Where do I start? You guys wonder why no east pilots post here or even on the Cactus web board. Fact is....we just don't care what you have to say. You can talk till you're blue in the face and it will not change one east pilot's mind. I'm sure you read the other board. It is amusing to see the west pilots fight among themselves. The west has ALMOST 1000 Members in Good Standing (MIG's) and the east has roughly 2800 MIG's. How close are we to a contract? Even your own pilots on the other board acknowledge that we will not move forward until the east pilots decide to move forward. What evidence of that do you see? Yes, yes, yes....LOA 93 forever. Etc..Etc.
The EVP position doesn't matter. The 9th doesn't matter. SCOTUS doesn't matter. Damages trial doesn't matter. I know there are a few here that think damages will be limited to the East pilots. I have news for you....even your own pilots on the other forums acknowledge that damages would be against USAPA....not against a specific group of pilots. Guess what....we are ALL USAPA. The west will pay for 40% of their own damages if that actually occurs. What DOES matter is that there will be a vote for a new contract whenever that arrives. How far away do you think that is? How many pilots do you think there are in the east that will vote for a new contract with the Nic in it?
95% of the pilots on the east realize that Nic is not going away. This has always been about delay/fence with the chance of getting rid of it. The E190 F/O's you speak of, I was one at one time, know that a contract = no job. I rode the jumpseat on one last week. The F/O only had 3 people under him in the entire company. Guess what.....he doesn't want the Nic. He realizes that Nic = unemployment. He would rather have his 50K a year job than no job at all. Ask your furloughs on the west if they would like to have that job. The captain I flew with last week was ex-PSA. He still lives in a west coast city. He commutes on the west every week. I never even brought up the Nic or the west. He DID! To hear him talk about the west you would have thought he was a junior F/O instead of a senior AB captain. He wants no part of the west. He just wants to finish his days here and retire.
It is almost amusing to watch the 10 or so posters on here that celebrate and high five each other every time there is some news announcement about how Judge Wake has upheld something or the 9th has ruled against USAPA. USAPA knows how these things are going to turn out when they file them. These are hurdles being tossed your way to keep you occupied. When you clear one...... there is another one to jump. It is all about the fence. One day, there will be more west pilots left on the property than east and you will finally succeed. We know that day is coming. But guess what.....it won't be tomorrow.....it won't be next week....it won't be next year. And when you clear the next hurdle.....you will find that there will just be another one there for you to jump.
On a final note. This isn't personal......it's business. The east is looking after its own much like the west is looking out for their own. I don't have a thing against a single west pilot. You are fighting for your cause, we are fighting for ours. As to individual people, there are quite a few west pilots that i consider friends. Just because we don't see eye to eye on this doesn't make either one of us bad people. It is an unfortunate situation......but it is what it is.