechanics decide to return to work? Yes but they would all have to return through the bid system or backfill unbid openings. I just wanted to clarify this since the TWU made such a big deal of how they would PROTECT their members seniority rights. The system AMFA used at SWA is rediculous and unneccesary. Mechanics should be able to exercise their seniority by date of hire in all cases of furlough, base closures etc once lists are combined IMO. Whether you choose the TWU, IAM, AMFA or IBT we all will have to wait for (1) An Approved Merger, 6-8 Months (2) A Transition Agreement which didn't take place until 2008 (Almost 2 Years) in the AWA/U Case and (3) Or A New Combined Contract (Timeframe Unknown). Even if the choice is not different Union representation (TWU and IAM) this process will take years to resolve and throwing in New representation could take even longer. Beware what you wish for people. We do not have rotating shifts here. We have a Defined Benefit Retirement Plan. We have more holidays. The Transition Agreement will take care of differences between contracts that will benefit all its members. As the Number 1 Carrier we will all be paid accordingly per Doug Parker himself.

My ears always perk up when I hear someone say that letting the mechanics get involved and negotiate a agreement and then both sided ratifying that agreement as rediculous and unneccesary. This sounds like the IAM,TWU & IBT they always seem to know what is best for us but it rarely works out that way. I for one have no interest in joining the IAM pension scam I would like to keep my matching 401k and my frozen pension just the way it is thank you. finally you work for US AIrways so please do not tell us you believe anything Doug Parker says.
When you look at whats going on with the ATD it really boggles the mind.

Don has UBB taken away from the Maintenance Locals, then takes the savings and secretly negotiates UBI, where the savings from the UBB are spent paying people who Dons selects, instead of people who the members elect,and I guess there was some money left over so some of Dons pets get an extra 10 hours per week added to their pay. At straight time rates the ten hours brings their pay above what UAL and Delta pay, it effectively comes out to an $8.50./hr raise in pay, at OT rates it brings these guys above Southwest rates of pay(a $12.50 increase). Dont forget the 5.5% 401K match as well. No wonder these guys are ok with concessions, they arent giving them!!

Don apparently arranged all this without even bothering to notify the Local Presidents, even though he was authorizing members of their local to be put on a form of Union Leave. Just goes to show how much respect the ATD has for the elected representatives of the members. The fact they dont respect the elected representives shows that they do not respect the members either, the members that pay their six figure salaries.

The ATD has been removing any pretense of being Democratic, they are forming committees of workers by International appointment that are not answerable to any elected representatives. The Benefits committee is another example, when discussion came up about replacing a member of the committee the International pretty much told the Presidents Council they had no say in the matter, when the negotiating committee asked if negotiations would be delayed due to a lack of a Quorum the ATD said no, the ATD would go on without them and when the issue of 591 came up the ATD ruled all motions against 591 "out of order".

It boggles the mind that they would do all this, locking out the members and their elected members out of the decision making process, then ask each local to provide 5 volunteers to prevent a vote that would make them accountable for what they have done!!!

Both the benefits and ASAP committees have served the interests of the members but the only way to insure they remain that way is to make them both answerable to the elected representatives of the members and not let it get stacked with Dons buddies like Vanderlou and Oryiano.



You see Anomaly there is alot more than just economics in a contract. And as most of us know, the language, rules, and other job description articles are more important, to me, than just the economics.


Too bad "most of us" doesn't translate to organized labor as a whole...
First of all I am a USAirways AMT/INSP of 26 Years. I was originally with PSA, then combined with Piedmont, then combined with AWA. So I know how this works. I am not paid by anyone to express my opinion. First of all the IAM Pension Plan is not a scam. Thats just ignorant. However I am not opposed to getting back into a 401K either. Most retiree planners will tell you that a defined benefit plan is the better option. Mechanics getting involved with negotiations? Not quite sure what your getting at. The IAM negotiating committee consists of former Mechanics, Inspectors etc as well as District Reps. We will all have the opportunity to vote on representation and contracts. I was just asking why AMFA? What makes them better? Everyone of the possible Union choices have made concessionary contracts over the last 10 years. I'm not here promoting the IAM, TWU or the IBT. I could care less. I just want my wages to increase to #1 Carrier rates. The fastest way to get there is a Transition agreement between the AMR and U CBA's.

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