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AFA Labor Relations Thread 12/30-

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I found Jeff's remarks disrespectful, condescending and rude. They had no place on the AWA website to begin with. I don't think they were taken out of context either.

Whether or not you like or dislike MF, he was right for addressing this. I don't know how in the world he can stand working with him or Lisa.
Shame on you for not seeing the bigger picture. The reserves on this property are big enough to decide for themselves if they want to work on their INV days or not. Just because this was signed as a side letter doesn't mean any reserve would of taken advantage of it. So what relief is there for the company if no one made themselves AVL on an INV day? Who cares what motivated the company this isn't about the company, this is about providing some much needed economical relief for the reserves on this property outside of a single agreement. Which obviously the union has decided they will not negotiate either. This was completely VOLUNTARY on behalf of the reserves there was no guarantee of relief for the company on days they needed it. What fools we have making decisions on our behalf.

Flyonthewall it is obvious that you need to be swatted with a flyswatter. You obviously are not a reserve. We can already pick up time off of the AIL on our off days. Yes the time goes into our guarantee but the problem is with the LTO order we do not get called. We should not have to give up our days off to make our time that we should and used to make when we are on call. This proposal was going to do nothing to benefit reserves. If the company wants to give economic relief to the reserves then (1) get rid of the LTO system and let them fly by their seniority, (2) up the reserves guarantee, (3) lift the restrictions for picking up ETB trips, (4) give raises. The list can go on. You should bid reserve for several months and become more familiar with Section 11 in the Flight Attendant agreement.
The pilot made an agreement similar for the company a while back and it is a nightmare for them. So before you believe in the information or I should say lack of information with regards to reserves live in our shoes for awhile.

Fly, are you still stirring the pot? "Give the company the relief it needs????? Really?????? You should not just be swatted with a flyswatter, but rather smashed to oblivion so that you can't reproduce, for cry'in out loud already.!!!!!!!

This is really bad, bad stuff. I am surprised at the reserves to allow this for themselves, or want this, YIKES!

I agree with Sally, Reserves should not be permitted to fly or give up their INV days if they want to fly...The purpose of the INV day language was to ensure that reserves had a specific time off that was untoughable, Period. If the reserves start to give up their INV days and fly on those days or into them, I can assure you that at the next negotiating table, the company will eliminate the language completely. And the MEC and/or negotiating committee may see that it is an expendable piece of language because reserves are electing to give them up by the many.

The other issue of giving up INV days is giving the company a ready supply of reserves who by their math statistical calulation can start prediciting how many f/as will give up INV days in any given month...sooooooo, the company will be less apt to hire f/as in the future which is always based on need whereby having no positive effect or movement on increasing your seniority because of less/no hiring or recalling back.

You guys have got to start looking at the big picture here when you move to amend/ change any language, haven't you learned anything YET!!!!!!!
Pitbull I'd sell my soul to have you back here on propert. Honestly, management and the likes of Lisa wouldn't know what the hell hit them. When you left the property the true unionist fighter left as well. It is a sad, sad state of affairs. Those that still care are so outnumbered by those that don't coupled with the uninformed.
See Travelpro, we can agree. If the past MEC president was still around and in office the issue that I am addressing would not have occurred in the manner that it did, let alone go to an AFA Hearing Board once, or possibly now twice. The past president had much more intestinal fortitude than Mike.
Oh I'll be the first to say that Mike couldn't hold a candle to Teddy. No doubt about that at all. Regardless of whether you liked what she had to say she still spoke and was heard. Not so much today. That being said it still doesn't excuse the fact of how Jeff conducts himself and Lisa's blind eye to the situation.
Fly, are you still stirring the pot? "Give the company the relief it needs????? Really?????? You should not just be swatted with a flyswatter, but rather smashed to oblivion so that you can't reproduce, for cry'in out loud already.!!!!!!!

This is really bad, bad stuff. I am surprised at the reserves to allow this for themselves.
I agree with Sally, Reserves should not be permitted to fly or give up their INV days if they want to fly...The purpose of the INV day language was to ensure that reserves had a specific time off that was untoughable, Period. If the reserves start to give up their INV days and fly on those days or into them, I can assure you that at the next negotiating table, the company will eliminate the language completely. And the MEC and/or negotiating committee may see that it is an expendable piece of language because reserves are giving them up by the many.

The other issue of giving up INV days is giving the company a ready supply of reserves who by their math statistical calulation can start prediciting how many f/as will give up INV days...sooooooo, less apt to hire f/as in the future which is always based on need.

You guys have got to start looking at the big picture here when you move to alter language, haven't you learned anything YET!!!!!!!

I couldn't agree with you more. 🙂
Teddy was the ONLY labor leader that Glass and his merry band of thieves feared, I saw her in action at CCY while I was on the IAM M&R Negotiating Committee, Teddy was and still is a class act, a true leader and an asset to the labor movement.
How many other MEC's presidents have filed charges against LEC president's in the last year? Rather than accept Jeff's apology, whether he meant it or not, Mike has seemingly decided to drag AFA 66 into the AFA court again. I wonder if he will do it again if he doesn't get his way this time?

Remember that in its decision last time the hearing board stated that it had wished that Mike had tried harder to solve the problem outside of formal charges. Since then Lisa (who I do not know at all) has survived a recall attempt. Mike probably wasn't happy about that and now is looking for a new way to oust an elected representative from his new partner MEC/LEC.

As I said, I don't know Lisa. I don't know Jeff. I do know the new AFA 66 VP Deborah. So this isn't me defending people or friends. It is stating that Mike is seeming to be acting true to form and trying to have others remove folks who are seemingly in his way.

BINGO!!!! As always, you are spot on.
Thank you PITbull. I'm glad that at least you understand my motivation.
Ok, now that the issue is solved with the JNC.....on with the show. Keep it professional and bring us a contract without the monkey business we've see so far.
I'm not a WEST flight Attendant, I'm a USAirways flight attendant based in Phoenix. As much as I want a combined contract I do not trust AFA66 negotiators! Jeff Albers can't even say he is sorry without pointing fingers. Please email Lisa and demand his resignation!!!


Please join our Facebook group : I'm voting NO for ANY tentative unless Jeff Albers resigns from the jnb
In all of my years.... and also a daughter of a very well respected Union Official of one of the largest Unions in our country...
I do not know why, we do not have representatives that work only for the union... I feel that it is a conflict of interest that our union officials, not only
work for our union.... unpaid... yet also get a paycheck for the company that they are in negotiations with?
Ok, now that the issue is solved with the JNC.....on with the show. Keep it professional and bring us a contract without the monkey business we've see so far.

Agreed-Move on MECP/East

It is amazing that the MECP, and a few of the voting members on the MEC have all the time and energy to stir the pot over the frustration that apparently was vented in a document written / posted on a password protected website by a JNC West member J Albers regarding merger negotiations and continued to do so after receiving an immediate written admission of this misplaced frustration and an apology from JNC J Albers for any harm or any undue upset it may have caused any east flight attendant.

The MECP/East is so willing to spend the time and membership dues money to fan these flames, rather than concentrate on merger negotiations and some do not see this as totally unproductive? Delaying merger negotiations is not accepted and will not be tolerated by most of the dues paying members and the focus on stirring the pot because of a personal vendetta would have done just that. If the MECP/East, by virtue of the lastest MEC E-line statement, "Unfortunately, Mr. Albers can only be removed from the JNC by his MEC President or through an AFA Hearing Board process- something he is quite familiar with having been found guilty last year by the board for actions contrary to the best interest of the Union and its members." , has a personal problem with Mr. Albers, then he needs to take it elsewhere and not use the time designated for the sole purpose of negotiating on behalf of the East membership to air his own dirty laundry and hang ups with an old hearing board decision. The MECP needs to move on and stop fanning flames and if he is not capable then he needs to step down and deal with his problems through therapy. The East membership does not have time for his school yard antics.

It has been learned that some sort of recommendation from the AFA International Negotiations department was not to request a removal of anyone from the JNC as it may cause disruptions/interruptions to merger negotiationis but to consider curtailing the writing of frustration on such wesbsite venues. It was welcoming that C66 AFA leadership may have been the first to recognize that the members do come first, merger negotiations cannot be delayed by anymore disruptions, wished to put out the flames stirred by the East MECP and within their council made the productive decision with the support of J Albers to replace him with D Volpe, current LEC/MEC VP who is already very familiar w/the merger negotiations and no delay would be realized by this choice.

Gee, I wonder what information the MECP will have to provide to the members of the East now besides the failure of the Crew Bunk Arbitration – perhaps a SEC on Delay Tactics should be written into the contract so that the MECP/East will have something to provide to the membership at yet another 'contract negotiations update report' by one of the JNC East at an AFA local meeting.
Agreed-Move on MECP/East

It is amazing that the MECP, and a few of the voting members on the MEC have all the time and energy to stir the pot over the frustration that apparently was vented in a document written / posted on a password protected website by a JNC West member J Albers regarding merger negotiations and continued to do so after receiving an immediate written admission of this misplaced frustration and an apology from JNC J Albers for any harm or any undue upset it may have caused any east flight attendant.

The MECP/East is so willing to spend the time and membership dues money to fan these flames, rather than concentrate on merger negotiations and some do not see this as totally unproductive? Delaying merger negotiations is not accepted and will not be tolerated by most of the dues paying members and the focus on stirring the pot because of a personal vendetta would have done just that. If the MECP/East, by virtue of the lastest MEC E-line statement, "Unfortunately, Mr. Albers can only be removed from the JNC by his MEC President or through an AFA Hearing Board process- something he is quite familiar with having been found guilty last year by the board for actions contrary to the best interest of the Union and its members." , has a personal problem with Mr. Albers, then he needs to take it elsewhere and not use the time designated for the sole purpose of negotiating on behalf of the East membership to air his own dirty laundry and hang ups with an old hearing board decision. The MECP needs to move on and stop fanning flames and if he is not capable then he needs to step down and deal with his problems through therapy. The East membership does not have time for his school yard antics.

It has been learned that some sort of recommendation from the AFA International Negotiations department was not to request a removal of anyone from the JNC as it may cause disruptions/interruptions to merger negotiationis but to consider curtailing the writing of frustration on such wesbsite venues. It was welcoming that C66 AFA leadership may have been the first to recognize that the members do come first, merger negotiations cannot be delayed by anymore disruptions, wished to put out the flames stirred by the East MECP and within their council made the productive decision with the support of J Albers to replace him with D Volpe, current LEC/MEC VP who is already very familiar w/the merger negotiations and no delay would be realized by this choice.

Gee, I wonder what information the MECP will have to provide to the members of the East now besides the failure of the Crew Bunk Arbitration – perhaps a SEC on Delay Tactics should be written into the contract so that the MECP/East will have something to provide to the membership at yet another 'contract negotiations update report' by one of the JNC East at an AFA local meeting.

You lost me after the first paragraph. No offense, but the run-ons and lack of punctuation make it hard to read your post. You sound like the one LECP that was against calling Mr. Albers on the carpet about this. Ann. Amazing you'd align yourself with Lisa and Jeff at the risk of your own people. It's common knowledge to anyone who pays attention in CLT or listens to you for 5 minutes. YOU would LOVE to see Lisa as the MECP once we have a joint contract. Tsk, tsk. Tout your love of the west MEC elsewhere. J. Albers insulted us, he meant to insult us and I don't want anyone at the table negotiating anything for me with that attitude. No one fanned the flames. Mr. Albers made a statement, east flight attendants found out and we began calling our lecp's demanding action. Mike did what WE wanted. He didn't start this, but boy he finished it and did what we wanted. Thanks Mike!

Newsflash to everyone else, I think we have about 16 open sections remaining to negotiate. If ANYONE is looking for a TA this summer or fall, don't bet on it. As an East FA, I appreciate that Mike and the LECP's listened to the members that called in and emailed in and complained.
You ARE joking right? :blink: Flexible? As long as a Scheduler is there to approve it and then actually make the change for you ... yea, thats flexible. ETB? through a scheduler. Switch days off? through a scheduler .... the list goes on and on.

Catcrew is not a database driven system. It has to be manipulated by a human (or several) to get the "progress" that you "think" you may have.

Soon most "windows" based systems won't even recognize that software and where does that leave you? You will have to load up your old DOS based computer to get it to run.

Oh, and have you ever tried downloading it onto your IPhone? Blackberry? You can't!

I HAVE programming knowledge and show my friends who are programmers and they laugh.

Our West family uses Maestro, but they have that software so limited they can't utilize to its fullest potential.

You need to get into the 21st century my dear. SWA has PBS AND Maestro and they are very happy FAs. They can manipulate their schedules on their own! WoW, what a concept.

Oh, and please don't tell ANY of us to Shut up! Thats rude! :down: Just because we are FAs, most of us are reasonably intelligent.

Catcrew crashed today.... was down during the working of the bidsheet? What is up with that?
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