I am having trouble with US Aviation today due to what seems to be a database error that keeps occurring, so that keeps me from scrolling through all the posts fairly quickly. However, I have a practicality question that needs to be addressed at some point and that is who and how are the West to be represented by and how do they get equal financial support to do so.
USAPA is the sole bargaining unit. As such it controls the purse strings. It also controls, by its constitution, representation by and for the West pilots. So, how is West to be funded for legal and merger support in any negotiations when it is, by definition and law, part of USAPA. USAPA can simply pick up the phone and speak with legal counsel and that conversation and whatever work is required is paid for by USAPA. Who does West call and who pays for anything they perceive they may need to adequately represent their views on any potentially contested issues? Seham, Seham, Meltz & Petersen are conflicted on giving advice to West, both ethically and legally. So, does USAPA allow West to hire their own lawyers, accountants, etc. until a single CBA is ratified?
This is a serious question that needs consideration going forward.