- Aug 19, 2002
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She seems to be getting results:
I am meeting with Laurie Curtis on Sept. 11 at one-o'clock at her Centeport office...
I welcome any questions you might have for me to pass along.....
Thank you Steve Carter for being the man I have always known you to be and trying to get help out there for this very desperate situation...
I am a pretty tough ol' gal and after 97 hours with another reassignment I am completely over the edge and hence, the sick list....
I am so hurt and outraged that I have to choose "sick list" or leave my son indefinitely on twice-reassigned trip......
I thank you all for your e-mails...
I guess you did feel the pain...
I was trying to act tough about it but I am as sad as I am angry that we have given such a large amount of hard-earned dollars only to be shuttled back and forth with no sensitivity regarding our personal lives....
We could not even get crew-tracking on the phone to find out hotel, pick-up, and schedule the next day for legal sign-in....
Two agents working a trip next to our gate "walked off the job" because they could not get management or CSM over to the gate...
I got my TM changed to a PO because my FSM is a great lady that understands how dire the situation is but I plan on disputing it because I did not take P.O. and feel this is quite simply unacceptable and the company knows it!!!! I urge everyone to do the same as they are now changing "TM" to P.O. I shall also dispute my being on the "sick List" because of the physical and mental abuse suffered this month...
I am still so proud to be one of you and hopefully will be here long enough to see our careers restored and our Union strong and honest once again make me proud to wear the pin!!!! Thanks for your support....
Sniff Sniff.
I love you all.