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US AFA Labor Thread

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You need to speak to your LEC about the negotiations or read the MEC e-line JNC updates.

JS talk is just that...talk/gossip. Get the facts.

I read the E-lines (i get them emailed to me) and my thing is if its not in writing I won't believe it.

This doesn't answer my questions though

eg. For instance.....
I would like to know where our JNC is getting ideas for a single agreement
Now if there's an E-line referencing this, please enlighten me and I'll shut up.

and this:

My thought is that there are some AFA agreements in force now with so many improvements that FAs actually like (now THERE's a concept) and that we may be able to incorporate. Also, has JNC looked at SWAs? CO? I'm not saying we should adopt their "whole" agreement, but sometimes its good to look at another perspective and take the best parts and incorporate it into what we currently have.

I know proposals are being tossed back and forth, but I was asking some questions and how unreasonable is it to ask for a reasonable reply? No need to bite my head off about it!
Did you all watch the FA Crew News Session that was just posted?

1. Thanks, Mike, for continuing the fight for proper crew rest facilities. Kirby says that if they actually have to install flight attendant crew bunks, they won't fly the flights over 12 hours. Because of crew bunk installation, the flights to TLV would suddenly become "unprofitable". Funny, Continental installed the crew bunks, and their flights seem to make money.... Call their bluff, Mike. Enough is enough.

2. Watch the question entitled "A La Carte Beverages", almost at the bottom of the FA session. This "Beverly Leslie" looking trainer blasts the union for fighting to return complimentary bevs, even though the union had nothing to do with the re- implementation of the bevs. He whines and moans that flight attendants have "so much more to do....!!!" Wah. It's a beverage service, something we have provided for decades....

Let me get this straight: We have trainers in Charlotte that are whining that the flight attendants are SO overwhelmed from having to do a BEVERAGE service, or perhaps two, on a flight? My STARS! How lazy and non customer oriented can one be? And this from a TRAINER IN THE CHARLOTTE TRAINING CENTER??? I'll tell you what was overwhelming, "Tom": PHL-PIT breakfast. THAT was busy. A bevvie service on PHL- BOS is a no brainer.

You are an embarrassment to the training department, as well as line flight attendants throughout the system.
AMEN to the! Or how about offering white wine or orange juice during boarding while triyng to handle double seat assignment's, seperated families and bin's that are full and having to gate check luggage...ahh those were the day's !!
I took the time to email the MEC VP last week telling her I had some serious questions. What everyone needs to know is that she is going to resign. Yep, that's right, resign. Once the hearing board is done she said no matter what shakes down, she will be resigning. So it seems those saying she is doing this for power are wrong. So with that out of the picture, I'm left to wonder what then would be her motive for tattling on people? I told her I thought all 3 of them should go, and she agreed. That was surprising. I expected an argument.

Well after todays meeting I hope you understand that she has no intention of resigning. She was asked are you going to resign and she replied NO.

She needs to go.

Let it go. Besides nobody on here gives a crap about some pi$$ing match in desert. The east FA's on here have bigger issues like Tel Aviv and crew rest areas on the aircraft. Hell, I don't have a prayer of EVER working those flights, but I'm behind their fight and sick of hearing the crap about our union screw-ups. I'm sick of all 3 of our "officers". You want her to go? Then get out there and start a recall! Go ahead, you can do it, let us know how it goes. I don't have the time. I'm too busy working a 2nd and 3rd job because reserve pays sucks. Besides getting rid of one of them isn't going to fix the mess. They all need to go and if you think differently then you're either pretty naive or your one of them.
We care. Every trip I fly someone brings it up and people just can't understand it. Mostly just shock at the accusations. We all just want the whole thing over so we can move along with this contract. It may take months to get a new PHX MEC after elected up to current on negotiations.
Well, it is time we join as one f/a group and solidly stand behind each other. The West has their plight as does the East. We need to send a clear message to the company that we are united as ONE. I am behind the West in their flight with the company. We all deserve a contract that lifts all of us to the same parity level plus at LEAST 5%. I get tired of the "we will never see that. The company won't go for that." We are 8000 strong. NO 8,000 times will send a message that we aren't playing the "poor US" game anymore. This "combined company has had MANY years of freezes and concessions. It's time to pony up.

Lastly, if the company doesn't want to fly TLV because of bunks, then let them pull the flight!! Who REALLY gives a rats butt if we go there or not. That flight has nightmare written all over it.
We care. Every trip I fly someone brings it up and people just can't understand it. Mostly just shock at the accusations. We all just want the whole thing over so we can move along with this contract. It may take months to get a new PHX MEC after elected up to current on negotiations.

Thanks Beachboy. I now stand corrected. I just assumed it was not a hot topic since is seemed to quietly die away in place of the TLV issues. My bad.

I guess the LEC meeting held the other day was pretty lively. I had to sit hot so I missed it. I also heard there are a second set of charges. Haven't seen them published anywhere though.
Let it go. Besides nobody on here gives a crap about some pi$$ing match in desert. The east FA's on here have bigger issues like Tel Aviv and crew rest areas on the aircraft. Hell, I don't have a prayer of EVER working those flights, but I'm behind their fight and sick of hearing the crap about our union screw-ups. I'm sick of all 3 of our "officers". You want her to go? Then get out there and start a recall! Go ahead, you can do it, let us know how it goes. I don't have the time. I'm too busy working a 2nd and 3rd job because reserve pays sucks. Besides getting rid of one of them isn't going to fix the mess. They all need to go and if you think differently then you're either pretty naive or your one of them.
I agree there are bigger fish to fry on both sides. The issues going on in 66 does affect us on the East as well. This could very well lead to more of a delay in getting a single agreement, which we both want NOW!

Our issue with TLV and the lodo vs interrupter could affect the West if they ever start flying to Europe or Asia from PHX. This is OUR fight and "together" we can win, but divided we will lose. The East has no problems standing behind your fight for your section 6, an I appreciate the fact that the West will stand behind our fight for our TLV issues. These decisions this company makes can and will affect the entire membership may not be today but you can bet it will tomorrow!

Thank you to the 66 flight attendants who will allow us to stand with you to battle this company on your issues, and thank you to the 66 flight attendants who will stand with us to battle this company on our issues. At the end of the day they are all "OUR" issues, if you think that isn't so we are in big trouble.
Just so you know, Doreen and her handler Tim sat there providing little information and pretty much gave NOOOO answers. She did offer everyone the chance to call her or email her, but her credibility is not moot since someone else called her and told her she was stepping down. HA. HA. HA.

Besides, why did she reason that the correct time and place to discuss the issue was not at the open Union meeting, but over the telephone where she could easily deny that she ever said anything should someone say she did?

This is an ungly power play...being conducted at the expense of the East and West FA's. Cactus, Doreen and Tim left the meeting way, way early. Somehow this is ok? They obviously don't care enough to contribute anything, they should therefore be removed.

Keeping Doreen who has not been involved in the contract negotiations for at least 6 months will set everything back.

Working three jobs? Better make if four or five if she assumes leadership. This however, is very unlikely, because there are many, many fa's talking about a recall now. I think you must be the only who is not angry about this.

Enough is enough and we've been with out pay parity for starters for far too long.

Charges should never have been filed. This could have been resolved internally...for the benefit of the membership. This was also brought up in the meeting and she had no reply.

So Cactus, I'm not Naive...and if my belief that she should be removed ires you, good, I hope it also makes you think about the bigger picture and how it directly affects your income. ..because right now you are paying Doreen to sit on her bottom and not clear this up and to make accusations without really being accountable.

...and you call me Naive...then I'll call you a fool...you fully deserve to work 3 jobs.

Also, for those who want all 3 out, this is unwise. The goal is to keep the contract negotiations going. The charges will be proven false. Removing all three now will stop everything. Do you really like that kind of misery?
We care. Every trip I fly someone brings it up and people just can't understand it. Mostly just shock at the accusations. We all just want the whole thing over so we can move along with this contract. It may take months to get a new PHX MEC after elected up to current on negotiations.

Glad you guys are interested, it affects us all. I think the issues of integrity and honesty are more Dorene's lack of either. People in glass houses should not be throwing stones.

Doreen rode into office on the back of Lisa. Kind of reminds me about the story of the scorpion and the frog. You know, the one where the scorpion hitches a ride across the stream on the frog's back and then stings him before hopping off after the free ride. This is not Doreen's first scandal to try to remove fellow union officers.

At the MEC meeting on Thursday she was evasive, confrontational, and busy whispering to Tim when other members had the floor. She was downright rude and disrepectful to the fellow union members she claims to represent. Meanwhile, she is not working in the office and her voicemail says she is indefinately unavailable. Oh yeah, she is still on the union dole. My dues money well spent, yeah right.

I said in a prior post that Lisa and Jeff are innocent until proven guilty. After hearing their side of the story, I can certainly understand the events that transpired. The Watergate break-in, this is not. I can understand shock at the accusations. The accusations will be proved untrue.

If by some fluke Doreen DOES manage to oust Lisa and Jeff and becomes our MEC President (nope, no motive here), I would be embarassed and ashamed to be represented by her. Furthermore, she will have managed to set back 2,500 West flight attendents hopes for a contract another 5 years. Nice job Doreen.

You shouldn't trust a scorpion and I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.

Just my 2 cents.
Myself, I prefer the above board investigation and details flowing. It is our union and we have every right to know what is going on. Personally, I would rather have the investigation completed and if cleared of the charges then so be it, if not then out they go. My only concern is that a trustworthy person is doing the negotiating of a contract I have to live with. Even if it delays the contract.
Cactus, Doreen and Tim left the meeting way, way early. Somehow this is ok? They obviously don't care enough to contribute anything, they should therefore be removed.

Charges should never have been filed. This could have been resolved internally...for the benefit of the membership. This was also brought up in the meeting and she had no reply.

So Cactus, I'm not Naive...and if my belief that she should be removed ires you, good, I hope it also makes you think about the bigger picture and how it directly affects your income. ..because right now you are paying Doreen to sit on her bottom and not clear this up and to make accusations without really being accountable.

...and you call me Naive...then I'll call you a fool...you fully deserve to work 3 jobs.

Also, for those who want all 3 out, this is unwise. The goal is to keep the contract negotiations going. The charges will be proven false. Removing all three now will stop everything. Do you really like that kind of misery?

Not sure who you think I am, but I wasn't at the meeting. If I was I could probably agree or disagree with you more or less on what happened. I wanted to go, but instead I was sitting hot and enjoying some fine airport Pizza Hut. Sorry. I know Tim is the LEC rep, does anyone know how to remove him if he is guilty in any of this? Does the same recall deal apply to an LEC rep? I looked at Doreen's line and she doesn't have any union pay for June and I only saw 15 hours for May. So I'm thinking we aren't paying her anything right now so she can do what she wants. Now, if any union hours show up on her line for June and she isn't working then I think we ALL have a right to be mad and demand Lisa take back those hours if Doreen isn't going to work in there.

Don't assume that because I don't get on here and "yell" that it doesn't mean I'm not mad. I am but I'm also disappointed. I voted for all 3 of 'em. So yeah, this whole thing smells to high heaven, but what if in the end any of the charges are actually true? Has anyone thought about that? There sure are lots of people screaming that Jeff and Lisa are victims and I'm kinda a wondering if the other side is being so quiet because the facts will show who really is telling the truth. I worry when not all sides of a situation are looked at. I guess that is why I'm trying hard not to jump on anyone's side. If you think she should go, then start a recall, get the ball rolling. The thing it, unless I read wrong, I thought Mike Flores filed the charges, not Doreen. Am I wrong? So I really don't understand why people aren't more mad at Mike. Can someone explain that? Has anyone on here from the east has a chance to speak to Mike and get his story?

Oh and I work 3 jobs Toothy because my partner was furloughed from their company. It's called I want to make my mortgage payment, doubt that makes me a fool, just smart since my home is still worth more than I paid for it, for now.

As far as contract talks, we'll be bi**hing about this same time next year, probably with a whole other incompetent set of officers. lol

Zarah- You said it best sister, I agree with you 100% and you said it without taking up half a page like I did.
Ok, so I was reading in another discussion board and found out UA is in contract negotiations.

Take a look at this:


Wow, how concise! The details. Their AFA union is showing their members EXACTLY what their proposals entail.............They are so much larger than US. Look at the improvements also nice! (Please no Rhetoric about "combing contracts, etc.) UA isn't doing so great either.

The timeline. They don't expect it to be pretty, but they're moving right along and US? going on the 4 year anniversary pretty soon.

But obviously no one seems to care because we're looking to lynch some people.
Innocent until proven guilty yes but where there is smoke there is fire. Right now we can't afford the haze of smoke PERIOD! You think the AFA Ethics Board would take this case if they found no merit to it? Guys, AFA loves to sweep any and everything under the rug if they can. They can't be bothered unless it's explosive. Trust me, why do you think it took so long to get to the Ethics board to take the case? Ms. Friend had her minions out in full force trying to stomp this out. It must have been big for the Ethics board to take it. To that note, the ethics boards will turn their heads if the possibly can. I have the feeling this is a big deal.
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