AA Still Short Flight Attendants....

In response to Meechy...I hope you use your sick time fast so the people that pay good money on our airline to fly from point a to point b do not have to board a plane with someone like you. Your attitude is sad and gives other professional flight attendants a bad name. We are all in a bad situation and we should all try our best to work ourselves out of it. You will be helping the company soo much when you are gone. I sencond what Garfield said ....dont let the door hit you on the way out.
Come on now SKYANGEL....do some research. How many factories closed their doors and killed an entire town. Plenty look at the steel industry and steel factories. I bet the people in asia working in the NIKE factories are really happy makine pennies an hour. Please do not bring in factory work as a great family work place and a great way to work. If it was so good I would think you would still be there. Why would anyone quit a great place to work and become a flight attendant.
operaations said:
Come on now SKYANGEL....do some research. How many factories closed their doors and killed an entire town. Plenty look at the steel industry and steel factories. I bet the people in asia working in the NIKE factories are really happy makine pennies an hour. Please do not bring in factory work as a great family work place and a great way to work. If it was so good I would think you would still be there. Why would anyone quit a great place to work and become a flight attendant.
Before I worked for AA, I did some factory work, (a short time) but noticed how many employees looked at that job with pride.

I got a job at a factory. One day this guy comes walking through, it was a guy I used to date, I had broken up with him a few months earlier. He called me into the manager's office and asked me what I was doing there. I told him I was working, I asked, "what are YOU doing here"? He told me he owned the place, then he fired me. He said, he could not watch me work there. I told him, since he was never there to watch what difference did it make? It must have made a difference to him, since he fired me anyway.

And your missing the point of what I was saying.

Have you ever worked in a factory?

My mother was a super in a factory. Some are sweat shops, some are not. But again, I'm not getting bogged down chasing rabbits. Maybe you need to do some research, start by re-reading my post. Here let me help you:

It breaks my heart to see the worker pay the price for corporate raiders.
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Back to the subject at hand, as I was walking through DFW today on my way to my flight the gate agents from three different departures were telling passengers the reasons their flights were delayed was because AA was looking for flight attendants to man their particular flights. I guess you can say AA really is short flight attendants. I hope they get these problems figured out before the holidays. I can't imagine what they will say when there is nobody there to work these passengers flights during thanksgiving. How about giving thanks for your money and Goodluck getting to your final destination? ;)
operaations said:
In response to Meechy...I hope you use your sick time fast so the people that pay good money on our airline to fly from point a to point b do not have to board a plane with someone like you. Your attitude is sad and gives other professional flight attendants a bad name. We are all in a bad situation and we should all try our best to work ourselves out of it. You will be helping the company soo much when you are gone. I sencond what Garfield said ....dont let the door hit you on the way out.
Once again, you don't have to worry about me. I am now participating in the greatest scam that AA has going, the intermittent Family Leave. I can now call in sick twice a month and it doesn't go against my attendance. According to my latest HI1, I have 210 hours of sick time that I will be using before AA sees the last of me. American gave me the tools to work with and I am just using them to the best of my ability.

American Airlines gives proffesional flight attendants a bad name, you try working the schedules they expect from us and tell me how healthy you will be. This is NOT the job I signed on for and that's why I am leaving.

I have always had a good attendance and performance record with this company for the last 17 years, guess what, I have reached my limit. What makes this place even worse is my other job is with a company that actually treats it's employees like human beings, not cyborgs, who are supposed to perform for days on end with minimum rest while being couped up in a metal tube with everything from the common cold to ebola.

I just want to thank Garfield and operaations for their concern. It is appreciated, maybe if more people at AA were like them it would be a better place to work. :D

The numbers seem to be growing. . .

I am currently on the sick list..... I have been physically and
emotionally abused by this company.... I have had 4 reassignments
attempted in 5 weeks with two being successful... MY son has
been "neighbored" on two occassions because there was noone to take
him at the last minute and his dad was flying a trip... He is now
asking me when I will be back and if he will have to spend the night
out away from home....MY t/a was reassigned to overnight with less
than 8 behind the door and one leg return.. We got back yesterday
morning with the idea that we were finally going home as it was our
scheduled day off... We were notified by agent we were reassigned
again to sit over 5 hours and then go to Fresno and return the next
evening... I began sobbing uncontrollably and in front of passengers
stated we were being abused and I would be forced on the sick list
because I cannot leave my son again....The mod was notified by the
agent that a flight attendant was "falling apart" in front of
passengers. She put me on the phone to Abal and he asked me to come
to ops so the passengers would not see me.....when I got to the desk
there were 3 frantically assisting other F/a manning problems... He
looked up my record and asked what I want him to do... I told him I
am wiped out physically and mentally and I cannot leave my son again
not knowing when I can get back to him.... I am now on the sick list
and feel a breakdown is forthcoming...
What a crisis... ...
.... I am very tired, depressed and feel completely stripped of dignity and respect.... How sad!!! How could you allow this APFA????? We have hit rock bottom!!! We said it all along and here we are!!!!
"If" this is true I have to wonder why a mother of all people would not first consider her child and just call in sick. Does she really think the company is going to fire her for taking care of her child? Why all the drama? I have to really wonder how legitimate this post really is. Being that its posted from "another" board really makes me raise an eyebrow. I know that people are getting re-assignments, I have been one of them. I just have not heard of anyone who hasn't considered calling in sick when they start messing with your days off. My advice to this so called mother, YOUR SON COMES FIRST, call in sick and get in your minivan and go home. The Union will fight for you if/when the #### hits the fan.
She sounds like a true drama queen. Wont stand up for herself. Its AA's fault for doing this and APFA for allowing it. Get off your butts people and make a stand if you are to sick to go, call in sick. If you are physically or mentally exausted dont go. This is a job do not let it kill you.

Also if you use what little brains you have dont be so proud about holding lines that get you home at 9 am or noon. Guess what they are the first people to be grabbed for the extra segments.
FA Mikey said:
She sounds like a true drama queen. Wont stand up for herself. Its AA's fault for doing this and APFA for allowing it. Get off your butts people and make a stand if you are to sick to go, call in sick. If you are physically or mentally exausted dont go. This is a job do not let it kill you.
Let me take a wild guess here...You're not a parent, are you?

I know the person who posted the original message and she is a decent, hardworking, single parent. Her name is Linda and to say she won't stick up for herself is laughable.
If you knew this woman, you would know that is not the case.

You are right about one thing, though..."this is a job, do not let it kill you."

You don't have to be a parent to realize that your kids come first. Boo Hoo she got reassigned. Well she has a kid that needs watching, sorry the airline is going to have to run without her. Does she really think she can't tell AA she's not feeling well and go home? Come on, we're all adults. If you have priorities stick to them. When AA realizes that it can't run an airline with the number of F/A's it currently has then something will be done. Whats with the tears at the gate? I would hate to see her in an emergency.
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MiAAmi said:
" The Union will fight for you if/when the #### hits the fan.
What a joke....Do you really think the Union will fight for you? Just as one of the many furloughs how much the union cares about you or your health. I mean wasn't it the APFA who supposedly negotiated this new restructuring agreement creating the new work rules you are having to endure. Wake up and stop drinking the APFA Kool Aid! :eek:
FA Mikey said:
Its AA's fault for doing this and APFA for allowing it.
I have always thought that it was a union's obligation to look after the interests of all of its members, including those with special needs such patents of young children. Congress and President Clinton recognized that need and enacted the FMLA. The APFA, however, could care less about the needs of flight attendants with young children, according to this post by a former St. Louis APFA rep:

Last July, when AA started extending all of the LLC trips, I had a conversation with APFA about this and how it had hit us unexpectedly. I asked specifically about a single mom who has a turn and finds her trip extended for two days and no day car arranged.

APFA's response was short and simple. "TELL HER TO GET ANOTHER JOB"

Perhaps that was the answer because she was TWA.

How many "bad apples" has the union fought for and won their jobs back? We all know about situations where some of our less professional co-workers were caught stealing or whatever. You don't think the union has the ability to work for honest flight attendants that have kids at home that need taken care of. If your sick your sick. I think if theres any Kool Aid being drank its this poor single mother feeling intimidated by the company.

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