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US Pilots labor thread 4/17-

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You guys in AZ play fast and loose with the law. It is going to be laughable when you see how far that wacky judge was out of bounds. When that day comes, we are going to see this board light up with one notable exception.
Again it is the east that has it back wards. It is the west that has found victory in the courts. Addington case, we have the injunction. The ninth has ruled against usapa about the stay. The east coast judge ruled against usapa in the RICO suit. The east coast judge has denied usapa in the PBGC suit.

Just who is playing and fast and loose?
You guys in AZ play fast and loose with the law. It is going to be laughable when you see how far that wacky judge was out of bounds. When that day comes, we are going to see this board light up with one notable exception.

Nope, just truth and honesty...something the east does not have.

Its fun to sue when you have truth and honesty on your side..when you don't, you hire someone like seham to defend the corruption of usapa and its founders.
Perhaps, but not for anything releated to our little debate. He may have simply made a statement pertaining to another pilot's side business & the possible ethnicity of that person. Socially unacceptable? Perhaps.

That said, it doesn't change the fact that his posts pertaining to the legal paths that we take are pretty much spot on.

Aquagreen73 is long gone....another east victory??????

I love Cleary as well. He is one of the best things to happen to the west pilot group.

Cleary has done wonders for the west side, as well as Bradford. SIngle cert was probably the best thing that moved this forward, next to the emotional charge and unscrupulous tactics in Judge Wake's courtroom. Well, now we are about to come back to Phoenix for the damages trial and I look forward to the stalwarts around here to declare publicly how happy they are to be writing a check to me and my colleagues out west. I CAN NOT WAIT! This is probably THE week where we see justice coming to a head. Although there are a few landmines the USAPA brain trust have yet to run into, without question the highlight of this integration is about to play out. It will be interesting to see how much USAPA will have to pony up... Better than Christmas! HO HO HO
Perhaps, but not for anything releated to our little debate. He may have simply made a statement pertaining to another pilot's side business & the possible ethnicity of that person. Socially unacceptable? Perhaps.

That said, it doesn't change the fact that his posts pertaining to the legal paths that we take are pretty much spot on.

Aquagreen73 is long gone....another east victory??????

I love Cleary as well. He is one of the best things to happen to the west pilot group.
His legal posts spot on? If you believe in your fantasy Camp Nicolau. That is the camp Westies go in the summer when they want to hear the fairy tales of how they take seniority away from other pilots, and then win buckets of money. A real lawyer would not have made such a stupid remark. That was unbelievably racist and demeaning. Sums up the entire group of comments that spewed out over time. Good riddance. Put that in the legal review.
If this were a "crime"....someone would be going to jail. This is a civil suit. Unfortunately for you HP, when the time comes to pay.....you will be paying too.

We are all USAPA or represented by USAPA....whether you like it or not.

The company would tell you in its contract negotiations that it's just business...not personal.....you might feel like they've committed a crime....but it's just business. They are looking after their interests....you are looking after yours...and we are looking after ours. It's that simple.
You need to go back and check with the usapa handlers. You got this one wrong.

Usapa has been calling the RICO guys criminals. Are any of those guys in jail? Any chance that any of those guy would go to jail?

Usapa has violated federal law by being found liable of DFR.

You can delude yourself into thinking that it is just business. But it is personal and emotional. If it were just a business decision then after 5 years of a bad contract and seeing no possible way to change the Nicolau. A business decision would be to cut your losses, accept the Nicolau and move forward to a new contract. But refusing to accept reality is not a business decision it is emotion.

When the ninth rules against you and you have no where else to go will it still be a business decision?
Otter, you are flying too high in that Beaver. Come down below 10k and we'll start talking again when things CLEARy up.

Beaver??, maybe if you could get your aircraft correct?...it's an Otter DHC3.
Cleary has done wonders for the west side, as well as Bradford. SIngle cert was probably the best thing that moved this forward, next to the emotional charge and unscrupulous tactics in Judge Wake's courtroom. Well, now we are about to come back to Phoenix for the damages trial and I look forward to the stalwarts around here to declare publicly how happy they are to be writing a check to me and my colleagues out west. I CAN NOT WAIT! This is probably THE week where we see justice coming to a head. Although there are a few landmines the USAPA brain trust have yet to run into, without question the highlight of this integration is about to play out. It will be interesting to see how much USAPA will have to pony up... Better than Christmas! HO HO HO
Seeing how you get your legal ammunition from the shot down 73, and the verbiage that spewed from that source, good luck. See you guys later. We've all had enough fun for a while, see you Aqua. Let us know when you are coming back.
Luv, just make sure you make the check payable to P R E C H I L I L L... Thanks! Nice doing business with you!

Edit: I meant to say checkS since you will be making one a month out. My guestimate, based on the 145 furloughs alone, is about 800 a month.
Seeing how you get your legal ammunition from the shot down 73, and the verbiage that spewed from that source, good luck. See you guys later. We've all had enough fun for a while, see you Aqua. Let us know when you are coming back.

A federal court room will be usapa's end and along with it's change for the better of ALL USAIRWAYS pilots.

Not this board, although certain east comments will help.
Luv, just make sure you make the check payable to P R E C H I L I L L... Thanks! Nice doing business with you!

Edit: I meant to say checkS since you will be making one a month out. My guestimate, based on the 145 furloughs alone, is about 800 a month.
I see you go to Camp Nicolau too! This check winning is so laughable. Show us one check paid, show us one implemented Nic list. Then I will believe. It is all a big fantasy, dreamed up the AZ, the land of wacky judges, lawyers and sheriffs.
I see you go to Camp Nicolau too! This check winning is so laughable. Show us one check paid, show us one implemented Nic list. Then I will believe. It is all a big fantasy, dreamed up the AZ, the land of wacky judges, lawyers and sheriffs.

I'm glad you are taking this so well. Peace 🙂
I see you go to Camp Nicolau too! This check winning is so laughable. Show us one check paid, show us one implemented Nic list. Then I will believe. It is all a big fantasy, dreamed up the AZ, the land of wacky judges, lawyers and sheriffs.


Be sure and advise seham and bradford to wear their best uniforms. usapa wouldn't like any lasting impressions.
To all my friends, Friday was a wonderful day for us- we knew from the beginning we were on the right side of the law and tried to help our friends on the east understand this. Unfortunately for them, they chose not to listen and instead pursued a destructive path which is about to manifest itself with their bank accounts, maybe as soon as a few weeks. We are about to see the pain quantified in dollar terms with the damages trial, the second phase of the trial of which USAPA was found guilty and liable by a jury of Americans. Remember, though, this is what they wanted- they are happy with their decisions and for this I am glad they have the candor to work for their bankruptcy wages all the while sending monthly checks our way. To each his own, I guess!

Be sure and advise seham and bradford to wear their best uniforms. usapa wouldn't like any lasting impressions.

As soon as Doug actually figures out who and when to merge with another carrier, the east folk's plan of seperate ops will be gone like a prom dress.

The only list you will be able to use is the Nic. Period. With no additional conditions or restrictions, either.

Your unethical, slimy tactics are despised by a neutral arbitrator, a federal judge, a jury of our peers, the 9th circuit court of appeals, every other major airline in this country, the general population and the west pilots. You will be forced to pay dearly, and soon.
USAPA knows how these things are going to turn out when they file them. These are hurdles being tossed your way to keep you occupied. When you clear one...... there is another one to jump. It is all about the fence. One day, there will be more west pilots left on the property than east and you will finally succeed. We know that day is coming. But guess what.....it won't be tomorrow.....it won't be next week....it won't be next year. And when you clear the next hurdle.....you will find that there will just be another one there for you to jump.

Well at least your Man enough to finally admit what we already knew. You're the first one I've seen. In almost ANY other circumstance I could respect this tactic. The real problem is what you're describing is patently illegal and discriminatory. You cannot threaten to terminate a West pilots career by demanding payment for the clearly defined behavior you have outlined above. It's called extortion. USAPA has a very clearly defined DUTY TO FAIRLY REPRESENT all pilots. If you stayed ALPA, this would have worked for you. By Forming USAPA and stripping the West of all REAL, (not phony, easily ignored) representation, the East pilots moved from a position of being able to protect their perceived interests to a point where there WAS NO MORE "East or West". That's what screwed you and that's why this Nic. Award will eventually...read sooner rather than later...be implemented by Judicial means. Wake touched on it and at the time, decided against it.

The East pilots will not be allowed to dictate the terms much longer. I really wish the East would have moved off of DOH and read the tea leaves a little better. They probably could have done better than the Nic if some forward thinking, rational minds had been involved. Instead it was All or nothing, winner take all, take no prisoners. That attitude has completely failed the East and the craziest thing of all, is that type of behavior was amplified by orders of magnitude as soon as USAPA showed up. This B.S. Does not work!!! Hopefully some adult supervision will eventually show up over there.
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