If the verdict goes our way the east is pretty miuch cornered. They were allowed tremendous wiggle room to evade agreements through nebulous labor laws but now with the federal courts involved they will actually have to comply with the letter of the law. No more hiding, no more running. A verdict against the east will certainly be a surprise to the easties on here, but the damages part will probably put them over the edge. Many of them haven't a clue as to where they are really heading, but soon they will understand their "union" is nothing more than a gang of thugs. If only the shoe were on the other foot, you would see the courageous anonymous posters hiding behind screen names singing different tunes about what is appropriate for unions to do. Suing their own members isn't one, lying about the law, lying about the boudaries of what a union can and cannot do aren't there either. Dumb, emotional people started USAPA and that is why when confronted by a few savvy, intelligent west pilots who created AOL USAPA is crumbling. They cannot deliver on any of their campaign promises and one year into this abomination they have accomplished nothing! And we haven't even gotten to a verdict in the Addington case. What's going to happen then? USAPA is pretty much out of options- they painted themsleves into a corner through actions which will cost the east membership dearly.
Here is a possible scenario if Addington prevails: the damages will be a lot (way beyond the ~1.5 mil in legal expenses they will be paying for east and west). My take is assessments will be made to the east pilots (can't assess the west since we are all members of the same class action), nobody will pay, the union won't collect and then a federal judge will put the union into trusteeship. The trustee will collect the money (I estimate 2-3k for every east pilot) and make the west whole. Now, the divide between east and west will be bigger than ever, but again after the east launched its assault on the west the two groups were pretty much irreconcilable then so not much will have changed. This story is going to end with a federal remedy possibly with the help of another merger which would significantly dilute the stranglehold the emotional easties have on labor governance. Basically, we are seeing the death of a monster this week and the Addington name will be heard in many labor law classes as to what a labor union actually can do. Rewriting and ignoring arbitration decisions isn't one of them. Irresponsibility is going to come with a price.