John brought the motion forward at the MEC meeting and it was voted down by the LECP's.
They casted a few votes to recall her but certainly not all that were needed to get it moving.
She and her number two pencil lives on.
This is where you guys must get the word out. The local leaders are suppose to represent you! You must call them daily and tell them this is not acceptable and that she must go and why you feel that way. Make sure that others are doing this as well. I have been told that Mr. Flores likes to try to say things like this is the first time he has heard anything about this. Don't allow him to say this. Make sure that others are saying it too. Now is a good time to be looking at what your constitution and bylaws say about proper steps to make sure that that procedure is followed not only by you but your Representatives. Another thing that a friend of mine said that goes on is they like to say that you did not follow proper procedure. Of course you are not told of this until you ask why there is no follow up months latter. Make sure you don't let them use any excuses.
I wish I could be of help. I really feel for your situation. I really encourage you to make it your mission to talk with anyone that will listen as to why you feel she is not representing you as a whole group. Many have pointed out that just venting your frustration on this board does not get the change needed for a new contract. While this is true, It is a great place to get the message out. It should be taken to the next level though.
This so called joint contract that you guys are trying to get has been going on for over four years now. There of course is a lot of posturing on both sides that drags things out, but four years is a long time and it appears that your management wants to play ball with someone else now. Can you imagine how many more years it will drag out with three carriers in the fold. I think a new contract sooner rather than later is a better approach. Of course with the present negotiations team I am not sure that is all that advisable either.
I have heard that many ideas are presented to Mr. Flores that get shot down almost immediately. He might have valid reason for some but due hold him to the flames and have him give thorough reasons for why it would not be feasible. Don't just take anything that any union rep says at face value. Remember, YOU are the union and they have been put in these positions to represent the views of ALL flight attendants. There are going to be times where they have to make decisions that you don't necessarily agree upon. Just make sure it is because it is to protect ALL flight attendants. I don't believe your current negotiating committee is doing that based on what I have witnessed with my friends who have to live under the current contract.
A good example is that there seems to be no effort to hold your management to the contract that is in place right now. A new contract is only as good as the enforcement of the contract you have in place now. However, there is responsibility on your part to make it known of a violation. The thing you sited about OPR. Look it up and read what it says. If you find language to your cause then bring it up to your local leaders. Be able to give the specific language that backs you up. Remember, even the union reps don't have every word of your contract memorized. However, if you have a section that backs your assumption up, they at the very least must clarify for you what it actually says or investigate further. If you are not satisfied with their answer then ask the next person in the food chain. You can't just call and say that you think that they are violating your contract and hope they will do something about it.
I hope you guys get a contract soon, but I also hope it is something that represents your WHOLE group and that everyone benefits from it and not a select few.