Not sure where you got the idea that we are not human and do not make mistakes. I have made mistakes and will do so in the future.
Being removed off a trip for a bogus 7D? Why would we open a trip just for the heck of it? Like we want to proffer MU and fill the trip just for grins. We get alerts of the PC notifying us of &D’s, 30/7 … etc. Some schedulers do not check to see if the alert still applies and just do the removal. SH%T happens but it is not a conspiracy.
If you were given a miss trip in error, then call your flt svcs supervisor and have it removed. Or better yet, call us and we will remove it. I have done it on numerous occasions.
Not sure about the 3 illegal trips. Would have to see that to see what happened.
Typically we only call you at 01:30 for 14:30 if we are swamped or short handed and want to make sure no one forgets to call you. I get turnovers on a regular basis that have notes about a FA with a late arrival and a note to call later in the day.
No you do not have to answer during your rest period but if you don’t want us to call you during the break, you have to call scheduling during your debrief and tell us. If you don’t call, we can call you.
I really do not understand why everyone thinks we are out to get you. We are stuck in the middle. We abide by your contract to the best of our ability. We are there to protect the operation and to cover the open positions as best as we can with in the guidelines of the contract. If we break it, and someone finds out, we get busted. I had a FA call the other week who got in late and was not released from the airport till midnight even though her seq showed it ended at 6p. I saw in the history that the balance of her seq was busted at around 11p. She had a 7a sign in. She brought it to our attention. She wanted to keep the trip but we had to remove her and pay her 3 hrs call out. She wanted to fly, I would have loved to let her fly because we were short FA’s but she had to be pulled. Do mistakes happen? He11 yes. Will they happen in the future? He11 yes.
If you are convinced that we are wrong, then refuse the trip, take the TM and see flt svcs. If we are wrong, the TM comes out. If we are right, then the TM stays. It’s very simple. Thing is, when you are thinking about that just keep in mine that with all the calls I have taken over the years, we are usually right. We deal with your contract 100 times a day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. We have heard your question more than once. Our copies of the contract are dog eared, paper clipped and highlighted where all the juicy stuff is.
We are just doing our job.