I disagree with that, but I haven't seen an actual transcript of what the court reporter caught and how it came across on the record. However, in person my read was that Mr. Brengle was raising the same objections and his intent was to disrupt the cross-examination, which is not allowed.
As for preparedness, I thought he was prepared sufficiently. However, I really need to find a transcript and analyze it for what was said. My initial opinion was that it was a wash.
look everyone!...the paralegal thinks it was a wash. Well, that settles that.
The East case does not hinge on Sully, but hey, lets recap:
Hudson River event: 3 weeks of continuous National network coverage...can't find a channel not covering it, ad ininitem...every single day...washing over and over into people's minds.
"Hero Sully..." "Miracle on the Hudson..." etc etc....(you get the idea)
In court, 20 minutes of dialogue wherein Sully spoke about a failed policy, shocking unfairness, etc etc...
hmmm.... 500 hours of National network coverage versus 20 minutes on a stand fielding some questions by a rogue lawyer trying to shoot him down...
(yeah, a wash...) With a whole weekend to consider in their mind the most imprinted impressions?....the West is in trouble....just from day 1....
I note the carpet-bombing now of Sully on these boards since he "had no dog in this"...
He spoke HIS truth....was he prepared? maybe...isn't EVERYONE who goes on the stand?...paralegal/counselor?
You seem to be compelled to render your impressions from your vast legal experience on these boards, so I think it's apprpriate to have you expound on your credentials that warrant such testimony....
Now, Sully PERSONALLY will be denied the J/S from West Captains....that will be great headlines going forward...maybe we can call your "New Times" people and run an ad...
The (predictable) West reaction to this is self-explanatory....destroy Sully since he destroyed you
Whatever....he has a book deal.
You get DOH with a fence.